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1、xx年X月X日精品范文-仓管员的英文自我评价_自我评价很多时候,当自己沉淀下来,窥探自己的内心,写下自己的自我评价,这样才可以不断进步。但是自我评价要怎么写呢下面是为大家带来的仓管员的英文自我评价,相信对你会有帮助的。仓管员的英文自我评价(文章一)I am a domestic enterprise warehouse keeper,in this pany for four years,from a graduate do not understand anything to the current four years Cangguan experience of the old man,

2、I thank the pany for my training,thank my colleagues They helped me at work.Think back to their own student life,as if in sight.The following is my work self-evaluation:In graduation,I graduated with honors,the first job to find the xx pany warehouse management work,and my professional counterparts,

3、I feel very lucky.I have a solid professional knowledge in school,excellent academic performance;have a strong organizational coordination,planning activities and public relations capacity;has a good team spirit,good munication and collaboration with people.For the modern warehouse management,is bas

4、ically the concept of management,operation has been very mature,but as a warehouse staff must master the operation erp,Invoicing and other software I have a hard time,so into the panys When using the office software / erp operation,I am far better than the other peting staff.I always thought I was a

5、 calm,outgoing,strong learning ability of people,while understanding the basic marketing and some economic aspects of knowledge.For their own evaluation,I think it is a strong social practice,the ability to accept new things fast;has good ideological quality,hobbies,honest and trustworthy;good munic

6、ation,have a better language skills,quick thinking;work initiative High-performance,serious and responsible work,the spirit of hard-working people.I am very fond of my profession,I also like my job very much,I would like to thank my parents and pany for my training and support,I feel very lucky I ca

7、n play in my professional expertise and ability to work in business services,I will,as always,to 100% of the energy to serve the pany,to create their own future.仓管员的英文自我评价(文章二)In a blink of an eye,the three month probationary period is over,and in this short month I have learned a lot of things I ha

8、ve never learned before and have never touched.Also felt himself into a relationship and - harmonic,unity and struggle,a positive team.Very grateful to the pany,I would like to thank the leadership gave me such a learning opportunity.Just enter the pany do not understand the pany,but also remember t

9、hat has had a hazy,First of all,in the three months of raw materials warehouse,familiar with the raw material storage process,familiar with the use of FIFO materials out of the library processDuring this period,whenever the problems encountered,my colleagues will be patient to explain,I think they a

10、re very enthusiastic,in them I have learned a lot of things.Please rest assured that the leadership,I will work conscientiously,although my education is not high,but I will work hardDuring the internship,he served as the basic responsibility of warehouse management,participated in the storage and ma

11、nagement,order management,visual management,5S management,FIFO management and Kanban management activities.An understanding of each item:First: out of storage management,see a single operation,how can send and receive,on what basis to send and receive documents,conscientiously verified,careful inven

12、tory,handover,face to face signature;seriously according to strict procedures.Second: the order management,warehouses play part of the control function,understanding of safety stock,working capital,the highest stock,procurement of bulk,closely follow up each item Invoicing,timely submission of mater

13、ial shortage purchase;Can continue to supply the production line,on the one hand to ensure that reduce inventory,on the one hand take into account the procurement cycle and procurement costs,to find a balance,statistics of each material of the month to receive with the law,understanding the purchase

14、 of economic volume and cycle,prehensive analysis,continuousattention.Fourth: 5S management,the basis of on-site management work,as important as the warehouse management,warehousing fixed-point quantitative principle is to do a good job rectification work,warehouses warehouses in charge of the class

15、ification of goods,sorted out,warehouse Many items,in the delivery of storage and delivery of various types of activities,the need for an orderly and tidy work environment,and only do a good job sorting and cleaning work in order to ensure the efficiency and quality of these efforts.Warehouse manage

16、ment is a long-term repetitive work,it is necessary to develop a good habit,every day to do a good job,Nissin clean,5S literacy to have a very big help.Fifth: FIFO management is one of the three principles of warehouse management,not the implementation of FIFO can easily lead to overstock,easy to pr

17、oduce goods deterioration,easy to produce engineering changes the risk of scrapping.The implementation of FIFO approach to the colored standard method,dual-zone shift method of goods,gravity method,the most stringent accounting records recount method.仓管员的英文自我评价(文章三)I calm steady,outgoing personality

18、,strong learning ability has the strong organization ability.Able to skillfully use office software/erp operation,understand the basic knowledge of marketing and other aspects of economy,in this years work accumulated some knowledge in warehouse management.Solid professional knowledge,excellent grad

19、es;Has the strong organization coordinated ability,activity planning ability and public relations skills;Have good team spirit,good at munication and collaboration with others;Social practice ability strong,to accept new things ability.Have the good thought quality,the hobby is widespread,honest and

20、 trustworthy;Good at munication,have good language expression ability,can very good in English with foreigners fluent munication;The thought is agile,Work initiative high,serious and responsible work,bears hardships and stands hard work spirit.Strong self-learning ability,good at thinking,bears hard

21、ships and stands hard work,have good munication skills,good at getting along with others,good team cooperation spirit,love sports.But man is not perfect,still has some deficiencies in some respects,such as knowledge,social experience,etc.;But Im sure these are all can learn through their own efforts

22、 to improve,I also is toward this direction diligently!Bell is ringing,graduation empress is the test of practice,only to find that in the middle of the internship,society is not as simple as I thought.In the face of the first job,will face too much lv,overe from the difficulties.Inventory work for

23、a warehouse tube - Richard - member is not strange,because it is a must work to be done every month.Everyone cannot have the effect of the other point of view,because the relationship to the understanding of the panys assets at the top and the beginning of the New Year can have a better,is a must fo

24、r me.Inventory before,I like a cat on hot bricks,every day for the physical account,card,whether consistent but busy.But Im busy are worth it,my job is to be sure,because my inventory work very well,this is I should be proud of,if the work is not good at ordinary times,inventory before again busy al

25、so useless.Even though the PanDian ended,a lot of good aspects I will continue to follow.In organizing,learning is also very big,I just contact the work,in the careful coaching of colleagues,serious do it will be necessary to separate from the discretionary,so-called necessities in post only necessi

26、ties,refers to the items,often must be used without it,you must buy substitutes,otherwise it will affect the work.Whatever its use frequency per hour or every day use,are called necessities.The processing method is where often use,such as the telephone;Or carry,such as a pen.LiLi,therefore,the key i

27、s to use frequency usage is determine the benchmark,and then do the non-essential items in accordance with the use value,the no use value,respectively.I can do the second consolidation,is must classify the goods in and out of the frequency,and according to the priorities,establish replenish onrs sto

28、ck,delivery,inventory and other operation standard operating operationalization and xxtitutionalized,and operated in accordance with the standardized and xxtitutionalized;To analyze how to use,storage in the warehouse or the warehouse loading and unloading efficiency ization,to ize the use of space,and then enhance the pany image,keep pace with modern marketing.


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