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1、六年级英语 ( 下 )Unit1第 2 课时Unit 1 How tall are you?ALets talk一、【教材分析 】知 教目 学能力目目 标情感目 教学重点教学难点教学方法1.能 在 片和教 的帮助下理解 大意,并能回答 后面的 。2.能 在 境中理解新 dinosaur, hall, meter, than, both 的意思,并能正确 音。1.在情景中恰当运用句型How tall is it? It s .How tall are you? I /I m thanm Its比 人或 物的外貌特征。2.能 完成 比自己与同学身高、年 的活 。培养学生的小 合作意 。能 在真 的

2、英 境中初步运用形容 的比 。能 运用所学 言 、介 身 人的身高、年 ,并 行比 。情境教学法,任 型教学法,游 法二、【教学流程 】环节I.Preparation .Presentation师生活动二次备课1. Enjoy the song“ My Small .Cat”2. I can say. (PPT 呈 , Ss 出它 的比 。))(一) Let s try.1. T: I love animals. Mike and Zhang Peng like animals, too. Now they are inthe museum.What are they talking abou

3、t?A. The dinosaursB. The tigers(利用多媒体 件呈 片并教授 dinosaur)2. Do you know something about dinosaurs? Some dinosaurs eat meat and some eat vegetables. Look at the pictures, listen and circle.3. Check the answers.(二) Let s talk.1. T: Mike and Zhang Peng are in the museum. They are talking about the dinosa

4、urs. Do you want to see dinosa urs? Now let s go to the museum.There are more dinosaurs over there.(出示句子条, 。 )2. PPT 呈 恐 展 。 T: Look, this is the hall. 圈出最高的恐 : Thats the tallest dinosaur in the hall. 条呈 tall taller tallest, tallest means 最高的。 How tall is it? Let s listen and choose.3. 听 音 :The tall

5、est dinosaur is about _.A. 4 metersB. 5 meters.呈 Zhang Peng, Mike 和最高的恐 的 片:It s taller than both of ustogether. ,部分 ,指名 。4.再听 音回答 。第 1页 .Practice .Production .ProgressVI.Homework( 1)How tall is Zhang Peng?( 2)Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?在核 上 答案的 程中, 提 出核心句型: How tall are you? I

6、m 1.65meters. So Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur.5. Practice in pairs. A: How tall are you?B: I m ersmet. How tall are you?A: I m meters.B: I m taller/shorter than you.1. Listen and imitate.2. Practice in groups.3. Act out the dialogue.4. Fill in the blanks.1. 听力拓展。Test you: Who is the

7、tallest?(听力材料Mike is taller than Zhang Peng. Zhang Peng is taller than Amy.Amy is taller than John. Who is the tallest?)2. 的拓展: Buy tickets to the dinosaur museum.T: Dinosaurs are so fascinating. Do you want to go to the museum? If you are shorter than 1.2 meters, you are free of charge. If you are

8、between 1.2 and 1.5metres, you can buy half- price tickets. (30 yuan) How tall are you? Ifyou are taller than 1.5metres, you should buy the whole tickets.(60 yuan) 有意 票的同学回答自己的身高, 相 的 票。 示范几 之后,生生 ,最后在小 内开展。S1: Hello, How tall are you?S2: I m. meters.S1: OK, 30yuan. / 60yuan./ You are free of charge

9、.1. Sum up: What have you learned in this class?2. Read and choose.(1)That s the_( tallest/ taller) dinosaur in this hall.(2) It s _(tall/taller) than both of us together.(3) How _(taller/tall) are you?(4) I m 1.65 _(meter/meters). 来源 学科网 Z XX K1.听 本 音5 分 。2. 用英 你的好朋友及家人的身高。三、【板书设计 】Unit 1 A Let s talkHow tall is it?Maybe 4 meters.How tall are you?I m 1.65 meters.第 2页四、【教后反思 】第 3页


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