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1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?,Section B 1a-1d,A: Do you like dogs? B: Yes, I do. A: Why do you like them? B: Because I think theyre cute. A: Does B like dogs? C: Yes , he does. A: Why does B like them? C: Because he thinks theyre cute.,A: Where is / are .from? =Where does/do .come from? B: Its from

2、. =It comes from. Theyre from. = They come from.,China,Australia,Africa,Objectives,To review What, Why questions What animals do you like? Why do you want to see them? To review the way of expressing preferences for animals I like dogs because they are friendly and cute. To learn to use adjectives o

3、f quality to describe animals smart, cute, lazy, fun, interesting, boring, beautiful.,挑战第一关,抢答,1.what animals can swim? 2. What animals eat grass(草)? 3. What animals eat meat? 4. What animals eat leaves(树叶)?,fish, dolphins, duck, goose 鹅 penguin 企鹅 ,elephant, sheep ,rabbit, cow, horse,lion, tiger ,w

4、olf 狼 ,dog.,koala, giraffe,挑战第二关,形容词知多少,scary, big,friendly, strong,友好的 ,强壮的,cute, small, interesting,clever, smart,机灵的,friendly, cute,beautiful, shy,羞怯的,ugly, scary,难看的,fun ,friendly,beautiful, tall,lazy, lovely,可爱的,1a,Match the description words with the animals . You can use some words more than

5、once.,1. smart _ 2. friendly _ 3. beautiful _ 4. cute _ 5. lazy _ 6. scary _ 7. small _ 8. shy _,d,f,b,e,a,e,c,f,The lion is scary and lazy.,1b. Listen and circle the description words you hear in 1a.,smart _ 2. friendly _ 3. beautiful _ 4. cute _ 5. lazy _ 6. scary _ 7. small _ 8. shy _,Describe th

6、e animals,A: look at the tiger! Its so scary. B: Yes, but its also cool! A: Oh, look at the lion . It looks sad. B: Its very old, I think.,Description,Describe the animals in the pictures.,I like because ,I like pandas because theyre kind of shy,I like elephants because theyre kind of smart.,I dont

7、like because ,I dont like koalas because theyre really lazy.,I dont like tigers because theyre very scary.,interesting,lazy,beautiful,kind of shy,kind of cute,Listen again. What words do they use to describe the animals? Fill in the chart.,really smart,1b,Mary thinks elephants are,but Tony thinks el

8、ephants are,Mary wants to see the _, because theyre interesting and really_. Tony thinks they are_, too. He wants to see the _, because theyre kind of cute. Mary loves pandas. She think theyre _, but also kind of_. Theyre over there, _ the koalas.,elephants,smart,lazy,pandas,beautiful,shy,not far fr

9、om,Listen and fill in the blanks.,听力原文,A: What animals do you like? B: I like . A: Why? B: Because theyre . What animals do you like? A: I like . because theyre .,Description words bank,smart, cute, lazy, fun, interesting, boring, beautiful, scary, friendly, shy.,1d,Talk about the animals you know.,

10、A: What animals does he/she/your sister like ? B: He /She likes elephants. A: Why? B: Because theyre so big. What animals does he/she/your father like ? A: He /She likes elephants because theyre kind of shy.,1. Cindy is a _ (腼腆的) girl. 2. Dont be _ (懒惰的) at school. 3. Lucy said the pandas are very _

11、 (漂亮的). 4. Lets go to the _ (动物园) on Sunday. 5. The tigers are very _ (吓人的).,shy,zoo,scary,lazy,beautiful,根据句意及汉语提示写单词。,单项选择,1.Our teachers are very friendly_ us. A. for B. to C. with D. and 2.The girl is new . So she looks _. A. lazy B. scary C. shy D. smart 3. Elephants are very friendly and they

12、like _ grass. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. eats 4. Look at the baby elephant. He is _ big.A. kind of B. many C. some D. kind 5. Look! There is _ elephant near the river.A. a B. / C. the D. an,B,C,C,A,D,Translate and write them down.,你喜欢什么动物? 2. - 你还喜欢其它什么动物? - 我还喜欢狗,因为它们友好而且 聪明。,What animals do you

13、 like?,- What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Because theyre friendly and smart.,Homework,1.Write a dialogue about what animals your family members like and then practice it with your partner. 2.Preview the new words and expressions. 3.Preview the website article in 2b.,Thank you for listening!,


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