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1、Phrases for Unit 6 8A Class _ Name _1. act out a play将一个剧本表演出来2. in ancient times=in very old times在古代3. dont need to do = neednt do没有必要做4. so much history; so many books太多的历史;太多的书5. the Pyramids in Egypt埃及的金字塔6. put sth. in the correct order按恰当的顺序排放7. have gone to; have been to去了未回;去了已回have been in

2、 (for+时段/since+过点时)在某地呆了多久8. try to capture/control our city设法攻占我们的城市9. give up doing; give off/out放弃做;释放10. sail away/towards航行离/向11. leave a huge/very big wooden horse 将一个大木马留下12. take it with them把它随他们带走13. pull /drag it into the city 拖它进城14. in the main square在主广场15. sing and dance around the ho

3、rse围着木马又唱又跳16. make jokes about=laugh at拿开玩笑;以为笑柄17. since childhood/I was a child自从我童年时(现在完成时)18. lock all the gates 锁上所有的大门19. go to sleep=fall asleep; go to bed 睡着了; 去睡觉20. by midnight;by fighting 到了午夜时分;通过战争21. except for 除外except 除外(同类的除外)besides 除外,还有(包括在内的)22. open a secret door 打开一个秘门23. on

4、the side of在的一边;站在的一边24. be full of = be filled with 充满 25. climb out of the horse从马中爬出来26. one by one; step by step逐一地;一步一步地27. open the main gate开主大门28. enter the city=come/go into the city进入城市 the entrance to sp.某地的入口29. succeed in doing sth. =manage to do sth.成功做到某事 be successful; have success是成

5、功的;取得成功30. through a clever trick 通过一个聪明的计谋31. That sounds great.听起来是个好主意。32. join the army(瞬间)=be in the army(延续) 参军33. win the first prize; beat sb.赢得第一;打败某人34. be afraid of = be frightened at害怕35. play a trick on sb.= make fun of sb.捉弄某人;取笑某人36. decide to do sth.;make a decision决定做某事; 做决定37. in t

6、he end=at last=finally最后38. come on 来吧39. How long have you lived here?你在这儿住了多长时间?40. since yesterday = for a day自从昨天; 已一天了(现完)41. the day before yesterday前天(过去时)42. such a beautiful city=so beautiful a city 如此美丽的一个城市43. at five oclock在5点钟44. a ticket to Tokyo一张去东京的票45. with a start 猛地一惊46. a set of

7、 false teeth 一套假牙47. end(瞬间)=be over(延续) 结束48. look down at the empty sea向下看空空的海面49. give sb. an impossible task给某人一个不可能完成的任务50. No problem.没问题。51. be under attack遭受攻击52. turn the boat around将船转过来53. The Art of War孙子兵法54. the strategy of war 战争的策略55. the Spring and Autumn period 在春秋时期56. Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles(战役) with no danger of defeat(失败). 知己知彼百战百胜2


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