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1、Unit 2 Healthy eating Reading Come and eat here,1.How many restaurants are mentioned in the passage ? 2.Which restaurant does the customers prefer ?,Two restaurants are mentioned.,The customers like to go to Yong Huis restaurant.,Revision,Find out the information of the two restaurants.,mutton kebab

2、s, roast pork, fried rice, cola, ice cream,fruit, raw vegetables, water,energy foods,fibre foods,Too much fat, not enough fibre,not enough energy, feel tired quickly,not very expensive,expensive,1. The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengweis restaurant was _. 2. The strength of the diet in Wang Pengwe

3、is restaurant was_,that it did not give enough foods containing fibre,that it provided plenty of energy foods,3. The weakness of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant was _ _. 4. The strength of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant was _ _.,that it did not give enough energy foods,that it provided plenty of

4、fibre foods,A healthy diet =,energy-giving food,+,+,butter cream oil nuts ,meat eggs cheese milk tofu,vegetables,fruits,COME AND EAT HERE (2),The competition is on,MENU,COME AND EAT HERE,(2),Task 1,Task 1 Listen to the first paragraph then answer :,How did Wang Pengwei feel the next day? Why?,skim:,

5、Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete each sentence on Page 15,TASK 2,TASK 3 Careful Reading,Tell the following statements true or false,1) Wang Pengwei thought he would be able to earn his living .,2)Yong Hui was angry with Peng Wei and she glared at him at first .,3)Wang Pengwei

6、went to Yong Huis restaurant to spy on her and Menu.,.,4)Yong Hui felt sick with heavy food . heavy here means “重的”,5)Peng Weis research showed that his menu offered a balanced diet.,6)At last ,they combined their menus and they got married .,Wang Pengwei won his customers back and came across Yongh

7、ui in his restaurant.,They sat down and talked about their foods, each admitted the weakness of their foods.,They combined their menu and finally got married.,What is the main idea for each paragraph?,Para.1:,Para.2:,Para.3:,BACK,Discussion,Suppose you and your partners are to start a restaurant, wh

8、at food will be in your menu ? Why?,Homework,Try to retell the whole Story in your own words .,Thank You ! See YOU!,1. earn a/ ones living,= make a/ones living谋生 She earned a living as a part-time secretary. He had to earn his own living when he was still a child.,2. in debt 欠债,He died heavily in de

9、bt. The club is four millions in debt. be out of debt 还清债务;不欠债 Its hard to stay out of debt when you are a student. 当学生很难不负债。 be in ones debt欠某人的情;感激某人 You saved my life. I am forever in your debt.,3. glare 怒目而视,glare at = look at angrily He didnt shout, he just glared at me silently. give sb. a gla

10、re She gave the rude man a glare. the full glare of publicity众目睽睽之下 I feel sorry for the famous people who live in the full glare of publicity. stare 凝视,盯着看 Dont stare at others like that. We stared at him in amazement.,4. benefit,n. 优势;益处;成效 the benefit of 1) Ive had the benefit of a good education

11、. 2)The new hospital will be a great benefit to the town. vt. benefit sb. A good education had benefited me. vi. benefit from/by sth. I have benefited from a good education. 2) We benefited a lot by this frank ( 坦诚的)talk.,5. cut down 减少,削减,砍倒,1)You should try your best to cut down the accident rate.

12、 2)We need to cut the article down to 1,000 words. 3)They have cut down a tall tree. cut off 砍下来;切断;阻碍 He had his two fingers cut off in an accident at work. cut through 抄近路;开辟( 出路或通道) I came by cutting through the lane.,6. combine 联合,使联合,vt. combine . with . Some films combine education with recreation. combine sth. We are going to combine the three department soon. vi. The two old schools are to combine to form a new school soon.,


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