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1、Module 1Unit 2 Its in the west.单词短语map 地图right 正确的country 国家例句:例句:例句:This is a map of China.You are right.China is a beautiful and strongcountry.联想:联想:map - cap鸭舌帽right 正确的wrong 错误的复数: countriesmap - tap水龙头right 右边的left 左边的拓展: the country 乡村句型语法1. what 引导的感叹句大明在感叹美国地图很大时说: What a big map of the US !

2、,这是一句由 what 引导的感叹句。what 引导的感叹句句型为:what a/an形容词可数名词单数(主语谓语)!What a cold day!多冷的天啊!What an interesting book!多么有趣的一本书啊!What a clever boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!What a good girl your sister is!你妹妹是一个多么好的女孩啊!what形容词可数名词复数/ 不可数名词(主语谓语)!What beautiful flowers!多么美丽的花啊!What clean water!多么清的水啊!What great photos t

3、hey are!这些照片多棒啊!What fat cats they are!多肥的猫啊!拓展感叹句还可以由how 引导。 how 引导的感叹句句型为:How 形容词 /副词(主语谓语) !How warm the weather is !天气多暖和啊!How well he speaks !他说得多么好啊!How nice our school is!我们的学校多美啊!小练兵用 what 或 how 填空1. _ big bread it is!2. _ a clever boy he is!3. _ big her eyes are!4. _ beautiful dresses they

4、are!5. _ tall the buildings are!单项选择1._ carefully he is crossing the road!A. How aB. WhatC. How2._ big park it is!A. WhatB. What aC. How3._ full basket it is!A. WhatB. What aC. How第 1页4. _ lovely girls they are!A. WhatB. What aC. How2. 询问并回答城市的地理位置 Where is 城市名称? .在哪里?Beijing北京Shanghai上海Nanjing南京Nan

5、ning南宁New York纽约San Francisco旧金山Houston休斯顿. Its 介词短语(其他).它在 .in the east在东部in the south在南边in the west of China在中国的西部in the north of the US在美国的北部.3. 口语交际写作介绍某个城市cityNanningposition 位置in the south of Chinapopulation 人口about seven millionweather 天气warm in winter and hot in summerYuhao: Nanning is my ho

6、metown. Its a beautiful city.Cathy:Where is Nanning?Yuhao:_Cathy:How big is it?Yuhao:_Cathy:Whats the weather like in Nanning?Yuhao:_Cathy:Do you like Nanning?Yuhao:_写一写你最喜欢哪座城市?或你的家乡在哪里?请写一篇小文章,介绍一下这座城市。思路开头点出自己最喜欢的城市或者自己的家乡中间介绍该城市的位置、人口、天气等情况结尾说明一下自己的感受My favourite city is .My hometown is .It is in the east/west/north/south of .It has got . million people.It is (not) hot/cold/cool/sunny.in + 季节 I like . very much./What a(an).city!第 2页


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