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《Words to Live by.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Words to Live by.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Words to Live by-生活的忠告Ill give you some advice about life. 给你生活的忠告 Eat more roughage; 多吃些粗粮; Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains; 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做; Remember what life tells you; 熟记生活告诉你的一切; Dont take to heart every thing you hear. Dont spend all that you have. Dont sleep as long as

2、 you want; 不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久; Whenever you say I love you, please say it honestly; 无论何时说我爱你,请真心实意; Whenever you say Im sorry, please look into the other persons eyes; 无论何时说对不起,请看对方的眼睛; Fall in love at first sight; 相信一见钟情; Dont neglect dreams; 请不要忽视梦想; Love deeply and ardently, even if

3、there is pain, but this is the way to make your life complete; 深情热烈地爱,也许会受伤,但这是使人生完整的唯一方法; Find a way to settle, not to dispute; 用一种明确的方法解决争议,不要冒犯; Never judge people by their appearance; 永远不要以貌取人; Speak slowly, but think quickly; 慢慢地说,但要迅速地想; When someone asks you a question you dont want to answer

4、, smile and say, Why do you want to know? 当别人问你不想回答的问题时,笑着说:你为什么想知道? Remember that the man who can shoulder the most risk will gain the deepest love and the supreme accomplishment; 记住:那些敢于承担最大风险的人才能得到最深的爱和最大的成就; Call you mother on the phone. If you cant, you may think of her in your heart; 给妈妈打电话,如果

5、不行,至少在心里想着她; When someone sneezes say, God bless you;当别人打喷嚏时,说一声上帝保佑;If you fail, dont forget to learn your lesson;如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训;Remember the three respects .Respect yourself, respect others, stand on dignity and pay attention to your behavior;记住三个尊: 尊重你自己; 尊重别人; 保持尊严, 对自己的行为负责;Dont let a little

6、dispute break up a great friendship;不要让小小的争端损毁了一场伟大的友谊;Whenever you find your wrongdoing, be quick with reparation!无论何时你发现自己做错了,竭尽所能去弥补;动作要快!Whenever you make a phone call smile when you pick up the phone, because someone can feel it!无论什么时候打电话,摘起话筒的时候请微笑,因为对方能感觉到!Marry a person who likes talking; be

7、cause when you get old, youll find that chatting to be a great advantage;找一个你爱聊的人结婚;因为年纪大了后,你会发觉喜欢聊天是一个人最大的优点;Find time for yourself.找点时间,单独呆会儿;Life will change what you are but not who you are;欣然接受改变,但不要摒弃你的个人理念;Remember that silence is golden;记住:沉默是金;Read more books and watch less television;多看点书,

8、少看点电视;Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again;过一种高尚而诚实的生活。当你年老时回想起过去,你就能再一次享受人生。Trust God, but dont forget to lock the door;相信上帝,但是别忘了锁门;The harmonizing atmosphere of a family is valuable;家庭的融洽氛围是难能可贵的;Try your best to let family harmo

9、ny flow smoothly;尽你的能力让家平顺和谐;When you quarrel with a close friend, talk about the main dish, dont quibble over the appetizers;当你和你的亲近的少吵嘴时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻、烂谷子的事;You cannot hold onto yesterday;不要摆脱不了昨天;Figure out the meaning of someones words;多注意言下之意;Share your knowledge to continue a timeless trad

10、ition;和别人分享你的知识,那才是永恒之道;Treat our earth in a friendly way,dont fool around with mother nature;善待我们的地球,不要愚弄自然母亲;Do the thing you should do;做自己该做的事;Dont trust a lover who kisses you without closing their eyes;不要相信接吻时从不闭眼的伴侣;Go to a place youve never been to every year.每年至少去一个你从没去过的地方。If you earn much

11、money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive;如果你赚了很多钱,在活着的时候多行善事,这是你能得到的最好回报;Remember,not all the best harvest is luck;记住有时候,不是最好的收获也是一种好运;Understand rules completely and change them reasonably;深刻理解所有的规则,合理地更新他们;Remember,the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them;记住,最好的爱存在于对别人的爱胜于对别人的索求这上;Comment on the success you have attained by looking in the past at the target you wanted to achieve most;回头看看你发誓取得的目标,然后评价你到底有多成功;In love and cooking,you must give 100% effortbut expect little appreciation;无论是烹饪还是爱情,都用百分之百的负责态度对待,但是不要乞求太多的回报。


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