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1、学习分词时除要注意现在分词表示主动与进行、过去分词表示被动与完成外,还须注意以下事项:一、明确分词的逻辑主语分词是非谓语动词之一,但它可以有自己逻辑主语。知道了其逻辑主语,那么用现在分词还是用过去分词就有依据了。分词在句子中可作状语、定语、宾补及表语。1. 分词作状语时,与主句的主语比较。如:Compared with the old one,the new building looks more beautiful. 与那旧楼相比,这新楼看起来更美。(分词部分相当于When the new building is compared with the old one,与主语比较,是被动的,所以

2、用过去分词。)Comparing the new building with the old one,we find that the new one looks more beautiful. (如果我们)把新楼与旧楼作一比较,我们就会发现新楼看起来更美。(If we compare the new building with the old one,we 与主语比较,是主动的,所以用现在分词。)2. 分词作定语时,与被修饰的词比较。如:People living in the city do not know the pleasure of country life. (生活在城市里的人不

3、知道乡村生活的乐趣。)People 与live是主动关系的,所以用现在分词。如:The reduced price will save you one dollar for each dozen. (下调了的价格每一打将能节省你一个美元。) price与reduce是被动关系的,所以用过去分词。3. 分词作宾补时,与宾语比较。如:When I got there,I found him repairing farm tools. 当我到达那里时,我发现他正在修理农具。宾语him是repair这一动作的执行者,是主谓关系,所以用现在分词。When I got there,I found the

4、farm tools repaired. 当我到达那里时,我发现农具被修好了。宾语farm tools是repair的承受者,是动宾关系,所以用过去分词。4.分词作表语,与主语比较。如:The film is exciting. 这电影令人感到激动。excite这动作是电影发出的,所以用现在分词。The boys were excited when they heard the exciting news. 这些男孩听到这激动人心的消息,感到很激动。(the boys是excite这一动作的承受者,所以用过去分词。)二、分词替换从句,主语必须一致如:While he was watching

5、TV,he heard a knock at the door. 正当他在看电视时,他听到有人敲门。(可以用分词改写,因为两个主语一致。) (While)Watching TV,he heard a knock at the door.注意:While he was watching TV, someone knocked at the door.正当他在看电视时,有人敲门。 (此句不可用分词替换从句,因为句中的两个主语不一致。)As it was Sunday,they went out for a picnic. 从句与主句的主语不一致时,保留从句中的主语,再用分词改写:It being

6、Sunday,they went out for a picnic. 这种用法属于独立主格结构。三、短暂性动词的一般式也可表先后分词有二种时态:一般式和完成式。一般式通常表示与主句的谓语动词所表示的动作无先后;完成式则强调分词所表示的动作先于谓语动词所表示的动作。如:While walking in the street,we met some friends of ours.(无先后)Having done his homework,he turned off the light and went to bed.(做作业在关灯与上床睡觉之前)但是Hearing the news,he jum

7、ped with joy. (hearing是一般式,但因为是短暂性动词,所以其一般式也可以表示先后,常是紧接着发生两个动作。此句若用完成式,反而显得听话者反应迟钝。如:Seeing the house on fire,he dialed 119. Arriving there,they began to plant trees.(用Arriving比用Having arrived更能显出they植树的积极性。)四、句中出现连词不可用分词替换从句学生们学了分词语法后,很容易犯以下错误:1.只顾表面,不管结构。如:_ many times, but he still couldnt unders

8、tand it. (A. Having been told B. He was told)很多学生会误选A.句中有连词but,连词应连接两个相同的成分,此句中连接两个句子,所以B项正确 .若去掉but,A项正确;He has lived in this city for many years ,so he knows the city very well. (有连词,要用句子。)2.只顾形式,不管意思。如:_ late in the morning, he turned off the alarm.A. To sleep B. Sleeping 很多学生会误选B.要他说出句意,他就犯难。其实,

9、此句该选A,为了早上睡个懒觉,他把闹钟关了。不定式能表目的状语,而分词一般不表示目的。Having passed the exam,he decided to tell his parents the good news. (表原因)考试通过了,他决定把这好消息告诉他父母。To pass the exam,he decided to spend the weekend at home going over his lessons. (表目的)为了通过考试,他决定周末呆在家里复习功课。在祈使句+and / or +句子的句型,由于学生常不顾意思,该用动词原形(祈使句)时,误用分词是常见的错误。请

10、辨别以下句子:Work hard and youll be able to pass the exam.努力学习,那么你就会通过考试。Work hard or youll fail the English exam.努力学习,否则你就不能通过考试。Having worked hard,he passed the exam.因为他努力学习,所以他通过了考试。(分词表原因)五、分词可表结果状语分词作状语,除了表示时间、原因、条件及伴随外还可表示结果。分词与不定式表结果状语, 有不同之处,不定式通常表意外结果,而分词多表必然结果。如:He opened the door only to find a

11、 stranger. (意外地发现一个陌生人)He woke up only to find himself lying in hospital. (意外地发现自己在医院里)He was told that his house had been broken into. He hurried home,only finding a lot things stolen. (房子被盗,必然东西被偷)The insect drinks too much sap,which passes right through its body, only getting a little thicker and

12、 sweeter. 这种昆虫喝太多的树液,这树液径直流过其身体,只不过变得稠些、甜些。(这也是必然的结果)六、注意貌似分词的词英语中的一些词是以-ing结尾的,貌似现在分词,但这类词在意义和用法上与分词完全不同,不要求有明确的自己的逻辑主语,实际上它们已被看作是介词或连词。如:Considering his age,the little boy reads very well. 就他的年龄来说,这小孩读得算挺好的。 (considering作介词,就而论)I wrote a letter regarding my daughters school examinations. 我写了一封关于我女

13、儿学校考试的信。(regarding 作介词,= about)还有一些词也是以-ing结尾的,作插入语其结构是固定的,意思上的主语并不是句子的主语。generally speaking一般说来,honestly speaking老实说,strictly speaking 严格的说,judging from 从判断Judging from his face,he must be ill.从他的脸色看,他一定是病了。Generally speaking,dogs can run faster than pigs. 总的来说,狗比猪跑得快。 (speaking 并不是dogs 的动作)Strictl

14、y speaking, you are wrong. 严格地说你错了。七、-ing分词与-ed分词的区别学生对-ing与-ed的掌握也常感到有困难。初中老师常强调-ing 修饰事;而-ed修饰人。如:The film is interesting. The boy is interested in it.而到了高中,这样理解有时是不够的。 应该强调:-ing 表示令人感到有主动含义;而-ed表示感到有被动含义。The man is frightening. 这人令人感到害怕。(frightening吓人的)The man is frightened. 这人感到害怕。(frightened被吓)

15、He is excited so there is an excited look on his face. 他感到激动,所以他脸上有感到激动的神色。(而exciting look 是令别人感到激动的神色)His surprised look suggested that he knew nothing about it. 他那感到惊讶神色表示他对此事一无所知。(而surprising look是令人感到惊讶的神色)还有voice,tone等也有类似用法:An excited person speaks in an excited voice. A surprised person speaks in a surprised tone. A frightening person speaks in a frightening tone.


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