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1、课 题Lesson8课型New课时No.2一、教学目标1.learn to act out the dialogue.2.revision of the words and sentences.二、教学重、难点act out the dialogue三、教学用具及学具(教学资源)Word cards computer tape教学过程教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动1.Greeting: 2.Revision:3.Presentation:3.Extension:Say “good morning.” to the students.Ask the students some ques

2、tions to revise the lesson1Ask the students to listen to the tape and read after it.2Ask the students to translate the sentences.T: Would you like to answer my another question?T:Can you run?T: You can answer like this: Yes, I can. Repeat again.T: Can you make a sentence by yourselves?T: Clever girl

3、. Anyone else?T: Excellent. You can make so many sentences. Give you a mark. Thank you. Now lets play a game.Students learn to read and act out the dialogue.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes, I can.S15: Can you swim?/ Yes, I can.S16: Can you jump? Yes, I can. Can you fly?/ No, I cant.复习以前所学的句子。在学生已经可以会用“No, I

4、 cant.”来回答该句型的基础上,拓展出“Yes, I can.” 句型,使学生可以根据生活实际来进行判断,而且做出正确回答。为下堂课Lesson 9 的学习做好铺垫。教学过程教学内容教学活动设计意图教师活动学生活动4. Group work5. Summer-up6. HomeworkOpen their books and follow the tape and read after the teacher.Read by themselves. Find out the difficulties and solve them in groups.Read and act the dia

5、logueMake a dialogue with these patterns: What can you do?/ I can . Can you ?/Yes, I can. Can you ?/ No, I cant.T: In fact, we are all Monkey King. We can read and write, we can run and jump, we can swim. We can also do everything. Because we have a clever mind. Come on, boys and girls. Class over,

6、thank you very much.1. Write the new words and make sure you can spell them by yourselves.1. ask students read first.2. ask one students to read .3. students translate by themselves.4. students act it out.让学生根据Learn to Say 和拓展句型“Yes, I can.”编演对话,让学生把所学内容灵活运用。使他们在以后的学习和生活中能娴熟的表达自己的观点和看法。板书设计Lesson 8Who are you ?Guess.


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