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1、 Unit 15 Lesson 1 Life-long Learning The importance of Life-long LearningTeaching objectivesBy the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:1. get information about three persons life-long experiences and grasp the key words and phrases related to the topic.2. learn to predict before reading and work

2、out the meaning of a new word through contextual analysis.3. realize that learning is a lifelong process.The key points:1. to get information from the text and learn to grasp and use the key words and phrases.2. to cultivate Ss reading skills like predicting and word guessing in the context.The diff

3、icult points:1. New words guessing in the context2. The use of the newly learned key words and phrases in talking and writingReading strategies:1. Predicting from the title2. Skimming for the main idea3. Reading for key information4. Guess the meaning of new words according to the context.Teaching m

4、ethods: Task-based language teaching and Situational language teachingLearning methods: Individual learning, group learning and pair learningTeaching aids: Multimedia system & blackboardTeaching Procedures:Pre-readingu Step1 Lead-in and New words learning(T shows some pictures in which people of var

5、ious ages and backgrounds are learning something)T: What are these people doing?Ss: They are learning/studyingT: What about their ages? Are they all young people?Ss: They are children, teenagersT elicits the topic of “lifelong learning” and the proverb “It is never too old to learn.”T: What can peop

6、le benefit from lifelong learning?Ss: New knowledge, skills; they can improve themselvesT leads Ss to get familiar with some new words: qualification, lay off, secure, statusu Stpe2 Prediction(T leads Ss to pay attention to the title and subtitles of the text and ask Ss to predict what the text is a

7、bout)1. What is the text about?While-reading: Reading strategy training: Skimming and Scanninu Step3 Fast reading (Reading for general comprehension) Task 1 Match the heading with the right personSun Wen (A) Learning to use the InternetMs Tang (B) Studying a business course after being laid offGrand

8、pa Chen (C) Getting a degree in computer engineering while workingTask 2 Summarize the main idea of the text in about 30 words (Ss check their prior prediction and summarize the text after the match work)The text is about three peoples life-long learning experiences. Sun Wen got a degree in computer

9、 engineering while working, Ms Tang studied a business course after getting laid off and Grandpa Chen learned how to use the Internet. (Ask students to fill in the blanks to make it easier if necessary.)Task 3What type of writing does the passage belong to? (C)A. Argumentation(议论文)B. Exposition(说明文)

10、C.Narration(记叙文)u Step4 Detailed reading (Reading for detailed information)1. Sun WenGetting a degree in computer engineering while working(Ss answer the questions according to the basic elements of a narration)1) Why did Sun Wen continue his study?2) When did he study for his degree?3) How did he s

11、tudy?4) What is result of his further study?2. Ms TangStudying a business course after being laid offTask 1(Ss find out the detailed information about Ms Tang by filling in the gaps of the table.)NameMs TangWhat did she study?a _Why did she study?She _ being a full-time housewife after being _ and d

12、reaming of _.How did she study?by _Whats the result of her study?She has learned many new skills and prepared to _her own_.(Keys: business course, got bored with, laid off, starting her own business, taking a course, set up, export company)Task 2 Words guessing through contextual analysis(Group work

13、)Example: (Passage 1, Line 8) .Now Im about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning. Because of my new qualification, Im getting promoted at work.Lead the students to guess the meaning of qualifica

14、tion by asking the following questions:1) Is it a verb, a noun or an adjective? How do you know? (A noun. Because it is after the preposition phrase “Because of” and the word ends with a suffix “-tion”.)2) What is the new thing that Sun Wen got according to the context? (A Bachelors Degree in Comput

15、er Engineering.)3) What does qualification refer to?Students task:Three months ago, when my manager told me that I would be laid off, my mind went blank and my heart swelled with anger. In the past, if someone had worked for a company for over 20 years, they would have stayed there until retirement!

16、 I suspect that they laid me off because the company was not doing that well but it still brought a lump to my throat and made me want to cry. I felt as if I had done something wrong! I know this isnt true though. Its just the status of the job market at the moment.3. Grandpa Chen Learning to use th

17、e Internet(Put the events happening to Grandpa Chen into the right order)A. The postage has risen recently.B. He got his grandson to instruct him on how to email and use the Internet.C. He used to send letters by airmail to his daughter in the US once a week.D. He decided to be an Internet user.E. N

18、ow he enjoys the convenience brought by the Internet and he even studies an English course on it.(Keys:CADBE)Post-readingu Step5 Complete the summary of 3 peoples learning experiences to consolidate.The passage tells us three peoples lifelong learning experiences. Sun Wen, who _ his college entrance

19、 exam, studied computer engineering by distance learning while keeping a _ full-time job. Now he is about to graduate and because of his new _, he is getting promoted in the company. Three month ago, Ms Tang was suddenly told by her manager that she would be _. On hearing the news, her mind went _ a

20、nd her heart _with anger. She_that she was laid off because the company didnt do well. She soon got bored as a full-time housewife, or a _ home officer as she called herself. Therefore, she studied a business course and has almost finished it and prepared to _ _ her own export company. Grandpa Chen

21、used to send _ to his daughter in the US once a week. Because of the rising_, he decided to learn how to use the Internet. He enjoyed the convenience brought by the Internet. _ _ communicating with her daughter and grandchildren, he began to take an English course on the Internet. This why he didnt

22、think the _You cant teach an old dog new tricks is true.(Keys: failed, secure, qualification, laid off, blank, swelled, suspected, chief, set up, airmail, postage, Aside from, saying)u Step6 Interview Work in pairs. Suppose one of you is Sun Wen, Ms Tang or Grandpa Chen and the other is a journalist

23、.Ask and answer the questions based on what you have learned, then exchange your roles. The questions are provided in Chinese for your reference and you should try to use the the following words and phrases in asking and answering.( secure, qualification, postage, suspect, instruct, get promoted/lai

24、d off/bored with, go blank, swell with, set up, aside from, frankly speaking)Questions for Sun Wen:1. 你为什么要继续学习?2. 你学了什么课程?3. 你去哪里学习?4. 获得一个电脑工程的学位对你工作有什么帮助吗?Questions for Ms Tang:1. 你为什么要学习商业课程?2. 当你得知自己要被解雇时,你的反应什么?3. 你有固定工作,什么时候有时间去学习呢?4. 学了商业课程后你有什么新的计划吗?Questions for Grandpa Chen:1. 你为什么要学习怎样使用网络?2. 是谁教你怎样发电子邮件和上网的呢?3. 除了和你女儿和外孙网上聊天之外,你还在网上做些什么呢?u Step 7 Homework1. Read the text again and underline some useful expressions.2. Try to think of someone who had a lifelong learning experience and write his/her story after having an interview with him/her.4


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