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1、Unit 3 This is my sister.ITeaching objectives单元教学目标Skill Focus 听Listen for the names of family members说Talk about the family members Introduce the family members to othersIdentify people 读Read a letter that introduce the people写Write a letter to introduce ones family memberLanguage Focus 功能句式To intr

2、oduce people (P13)This is his sister.These are his brothers. To identify people (P14)Is this your sister? Yes, it is.No, it isnt. To write a letter(P17)Thanks for 词汇1. 重点词汇sister, mother, father, parent, brother, friend, grandparent, those, are, these, she, he, aunt, son, cousin, daughter, uncle, pi

3、cture, dear, for, photo, here2. 认读词汇grandmother, grandfather, thats = that is, hes = he is, Dave, Anna, Paul, Emma, Mona 3. 短语thanks for, 语法To know the differences between this and that, these and thosePossessive adjectives: my, your, his, her 话题family membersII. Teaching materials analyzing and rea

4、rranging 教材分析与重组1教材分析本单元以family member为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会礼貌地介绍他人及确认他人的关系。能够用英语给朋友写短信介绍家人,从而让他们了解自己的家庭并且能够画出自己的家谱。 Section A 学习家庭成员的名称及确认人物的身份。1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习表示家庭成员称谓的词,学会介绍自己的家人。 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d进一步巩固所学词汇。重点学习运用句型Is this/that 来询问确认人物的称谓。3a, 3b, 3c, 4 学会介绍他人,学会询问、确认人物的称谓。Section B 学习英文书信的格式,学会

5、介绍他人,特别是用书信的形式,介绍自己的家人。 1, 2a, 2b, 2c了解家谱的形式,能够根据自己的家谱介绍自己的家人。 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b学习英文书信的格式,能够用书信介绍家人及朋友。Self check 检测本单元所学表示家庭成员的词汇知识,学会写信介绍自己的家人。2. 教材重组与课时分配Period 1 (Section A:1a, 1b, 1c)Listening and speaking (I) Period 2 (Section A:2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)Listening and speaking (II)Period 3 (Section A:3a, 3b

6、, 3c, 4) Reading, speaking and writing Period 4 (Section:1, 2a, 2b, 2c)Listening and speaking (III)Period 5 (Section:3a, 3b, 4a, 4b)Integrating skills (II)Period 6 (Self Check)RevisionIII. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 Listening and speaking (I)Target language目标语言1. Words & expressions

7、生词和短语sister, mother, father, parent, brother, friend, grandparent, those, are, these2. Key sentences重点句子 Those are my two brothers. And thats my sister. This is his sister. These are his brothers.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to introduce the family members to others.Learning ability goals学能目标Hel

8、p students learn how to introduce the family members and identify people.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点Learn the differences between this and that, these and those.Learn to introduce family members.Teaching aids教具准备A picture of family members and a tape recorder. Teaching procedures and

9、ways教学过程与方式Step I Warming up Have a greeting with these sentences: Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you! How are you today? Show a picture of the teachers family. T: Now please look here. Whats this? S: Its a picture. T: Good. Its a picture of my family. They are my family members. Come and meet my fam

10、ily now. Look! This is my father. Stick the word on the blackboard and spell the word: FATHER, F-A-T-H-E-R, father. Teach the word “mother, brother, sister, parents, grandfather, etc.” in the same way.T: Great! Look at the blackboard and read these new words together. Step II Talking about the pictu

11、re (1a: P13) First ask some students to act out an introduction from Unit 1. T: In the first unit, we learned how to introduce ourselves. (Point to a student) Can you make an introduction of yourself?S: Of course. Hello, everyone. My name is Li Ping. My English name is Peter. My phone number is 010-

12、8543768. T: Good. Today we will learn another kind of introduction. We will learn to introduce family members such as a mother or a father. Now please open your books and look at the picture in 1a on page 13. Can you match the words with the pictures on the blackboard? Check the answers and give the

13、 students some minutes to read aloud these words.Step III Listening(1b: P13)T: Now, lets listen to a recording. In the recording a boy is talking about his family. Please listen to the tape and answer who he is talking about. Play the recording of 1b twice and check the answer.T: Who is he talking a

14、bout?S: Two brothers and sister.Step IV Pairwork (1c: P13)Ask students to do pairwork in 1c first. T: Good. Now please look at the picture and talk about Daves family.Show the sentence patterns. This is his These are hisSample sentences:This is his father.This is his mother.These are his parents.The

15、se are his brothers. (Ask a few students to practice.)Step V Task Ask students to draw their family trees and introduce their family members. Sample version:Hello. My name is . Look at this. This is my family tree. This is my His name is and this is . These are my They are . Thanks. Then ask them to

16、 introduce their friends family to the class.T: Great. You can change your picture and introduce your friends family to us. Sample version:Hello. This is my friends family tree. This is his . His name is and this is his These are his . Thanks.Step VI Homework1. Remember the new words about family me

17、mber. 2. Write a passage about your family. Try to prepare a picture of your family and take to the class next period. Period 2 Listening and speaking (II)Target language目标语言1. Words & expressions生词和短语mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, grandparents2. Key sentences重点句子

18、 Is this Jim? No, he isnt. Hes Dave. Yes, it is. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to identify people.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to identify people. Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to identify people.Teaching aids教具准备A picture of family members and a tape

19、recorder. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Free talk and Lead-in Ask some students to introduce their family members. T: Good morning, class. Nice to meet you. Weve been together for more than one month. We are friends now. But I dont know much about your families. Would you like to introdu

20、ce your family to us? S: OK. Let me have a try.Sample version: Hello, everyone! My name is Look at this picture, please. This is a picture of my family. This is my father. His name is This is my mother. Her name is They are good parents. This is my brother. His name is He is a student. He is in Clas

21、s Can you find me in the picture? Look! Its me. My family is big. I love my family. T: Very good. Give more students chance to introduce their families.Step II Listening (2a, 2b: P14)In this procedure, students will listen to a conversation first. In the conversation, Dave introduces his friend Lin

22、Hai to his family members. Ask students to listen to the conversation and do Activities 2a and 2b. T: Now please listen to the tape of and circle the family members you hear. Play the tape for the first time and check the answers. Then ask students to look at the picture in 2b and listen to the reco

23、rding again and match the names with the people in the picture. T: OK! Lets look at the picture of 2b. There are many people in it. This is a picture of Daves family. We know “a” is Dave. But we dont know who is Mary, who is Jim and who is Lin Hai. Lets listen the tape again and find them, please! P

24、lay the tape two times and then choose two students to answer.Step III Practice Ask students to work in pairs and talk about Daves family. T: Great! Now lets talk about Daves family member. You can do it like this: cover the list of names above the picture and asks the other person questions beginni

25、ng with Is this ? The other answers either Yes, it is or No, it isnt. Its A sample conversation: S1: Is this Lin Hai? (Point to b)S2: Yes, it is. S1: Is that Mary? (Point to h)S2: No, it isnt. Its my aunt. S1: Is that Mary? (Point to g)S2: Yes, it is.S1: Is this Jim? (Point to e)S2: Yes, it is. Then

26、 ask students to change roles to practice asking and answering questions like above. Step IV Pairwork(2c, 2d: P14)Act out a conversation with a student first. And then ask students to make their own conversations. T: Good! Look at the picture.Point to Lin Hai in the picture. T: Is this Jim?S: No, he

27、 isnt. T: Great. (Point to Jim and ask) Is this Jim?S: Yes, it is. Its Jim. Write down the dialogue on the blackboard. Let the student read it for several times.T: OK. You come to Daves home. You see a picture on the wall. There are many people in the picture. You want to know who they are. Please a

28、sk and answer in pairs like this:Show the patterns. Is this ? Yes, he/she is.Are these his ? No, they arent.Sample conversations:1) S1: Is this Jim? S2: No, he isnt. He is Lin Hai.2) S3: Are these his parents? S4: No, they arent. They are his grandparents.Step V Grammar1. Ask the students to read th

29、e sentences in the grammar box. 2. Help the students sum up the usage of this / these and that / those with the pictures.Show the following. This is a book. That is a car.单数复数近指this这个these这些远指that 那个those那些Practice:用this, that, it, these, those, they填空。1. (1) A: Is _ your math book? 那是你的数学书吗? B: Yes

30、, _ is. 是的。 (2) A: Are _ his friends? 这些人是他的朋友吗? B: Yes, _ are. 是的。 (3) Do you know _ boy? 你认识那么男孩吗? (4) I like _ book. 我喜欢这本书。 Keys: (1) that; it (2) those; they (3) that (4) this2. (1) Please look at the photo of my family. _(这) is my mother.(2) Anna, _(这些) are my friends.(3) -Is this your dog? -Y

31、es, _ is.(4) -Are _(那些) your grandparents? -Yes, _ are.(5) - _ are my classmates.Key: 1. This 2. these 3. it 4. those, they 5. These/ThoseStep VI HomeworkAsk students to 1. Remember the new words in this unit.2. Show a picture of their family and introduce their family member. Period 3 Reading and w

32、ritingTarget language目标语言1. Words & expressions生词和短语she, he, aunt, hes = he is2. Key sentences重点句子 Is she your sister? Yes, she is. Is he your brother? No, he isnt.Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to identify people.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to identify people.Teachin

33、g important / difficult points教学重难点How to identify people.Teaching aids教具准备Some pictures.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-in Greet the students as usual. And then check the homework.T: I asked you to show us a picture of your family and introduce them to us last class. Hav

34、e you finished it? Can you show it and introduce them to us?Ask one or two students to introduce.Sample version:Hello, everyone! This is a picture of my family. Look. This is my father. He is tall. This is my mother and this is my sister. Look at the boy. He is my brother. Oh. Who is the boy near my

35、 brother? He is my friend. And I am here. Look. This is me. We have a big family. I love my family very much. T: Very good. Please give me your picture. (Take the picture and ask the student.) Is this your sister?S1: Yes, she is. T: Is he your brother?S1: No, he isnt. He is my friend. Step II Writin

36、g and speaking (3a, 3b, 3c: P15)In this procedure, students will complete the conversation and practice in pairs. And then the will do a game under guidance. T: OK. Now, please open your books and look at the picture in 3a on page 15. Look. The boy is talking to his friend, Dave, about Daves sister.

37、 Please read and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Give students a few minutes to finish it, and then check the answers. T: Now please work in pairs and practice the conversation with your partner. Then change your partners and practice again. Give them a few minutes to practice, then

38、ask one or two pairs to practice in class.Sample conversation:S1: Is she your sister?S2: Yes, she is.S1: Is he your brother?S2: No, he isnt. Hes my friend. GameHold a picture of someone. T: I have a picture here. Its a member of s family. Do you want to know who she / he is? Have a guess!Sample ques

39、tions and answers:-Is he his brother? -No. -Is he his father? -No.-Is he his cousin? -No.T: Its himself. T: Now, lets do another game. Please write your mothers, your fathers or your friends name on the blackboard. The other students guess who the person is. You can use the questions beginning with

40、Is he or Is she ? Say Yes, he is or Yes, she is. First let the students read the conversation in 3c. Then let them do it freely. Sample conversations:-Is Cui Lan your sister? -No, she isnt.-Is she your mother?-No, she isnt.-Is she your aunt? -Yes, she is.Step III Groupwork(4: P15)Collect some family

41、 photos together in a group, take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos. Sample version:1) -Is he your uncle? -No, he isnt. -Is he your friend? -Yes, he is. 2) -Is she your grandmother? -No, she isnt. -Is she your aunt? -Yes, she is.Step IV Practice Look at the picture and complete the

42、following conversation.A: Is that a photo of your (1)_? B: Yes, it is.A: Whos (2)_?B: Thats my grandpa.A: Is that (3)_ grandma?B: (4)_, thats my aunt, my fathers (5)_.A: (6)_ this your mother?B: (7)_, she is.A: Whos this (8)_? Is he your father?B: No. (9)_ my uncle. Uncle John is my fathers (10)_. T

43、his is my father.Keys: 1.family 2.that 3.your 4.No 5.sister 6. Is 7.Yes 8. man 9. Hes 10.brotherStep V HomeworkT: This period, we learned to introduce family members using patterns “This is , These are After class, please 1. Do Ex 3 in the workbook. 2. Show your own photo of your family members and

44、introduce to us next period. Period 4 Listening and speaking (III)Target language目标语言1. Words & expressions生词和短语son, cousin, daughter, uncle, picture2. Key sentences重点句子 These are my parents. This is my grandmother. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to draw their own family tree and introduce fam

45、ily members.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to introduce family members.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to introduce family membersTeaching aids教具准备A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-in Talk with the stude

46、nts about their family members. T: Hi! Everyone. This class well go on talking about family members. I asked you to draw your own family tree. Have you finished? Can you show us your family tree and introduce to us?Ask one or two student to show and introduce.Sample version:Hello, everyone. This is a picture of my family members. Look, these are my grandparents. These are my parents. This is my brother and she is my sister. Look! I am here. T: Great. You have a big family. In your family, your father is your gran


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