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1、最新最全2011年全国各地中考英语单项选择题分类汇总动词时态 【2011北京】1. Paul ant I _ tennis yesterday. He did much better than 1.A. play B. will play C. played D. are playing【2011北京】2. Wheres Tom? His mother _ him now.A. is looking for B. will look forC. has looked for D. Looks for【2011北京】3. My aunt is a writer. She _ more than

2、ten books since 1980.A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write【2011北京】4. What were you doing this time yesterday?I _ on the grass and drawing a picture.A. sit B. sat C. am sitting D. was sitting【2011陕西】5. Some students in Shanghai e-bags for several months. A. have B. have had C. had D. will h

3、ave【2011广东清远】6. Echo _ for half a month. Shell come hack in two months.A. left B leave C. has left D. has been away【2011广西百色】7.The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008,they _ there for three years since then. A. live B. lived C. have lived D. will live【2011广西百色】8.A big party was held in NO.18 Middle Scho

4、ol last night, the teacher with students _ singing and dancing happily at the party. A. is B. was C. are D. were【2011广西桂林】9. Look! The boys _ football on the playground. A. plays B. play C. are playing D. played【2011广西桂林】10. Have you ever been to Nanning? Yes, _ .A. I wasB. I doC. I amD. I have【2011

5、河北省】11. My sister wants a new dress. She it to the party,A. wears B. has worn C. wore D. is going to wear【2011河北省】12.I didnt hear you because I the news on the radio.A. listen to B. am listening to C. listened to D. was listening to【2011河北省】13. I my homework, I guess I cant join you.A. dont finish B

6、. didnt finish C. havent finished D. wont finish【2011河南省】14. I called you at 4:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.Sorry, I _ with my friends at that time.A. swim B. swam C. will swim D. was swimming【2011河南省】15. Excuse me, where is Mr. Browns office?Sorry, I dont know. I_ here for only a few

7、 days.A. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work【2011黑龙江绥化市】16.Where is Bob? He _to Harbin for a meeting.A. went B. has been C. has gone【2011黑龙江绥化市】17. Dont make so much noise. The children _an English lesson.A. have B. are having C. were having【2011江苏徐州】18. I was very angry with Johnhe just_ whe

8、n I spoke to him.A. isnt listening B. hasnt listened C. didnt listen D. wasnt listening【2011江苏徐州】19. Are you going to the bank, Laura? No, I _ to the bank already.A. have been B. have gone C. am going D. had been【2011内蒙古包头】20. Mr. Black is going to marry a girl he _ in Japan last year. A. meets B. m

9、etC. has metD. would meet【2011湖南湘潭】21. Mr. Li _ us a report on our environment when the earthquake happened in Japan.A. gave B.is giving C. was giving【2011呼和浩特】22. He went into his room, the light and began to work. A. has turned on B. turned off C. turned on D. has turned off【2011呼和浩特】23. -Oh, you

10、are here. Im looking for you all the morning. ? -To the library. A. Where have you gone B. Where will you go C. Where are you going D. Where have you been?【2011呼和浩特】24. The girl with two cats in the yard when the earthquake happened. A. was playing B. is playing C. are playing D. were playing【2011四川

11、达州】25.I dont know if Aunt Li these “stay-home children tomorrow morning. If I her, I would come earlier. A. will come to take care of; am B. come to look after; were C. will come to take care of; were D. comes to come up with; am 【2011四川广元】26. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?Yes, I there last month.

12、A. went to B. have been C. went【2011四川南充】27. He_ in this city since his family moved to Nanchong.A. live B. lived C. has lived【2011四川南充】28. Today is Womens Day. My father and I _ a special gift for my mother now.A. make B. made C. are making【2011四川宜宾】29. I _ when the UFO landed.A. am watching TV B.

13、was watching TV C. have watched TV D. watched TV【2011四川资阳】30.Whats that noise? Oh, I forgot to tell you. The neighbours _ for a party. A. prepare B. are preparing C. will prepare D. have prepared【2011四川资阳】31. So far this year, many new houses _ in Wenchuan with the help of the government. A. build B

14、. are built C. will build D. have been built【2011天津】32. My grandmother _ a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here. Asees B. can see C. will see D. has seen【2011乌鲁木齐】33.The meeting _ by the time I got there yesterday.A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun【2011广西柳州】34. You have foun

15、d your lost umbrella, havent you? Yes. I _ it behind the door this afternoon. A. have found B. will find C. found【2011辽宁沈阳】35. Listen! The phone . Please go to answer it.A. rings B. is ringing C. rang D. will ring【2011贵州毕节】36I many new friends since I came hereAmake Bmade Cwill make Dhave made【2011贵

16、州毕节】37What did MrSmith do before he came to China?He in a car factoryAworked Bworks Cis working Dwill work【2011福建莆田】38. Mrs. Weng came back from France in 2010. She _ there for four years.A. works B. worked C. has worked【2011广东深圳】39. Mr. Lee _ to a student when I entered the classroom this morning.-

17、 He is very patient _ _he is young.A. talking; but B. talks; though C. was talking, though D. talked, however【2011广西梧州】40. Please turn off the radio, grandma _now. OK, Ill do it right now.A. sleeping B. will sleep C. slept D. sleeps【2011广西梧州】41. I met a good friend of mine while I on the street.A. w

18、alks B. walk C. was walking D. am walking【2011广西梧州】42. I dont know if Mr. Li _ to the party this evening.- I think he will come if he _ free.A. will come; is B. will come; will be C. comes; is D. comes; will be【2011贵州贵阳】43. Wheres your brother, Jane? Hes not in Guiyang these days. He_ Beijing.A. has

19、 gone to B. has been to C. had been to【2011湖南湘西】44. Whats the best present you have ever _? A. received B. receives C. receiving【2011湖南湘西】45. What are you doing? Im _ TV. A. watching B. watches C. watched【2011四川雅安】46. She _ this book for nearly three weeks. A. has borrowed B. has lent C. has bought

20、D. has kept【2011四川雅安】47. They _ England and they will be back next week. A. have gone to B. have been to C. have gone in D. has been on【2011辽宁本溪】48.Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai? Yes, he _ there for two months. A. has beenB. has goneC. has been toD. has gone to【2011辽宁本溪】49.Were you at school when h

21、e came to see you?Yes, I _ a math class.A. hadB. was having C. am havingD. have【2011宁夏】50. My brother and I _ in Yinchuan since 1997.A. had lived B. have lived C. live D. will live【2011宁夏】51. Tom, along with three other boys, seen playing football a moment ago.A. is B. was C. are D. were【2011宁夏】52.

22、When will he leave for Shanghai?As soon as he _ his work.A. finished B. will finish C. is finishing D. finishes【2011四川凉山】53.Ten minutes ago, there _ an eraser, a pen and some books on the desk. A. was B. were C. is【2011广西崇左】54.-Where is Michael? -He _TV at home ,I think. A. watches B. watched C. is

23、watching D. was watching 【2011广西崇左】55.What_you do if you had a million dollars ? A. would B. will C. did D. do【2011广西贵港】56.Lin Kai, hand in your homework, please. Oh, sorry. I _ it at home this morning. A. was leaving B. has left C. will leave D. left【2011广西贵港】57. My pen pal said he would write to m

24、e, but I _ any letters from him so far. A. wont receive B. havent received C. hadnt received D. didnt receive【2011广西贺州】58.The workers _a new bridge now. The traffic in Guangzhou will be better soon.A. build B. were building C. built D. are building【2011广西贺州】59. Our country _the sixth population cens

25、us(人口普查) already.A. finished B. has finished C. will finish D. finishes【2011湖南郴州】60. I_ my homework at nine oclock last Sunday morning.A. am doing B. was doing C. do【2011广东河源】61.By the time I got to the cinema,the movie _ for ten minutes. A. had begun B. had been on C. has started D. has been on【201

26、1贵州遵义】62.Thomas _ the army for two years, so he misses his mother very much. A. has joined B. has taken part in C. has been in【2011贵州遵义】63.Jenny! Do you know that one-third of the boys in our class _ the singer Zhang Shaohan? A. like B. likes C. liking【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】64. Dont make so much noise. The ch

27、ildren an English lesson.A. have B. are having C. were having 【2011江苏泰州】65.Where is your English teacher? Im looking for him everywhere. He _ the Internet in the computer room. A. will search B. has searched C. searched D. is searching【2011江苏泰州】66.How well do you know the Opera House? I know the pla

28、ce very well. I _ Sydney many times. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have arrived in【2011重庆江津】67.A:Whats your brother doing now? B: He is a kite. A. flyB. flyingC. fliesD. flew【2011重庆江津】68 40.A:How clean the bedroom is! B: Yes, I am sure that someone it. A. cleans B. cleanedC. has

29、 cleanedD. had cleaned【2011山东菏泽】69. This morning I had hardly got to my school when it_ to rain. A. had begun B. was beginning C. began D. begins 【2011山东菏泽】70. Why didnt you go to play football with us yesterday afternoon? I _my mother with the housework then. A. helped B. was helping C. had helped

30、D. have been helping 【2011山东枣庄】71. He _when the UFO arrived. He didnt wake until the UFO disappeared. A. slept B. was sleeping C. was doing homework D. was singing【2011浙江湖州】72. How was your trip to Hang Zhou, Jim? Great! We _ to Xixi National Wetland Park. A. go B. am going C. will go D. went【2011福建

31、福州】73. Where is Ben? He _ to the teachers office. He will be back soon.A. go B. has goneC. has been【2011福建福州】74. Where were you at 7:00 last night? I _ to my mom at home.A. writeB. was writing C. wrote 【2011浙江杭州】75. The last time I _ to the cinema was two years ago. A. goB. have gone C. have beenD.

32、Went【2011浙江金华】76. Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, I there last year with my parents.A.have been B. have gone C. went D.go【2011重庆】77. I called you, but nobody answered. Where _ you?A. is B. are C. was D. were【2011重庆】78. Betty will ring me up when she _ in Beijing.A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived D.

33、 will arrive【2011重庆】79. I _myhometown for a long time, I really miss it!A. leftB. went away from C. have leftD. have been away from【2011四川乐山】80. When _ your mother _ you that blue dress, Lucy? Sorry, I really cant remember. Maybe two or three weeks ago. A. will; buyB. does; buy C. did; buy【2011浙江台州】

34、81. Ive got a ticket for the basketball game tonight. Cool!How you it? A. had, got B. did, get C. were, getting D. will, get【2011浙江宁波】82. Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone. Oh, I _ a walk with my mother at that time.A. takeB. tookC. am takingD. was taking【2011山东聊城】83

35、. Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me?No, I wont. I _ already.A. sawB. have seenC. seeD. will see【2011湖南邵阳】83. I _ something wrong just now. May 1 use your eraser?Of course. Here you are.A. write B. wrote C. am writing 【2011四川广安】84. Where is John? He _ the science lab.A. has gone

36、 to B. has been to C. went to 【2011甘肃兰州】85. How do you like your English teacher? He is great. We friends since three years ago. A. were B. have made C. have been D. have become【2011甘肃兰州】86. The population of the world still now. A. will; grow B. has; grown C. is; growing D. is; grown【2011浙江丽水】87Gue

37、ss What! The great movie is on in the cinema一Nothing newI_ it with my parents on the first day. Asaw Bsee Cwill see D. have been【2011山东临沂】88. Look! Jack and his monkey _ flying disk together in the garden. A. is playing B. was playing C. are playing D. were playing 【2011山东临沂】89. Chen Guangbiao says

38、he _ all his money to charities when he dies. A. leaves B. left C. will leave D. would leave 【2011江苏南京】90. Ive not finished my project yet. Hurry up! Our friends _ for us.A. wait B. are waiting C. will wait D. have waited【2011山东威海】91.Mom, when can I go out to play football?Finish your homework first

39、, or I _let you go out.A. dont B. didnt C. wont D. havent 【2011山东威海】92.Hi, guys. Where are you heading now?Home. We _all our money, so we have to walk home now.A. spend B. spent C. have spent D. are spending 【2011四川内江】93. _ you _ the movie Gongfu Panda II ? Not yet. Ill see it this Sunday.A. Did, see B. Do, see C. Have, seen【2011江苏宿迁】94. If there is any change to the plan, I _ you as soon as poss


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