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1、用所给单词的适当形式填空1、 What _(be) your name?2、 I_(be) Alan. Nice to meet you.3、 How_ you? I_fine. (be)4、 His name _(be) Jim.5、 What_(be) her name?6、 _ is a boy. _ name is Jim Green. Green is _last name.( his, he, him)7、 Is_ first name Lucy? ( you)8、 _ am Li Lei. Li is _ first name. (my, I)9、 _ name is Xiong

2、 Mei. (she, her)10、 This is_ friend Nick Brown. _first name is Nick.(my, his)11、 I _(be) Number 2 in Row One(第一排).12、 My telephone number _(be) 222=2473.13、 How _(be) you?14、 How _(be) your father?15、 I_(be) fine, thank you.16、 Is this your pen?-No, its _(he) pen.17、 Can you _(spell) that word?18、 L

3、ook, _(be) that your teacher?19、 Kate is an English girl. _(she) sister is Helen.20、 This is _(I ) pencil-case. 21、 _(he) pencil-case is over there.22、 This is _(a, an) eraser.23、 That isnt _ (a, an)pen.24、 Its _ (a, an)pencil.25、 Its _ (a, an) English dictionary.26、 Is that _ (a, an)orange?27、 I ha

4、ve _ (a, an) ID card.28、 This is _(I ) sister.29、 These _(be) Kate and Tom.30、 They are good_(friend).31、 Are _ (this) your teachers?32、 Gina _(be) her daughter.33、 These are my _(book).34、 Her father _(be) Chinese and _(she) mother is English.3541: 写出单词的复数形式35、 Is_ 36. this_ 37. sister_ 38. she_ 39

5、. that_ 40. brother_ 41. friend_ 42. am_ 43. parent_ 44. it_45、who _(be) these girls?46、_(this) are my uncles.47、Those are my _(parent) and that _(be) my friend.48 、This is my cat. _(Its, Its, Thats)name is Mimi.49、_(Hes, His, He) brother is an English teacher.50、What color are your rulers?-_(Therere, Theyre, Its) yellow.


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