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1、1,TOEFL Training 7,By Sally Young 杨思晴,2,My Contact Information,杨思晴 (Sally) Y 702037094,3,Sample Studies- Integrated Speaking Task 4(第6类题型分析),第六类考题类型 Summarizing Important Ideas Step 1: Listen to a professors speech in a lecture (academic- related subject) (60-90 sec) Step 2: Answer the question base

2、d on what you have heard,4,Preparation Time: 20” Response Time: 60” Please refer to Delta P340-241,5,第六类考题包含话题:,1.心理学及教育学 如何转移不良情绪(displacement) 儿童成长及艺术关系 两种记忆的分类 学生如何有效地参与课堂互动 人们的反应的分类 小孩子如何学习语言,6,2. (考得最广泛的)社会科学类 内向、外向性格人物对待面试的态度 商业信息的分类 科技对生活的影响 文化间的渗透 平面地图容易造成的错觉 记忆的分类 两种价格策略 商品质量分类,7,两种注意力 电影中如

3、何拍摄悬念(如何使用bridging) 工作的定义 如何使用人们的emotion进行营销 剧场内演员与观众的关系 工作群的概念 如何包装产品 工业化与摄影的关系,8,两种广告方法 如何减少服务等待时间。 3. 生物类 气候变化与物种灭绝 如何预测特定物种数量 新植物破坏环境 细菌如何变坏东西 植物如何在恶劣环境中生存 如何保护鱼类,9,两种保护色 动物如何对抗捕食者(记得我讲的老友记片段吧?Velociraptor would expand its collar and emit a high pitched noise to frighten its predator) 海洋动物如何逃生之伪

4、装 植物如何授粉 真菌的作用,10,动物社会合作行为 鸟为什么要吃土 选择性种植 动物行为,11,Task 6,In the lecture, the professor talks about/explains _. (main points from the listening material) the professor discusses/ argues/ demonstrates/ * in several points/aspects.,12,According to what the professor says, _(观点,主旨,定义) Definition (If ther

5、e is) He uses/ provides examples to explain/ illustrate this definition/ method / phenomenon/theory. Professor takes _ as an example.,13,Sample 1,Interior Design Using the points from China and Japan to south east Asia. The movements of people were made possible by several factors. 1, the cheap & fa

6、st means of transportation, such as railroad and steamship. 2, rapid growth in banking & capital.,34,3. In some places, people were given free land and other benefit if they settle there. This encouraged lots of people to move to US and Canada. 4. The immigrants were also motivated by the hope of a

7、better life for their children. They worked hard and made contribution in economic growth of their new country.,35,Sample 5,Listen to a part of a lecture and explain what the professor is talking about in this lecture.,36,Tag along,I cant carry a tune I cant sing a note Be in tune with time- In tune

8、 + T In the know Loving sb. means loving all of him,37,Note-taking: ?- S-cool 1. in style spker= time, knows ? in fashion 2. spkerknowl-ble / P know when S-acce Ss used informal formal sett. Esp. among C.,38,Ss. X usin it classrm/ wk env. look bad share social + emo exp reinfor relat + com eff 3. fu

9、n+ entertain,39,Sample 6.,Non-verbal communication Differentiate Repetition clarification,40,Note-Taking: Verbal N. V. C. 1. spoken L df. coun coun, emtion -same 2. X gram of NVC 3. X dictionary 4 NVC 4. X repetitn/ clarificatn understand the NVC 1st time around. 5. cant hide our true feelin of NVC

10、*NVC is an integral part of com.,41,Script: So to finish up, Im going to list five things that differentiate verbal and nonverbal communication. Id like you to note them down. First, while spoken languages differ from country to country, emotions are communicated in much the same nonverbal way throu

11、ghout the world. Second, although we know a lot about the grammar of spoken language, we still dont know a lot about the grammar of N.V.C.,42,Third, we dont have any dictionaries for N.V.C. If you go to a foreign country and somebody makes a hand gesture you dont understand, theres no dictionary to

12、help you. And fourth, we can ask for repetition or clarification of what somebody has said, but its practically impossible to ask, “Could you repeat that smile?” or “What does that facial expression mean?”,43,We have to understand nonverbal communication the first time around. And finally, we can hi

13、de our true feelings with spoken language, but its more difficult with N.V.C. We cant just stop ourselves from turning red, or slow down our heartbeat, right?,44,So whether we like it or not, body language cant liealthough Ill bet there are times we all wish it could. So in conclusion then, nonverbal communication is an integral part of communication.,45,46,The End Thank you for sharing!,


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