Unit 3 Grammar Teaching Plan.doc

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《Unit 3 Grammar Teaching Plan.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 Grammar Teaching Plan.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 九年级语法复习课Countable and Uncountable Nouns一、教材分析本课时主要复习可数名词与不可数名词在there be 句型中的使用。二、教学对象分析学生在初一年级就已经接触过了可数名词与不可数名词的用法以及there be 句型。本课时再通过系统地复习,在学习方式上引导学生学习归纳总结。三、教学重点指导学生归纳总结there be 句型的用法,并在实践使用中熟练使用。四、教学难点可数名词与不可数名词在there be 句型中的使用。五、教学策略 1. 引导学生积极主动的通过预习完成能够自己学会的部分,课堂学习完成学习的重难点,通过复习及归纳总结完善学习。2. 在教学

2、中以旧带新。 3. 适当补充与中考相关的内容,拓展学生的解题水平。六、教学环节设计:TasksTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAimsTask 1Warming up:1. Read and recite the text.2. Ask students some questions.Read and recite the text.Try to answer the questions.Review what students have learnt.Task 2Countable and uncountable nouns1. Ask stude

3、nts try to find countable and uncountable nouns in the text.Try to find countable and uncountable nouns in the text.Teach students how to find the rule of countable and uncountable nounsTo teach some phrases to describe uncountable. 2. Find the rules of pluralsStudents discuss in groups and try to f

4、ind the rules of plurals3. How to describe uncountable nouns with some phrases. Students find some phrases to describe uncountable nouns. 4. Practice PracticeConsolidation5. Ask students to make a survey: What kinds of teachers do you like?Ask students to make a survey. Task 3There is /are sentence

5、pattern1.Find the rules:Look at the examples and try to find the rules. Teach students There is /are sentence pattern2.Show students how to play a guessing game. Students play a guessing game. 3.Ask students to Design a bedroom for a 5-year -old girl.Design a bedroom for a 5-year -old girl.Task 4SummarySummarize the whole class. Students draw a conclusion about this class. ConsolidationTask 5HomeworkHand out the paperDo homeworkConsolidate the study.教学反思:本节课为一节语法复习课,学生总体成绩偏差的情况下老师较为系统地复习了可数不可数名词,但似乎面面俱到,重点不太突出。本课题的复习可以与感叹句,冠词等一起复习可能效果更好。 在今后教学中在备课环节还应该多考虑如何将教材内容进行有效整合以调高课堂效率。


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