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1、第三课时Section A(4a 4c)1 基础过关 .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1 This mountain is 1,400 meters above sea level( 水平 )2 Lily works very hard and she can get good grades( 分数 ) all the time.3 What do you think is special( 特别的 ) in Grade 7?4 Mike is a senior( 级别高的 ) officer in the army.5 More and more people are used to send

2、ing text( 文本 ) messages on their mobile phones. .单项选择。(B) 6.Sue wasnt happy because she _ the concert given by her favorite singer.A took part inB missedC bought(A) 7. When _ we go to see Uncle Wang? Lets make it tomorrow morning.A shallB doC are(C) 8. Excuse me, what time does Flight BA 2793 leave?

3、 Just a minute.I _ it for you.A will surveyB will buyC will check(C) 9. Do you still remember_me somewhere in Beijing? Yes, of course.Two years ago.A facingB lookingC seeing(A) 10. Do you have any problems _ your English? Yes.I have difficulty _ texts.A with; readingB read; studyCin ;with .根据汉语意思完成句

4、子,每空一词。11我盼望收到你的来信。I am looking forward to hearing from you.12不管有多远,我都步行去那里。No matter how far it is , Ill go there on foot.13在我们再次相遇之前,六年过去了。第 1页Six years went by before we met again.14你还记得在青岛的经历吗?Do you still remember your experience in Qingdao?15你在八年级自愿帮助过别人吗?Did you volunteer to help others in Gr

5、ade 8?2 能力提升 .阅读理解。请阅读下列五本图书简介,将其与上面书橱中陈列的书籍相匹配。其中有一项为多余选项。16.The story is about a young man who wants to climb Mount Qomolangma.He meets a girl called Tashi.She begs him to find out why her 16-year-old friend Kami never came back from the mountain.The young man accepts the challenge.He is troubled

6、a lot on his journey to the north face of the mountain.17.This is a story about a nine-year-old girl Liesel who lost her parents in the World War.In hernew life with a new family, she makes friends with Rudy Steiner.Together , Liesel and Rudy stealbooksfrom Nazi camps , from the library and from the

7、 richer people in town.18.The book is filled with records on lifes simple pleasures.The author takes a friendly attitude tolife , which comes from Chinese Taoism.“ If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in aperfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live ,” said Lin.19.Randy Pausch, a

8、 computer science teacher, was asked to give a lecture.He knew it would probably be his last lecture ,because he was dying of cancer at the time.But his lecture wasnt about dying.It was about overcoming difficulties and helping others to achieve their dreams.20.Do you know how the earliest umbrella was made? What physics knowledge can we find in anumbrella ? Thisbooktells us all.Itincludes the introductionofChinesefolkcultureandinteresting physics.The book also has hand drawn pictures of things that we used in the past.16.F17.C18.D19.E20.A第 2页


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