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1、六年级英语第七单元复习题一、听录音画钟面,写句子1、The sports programme at to 2、The nature programme begins at 3、The cartoon at 4、The science fiction film at 二、写单词卡通片 自然节目 运动节目 爱情片 科 幻 片 侦 探 片 三、译文A star on T V smile and say thousands of children A while a big bag of sweets 四、写有关你家人喜欢看和不喜欢看的电视节目(1) I like and . I donot like

2、 or (2) My mother She (3) My father He (4) My best friend 五、连词成句1、never watch romantic films I 2、like detective films and I nature programmes 3、sports programmes brother My watchers often 4、like programmes He nature doesnot 5、begins six The at cartoon quarter past 五、选词填空like like like watches watche

3、s doesnot like watches watch My best friend and I sports and games very much. We football best . My best friend always football games . I also basketball games . My dad often sports programmes too. My mum sports programmes . She never them .六、阅读短文,补充句子。 Jenny comes home from school at half past four

4、 . The nature programme begins 15 minutes later . It ends at 5:30 . The cartoons begin 10 minutes later . They end 20 minutes later. Then the sports programme begins .It ends 50 minutes later. Then the science fiction film begins.1、The nature programme begins at 2、The cartoons end at 3、The sports programme ends at 4、The science fiction films begins


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