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1、和静第一中学英语导学案年级 七 课Unit 6 Section B 第三课时 主备人胡玉珍 一用括号中所给词的正确形式填空.1There are some _(西红柿)in the basketball2She _(有)ice cream for dessert. 3_(健康)food is important. 4She _(不)play sports. 5_ your mother _(看)TV every day? 6The little girl likes _(草莓)a lot. 7Lots of children like _(踢)football. 8Chicken _(是)ve

2、ry delicious. 9My daughter _(去)to school from Monday to Friday.10. Lucy eats lots of _(健康的)food every day.11. How _(多少)apples do you have?12Liu Xiang is a _ _(跑步明星)二单项选择( )1Tom likes eggs ,oranges and bananas _ breakfast.A. in B. of C. for D. on( )2. There are _ fruits on the table.A. lots of B. lot

3、 of C. a lot D. lots for( )3. For _ lunch , she has some hamburgers.A. a B. an C. the D. /( )4. . This is my sister , _name is lily.A. she B. she is C. Her D. her( )5.Lets have oranges. _.AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DThat sounds good( )6. He is _ student _Class 4.A. the , i

4、n B. a , of C. a , in D. an , on ( )7. That is _ room.A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucys D. Lilys and Lucy( )8. -Do you know the girl in the hat? -_.A. Yes, I am. B. Yes , she is. C. Yes, I know. D. Yes , I do.( )9.Lets _.A. go home B. to go to home C. go to home D. to go home( )1

5、0. _ like French fries. A. He and I B. I and he C. He and me D. I and him ( )11. The boy _ hamburgers very much. So he eats a lot.A. like B. likes C. dont like D. doesnt like( )12He has _ egg and _ hamburger. Aan, an Ba, a Can, a Da, an( )13There is a _ shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and oran

6、ges. Avegetable Bfood Cfruit Ddrink( )14There is some _ on the table. Atomato Begg Cchicken Dbanana( )15.We need lots of _ every dayAhealthy food Bsalads Cmilks Dvegetable三选择正确的词填空am is are do does can dont1I _ a student. My name _ Li Hong. 2She _ my friend. Her name _ Wang Mei. 3Where _ your balls?

7、 They _ under the bed. 4_ those apples? Yes, they _. 5On Sunday, I _ watch TV. I must do my homework. 6 _ her daughter have a nice English name? Yes, she does. 7 _ you spell the word? Sorry, I cant8_ his grandparents like him? 9 Where _ I? You _ in a new place. 10 What _ your uncle love? He loves sp

8、orts. 四根据中文完成句子:1我喜欢花椰菜,你喜欢吗? I like _. _ you like _?2他甜食喜欢香蕉,她喜欢吗?He _ _ bananas _ _. _ she like _?3他们中饭喜欢胡萝卜,你们呢?They like _ _ _. _ _ you?4Jim非常喜欢鸡肉。 Jim _ chicken _ _.5.让我们吃沙拉,不。我不喜欢沙拉. _ _ salad. No, I dont like _.6我早饭喜欢吃鸡蛋。我爸爸中饭喜欢吃汉堡。我妈妈晚饭喜欢吃西红柿。我妹妹甜食喜欢吃冰激淋。I like _ _ breakfast. My father_ hamb

9、urgers _ _. My mother likes _ _ _. My sister likes ice cream_ _.7赛跑的人吃得好。 _ eat _.五句型转换:1I like apples . (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _?2. He likes pears. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _?3.My father likes eggs for dinner. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ father _ for dinner?4Li and Wang like French fries.(改为否定句)They _ _ French fries.5Does Tom like eggs for breakfast?(否定回答) _ , _ _.


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