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1、2A-M1M4 TESTClass_Name_ Test No._听力部分: 45%I.Listen and circle(圈出听到的单词 ) 8%1.A . ferryB. fly2. A. pencilB. pizza3.A. niceB. dance4. A. eggB. eight5.A. comeB. some6. A. busB. taxi7.A. roadB. read8. A. bikeB. biscuitII.Listen and circle (圈出听到的句子 ) 10%1.A. This is a cat.B. That s a cake.2.A. Is that Ben

2、s father ?B. Is this Bens brother3.A. Happy birthday!B. Happy New Year!4.A. Draw a bag on the paper.B. Draw a bed on the paper.5.A. Does Peter like to swim?B. Does Peter like to sleep?III. Listen and number( 听音, 给下列单词编号 ) 8%mooncakevanbinwrite()()()()sleepnoodlescleanwater()()()()IV.Listen and circl

3、e(听音,圈出与听到单词的同类词)5%1.cakestrawberryjuice2.bedpinkrun3.finecarI4.duckteacherdesk5.zootreekiteV. Listen and number (听音, 给下列句子编号 )8%()Where are you going ,Sam?()By ferry.()To Jingmao Building.()Come and go with me.()How do you go there?()OK.()Look! The ferry is coming.()Hurry up! http:/ww w.xkb1VI.List

4、en and choose(听音, 选出正确的应答句 )6%第 1页1A.I m at the bus-stop.B. Its a bus-stop.2. A. I go by taxi. B. That s a taxi.3. A.I like to play. B. She likes to play.4. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, thank you.5. A . I like dogs.B. I like ice-creams.6. A. Yes, I love Shanghai. B. Yes, I live in Shanghai.笔 部分: 55%

5、I. 默写 26 个大小写字母: 26%_II. 出正确的 填入横 上:8%1. I live_(on, in )Shanghai.2. Where _( do ,are)you live?3. The boys are waiting_(to, for) the train.4. Have _(a, an)orange, please.5. I haven t got_(any, some) water.6.Oh, the car is coming. Get_(off, in )the car.7.I go to school _(at, by) bike.8. Come and play

6、_(with, and) me.III. 圈出不同 的 8%1. boatplaneshipferry2. drawwritejuiceread3. Iyouheme4. desktablefloorchairIV.Choice (将正确答案的字母写在前面的括号里) 5%() 1. There is_orange_the table.A. an toB. a onC. an on() 2. I see_my_.A.witheyesB. in eyesC. with eye()3. This _my grandfather. He is_.A. is oldB. are goodC. are o

7、ld第 2页()4. Lets go to Hangzhou_train.A. onB.byC. in()5. May I_some milk?A. hasB. hadC. haveV.Read and judge((阅读短文并判断,正确的用“”不正确的用“X”8%Tony is a boy. He lives in Shanghai. Hes nine years old. Hes not tall. But(但是 )he s fat. He likes to play football and read books. Tom is his friend. Tonyoften (经常 ) plays football with Tom. Theyre happy.()1. Tony lives in Shanghai.()2. Tony is short and fat.()3. Tom and Tony are friends.()4. Tony can play basketball第 3页


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