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1、6B Unit6 Planning for the weekend一教学目 1能正确听、 、 、写 和 plan, have school.2能正确听、 、 see a Beijing opera, by the way, play at the concert3. 能正确听、 、 、写句型 What are you going to do ? I m going to4.能正确听、 、 日常交 用 和句型I d love to. Is that Gao Shan? Yes,speaking.Is going to do?二教学重点1能正确听、 、 、写 和 plan, have school

2、.2能正确听、 、 、写句型 What are you going to do ? I m going to三教学 点能正确听、 、 、写句型 What are you going to do? I m going并能to灵活运用。四 前准 1多媒体 件2 先板 Unit6 Planning for the weekends.五教学 程Step1: Warm upT: What day/date is it today?What s the weather like today?Do you like weekends?Step2: Presentation1.Teach: by the wa

3、yT: By the way, are you going to this weekend?2. Teach: A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: I m going to Way: T: He is going to watch TV,What are you going to do this weekend?( ask and answer in pairs.)4. Teach: planWay: Show my plan for the weekend揭 Unit6 Planning for the weekend5. Teach: p

4、reface of the text(前言部分 )第 1页(1) Talk about the picture of preface.T: I have planned for the weekend.What about David and Gao Shan? (Show thepicture) Look, here they are. First letstalk about this picture. Whatsthe weather like?What are they doing now?(2) Fill in the form(3) Complete the passage of

5、preface.6. Watch the cartoon, choose the right activities.Way: T:David and Gao Shan are talking about their plans for the weekend, sowhat are they going to do? Let s watch the cartoon, and find out what activities did the text mention.7. Check the answers: see a Beijing opera, a concertWay: check th

6、en teach the new words.8. Read page46 again, fill in form.9. Read page47, join the dots.T: We have known their plan for Saturday, but What are they.going to do on Sunday? Let s read page47,then fillform2inStep3 Practice1. Read the text.Task1: Read after the tape.Task2. Read in roles.2. Do the exerci

7、se on the book.(T or F) 3Retell the text.T: Now let s try to retell the text, the writing and the pictures can help you.( 出示板书和图片 )Step4 ConsolidationTopic: Make a plan for the weekend, and talk about the plan with your friend.T: We know Gao Shan and David are going to have a rich weekend. What abou

8、t you? Can you make a plan for the weekend?教学反思本课的主要话题是谈论周末计划 .主要涉及到的词语有: on Saturday morning, do not have school day, talk about sth (their plans for the weekend), be going to do,第 2页join sb, last year, Id love to. by the way, 在处理教材时,我想本部分主要是在语篇部分,所以在处理单词与词组时采取略处理的方式, 语篇的理解与朗读是重点,因此我花了很大部分时间用在朗读与理解

9、上。本单元的学习重点是对一般将来时的学习与运用。 我先利用几个学生熟悉的句子进行自由对话, 如 whats the weather like today? What day is it today?用这些学生耳熟能详的句子, 学生能放松他们紧张的心情, 使他们在一种轻松的氛围中上课。英语的学习, 主要在于习得、 积淀语感,从而形成理解和运用语言文字的能力。在语篇的处理上, 我本着要有知识的输出必须首先要有知识的输入原则, 我一改以往的方式,采用先听,了解基本概况,然后再带着问题听录音,然后学生再跟读录音的方式, 使学生们在反复的听和理解的基础上再扩展运用, 这样使学生们在新知的不断刺激下, 达到对课文的的理解和运用。 另外我采用多种方式考察学生对课文的理解和运用能力, 如听录音完成表格, 看动画回答问题, 阅读课文完成表格等方式。在课文的朗读能力的培养上,我认为我们也必须花大力气,因为朗读能培养学生正确的语音语调, 能形成正确的语感, 从而更好地开展英语这门语言的学习, 所以我让学生注重朗读技巧, 使学生在朗读能力上有了一定的提高。这一节还有很多遗憾, 还有很多需要改进的方面。 上一堂研究课促进我们有更多的思考。我想更重要的是这样的思考要延续到日常的教学工作中。第 3页


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