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1、“ 神州视景杯”第七届全国旅游院校服务技能(饭店服务)大赛英语水平测试题库餐饮服务中职学校组一、中译英1. 先生,早上好。欢迎光临我们饭店。 答案:Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our hotel.2. 女士,下午好。很高兴您来我们饭店。 答案:Good afternoon, Madam. Very glad to have you here.3. 很高兴又见到您,史密斯先生。 答案:Its nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.4. 请这边走。 答案:This way, please.5. 我带您去您的餐桌,好吗? 答案:Shall

2、I show you to your table?6. 您觉得这个会议室怎么样? 答案:How do you like this conference room?7. 请您在这里签字。 答案:Could you sign your name here, please?8. 对不起,我不明白这项收费。 答案:Im sorry, but I dont understand this item.9. 我为犯了这样一个粗心的错误向您道歉。 答案:Im sorry for making such a careless mistake.10. 请看一下账单是否都对。 答案:Please have a lo

3、ok at it to see if everything is correct.11. 您怎么结账?用现金,信用卡还是旅游支票? 答案:How will you be paying , in cash, by credit card or with a travelers check?12. 很抱歉给您带来不便。 答案:Sorry for the trouble.13. 我尽力去办。 答案:Ill try my best.14. 我什么时候把您的早餐送到房间?答案:When should I send the breakfast to your room?15. 我可以给他电话留言吗? 答案

4、:May I leave a message on the phone?16. 女士,您需要我给您打开窗户吗? 答案:May I open the window for you, Maam?17. 抱歉,没有人接电话。 答案:Im sorry, nobody answered.18. 早上好,宴会预订。请问有什么能为您服务的? 答案:Good morning, Banquet reservation. Can I help you?19. 请问您的房间号是多少? 答案:Whats your room number, please?20. 还需要点别的吗? 答案:Would you like a

5、nything else?21. 好的,我们马上送上去。 答案:OK, well send it right up.22. 您想要点些什么,先生? 答案:What would you like to have, Sir?23. 谢谢您光临我们饭店。 答案:Thank you for coming to our hotel.24. 晚上好。欢迎光临本餐厅。 答案:Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant. 25. 有的,先生。这边请。您想在哪儿就座? 答案:Yes,Sir. This way, please. Where would you like to

6、sit?26. 我们坐在靠窗的位置,可以吗? 答案:Can we sit by the window?27. 打扰了,您现在点菜吗? 答案:Excuse me. Are you ready to order now?28. 好的。您点的菜十分钟后就送上来。 答案:OK. Your order will be ready in 10 minutes.29. 您有预订吗? 答案:Have you got a reservation?30. 请问共有几位就餐? 答案:How many people are there in your party?31. 这张桌子可以吗? 答案:Will this t

7、able be all right?32. 我要全熟的牛排。 答案:Id like my steak well done.33. 您想要喝点什么? 答案:What would you like to drink?34. 您的牛排要几分熟,先生? 答案:How would you like your steak,sir?35. 很高兴又见到您,史密斯先生。 答案:Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.36. 今天来点儿什么? 答案:So what can I serve you today?37. 您点的菜很快就上。 答案:Ill be back soon with

8、your order.38. 今天我们的特价酒水是马提尼酒。 答案: Our special for today is Martini.39. 打扰一下,先生。您需要开收据吗? 答案:Excuse me, Sir. Do you need a receipt?40. 抱歉,让您久等了。 答案:Im sorry to keep you waiting.41. 您打算什么时候走? 答案:When are you leaving?42. 我带您去宴会厅。 答案:Let me take you to the banquet hall.43. 有多少人参加会议? 答案:How many people w

9、ill attend the meeting?44. 请乘电梯到一楼,然后左转,您就会找到的。答案: Please take the elevator down to the first floor, and turn left. Youll find it.45. 您会看到餐厅就在前面。 答案:Youll find the restaurant in front of you.46. 你可以坐出租车去那儿。 答案:You can go there by taxi.47. 让我在地图上给您指一下。 答案:Let me show you on the map.48. 那儿离这儿不远。 答案:It

10、s not far from here.49. 你一定能找到。 答案:You cant miss it.50. 我们有很多可供您选择。答案:We have many for you to choose from.二、英译中1. Let me help you with your coat . 答案:我来帮您拿外套吧。2. Your table is over there. Follow me, please. 答案:您的桌子就在那边,请跟我来。3. Ill take care of your suitcase. 答案:我来照看您的箱子。4. Youve got three people. Is

11、 that right , sir? 答案:您一共有三位用餐,对吗,先生?5. May I put your coat in the closet? 答案:我把您的外套放在衣橱里,好吗?6. Would you mind if I put your handbag here? 答案:您介意我把您的手提包放在这里吗?7. We look forward to your coming. 答案:我们期待您的到来。8. Yes, we have your reservation. 答案:是的,我们有您的预订。9. Heres your bill, Sir. It totals ¥100. Please

12、 check it. 答案:先生,这是您的账单。总共100元人民币。请核对一下。10. Im terribly sorry, Sir. We did make a mistake. 答案:非常抱歉,先生。我们的确弄错了。11. The service charge is included in the bill. 答案:账单里包含了服务费。12. How would you like to settle your bill? 答案:您希望以何种方式结账?13. Please help me carry that bag. 答案:请帮我拿一下那个包。14. Let me introduce th

13、e meeting facilities to you,Sir. 答案:先生,请让我为您介绍一下会议设施。15. How about the charge? 答案:收费多少?16. Is there any special rate for this dish? 答案:这道菜有没有特价?17. You may call directly from your room. 答案:您可以使用房间的电话直接拨。18. Ill give you the charges when you finish the meal. 答案:您用完餐后我会告诉您本次用餐的费用。19. If you want to ma

14、ke a room-to-room call, please dial “ 9 ” first and then the room number. 答案:如果您要打酒店内线电话,请先拨“9”,然后拨对方的房间号就可以了。20. Id like to have breakfast in my room. 答案:我想要在房间里用早餐。21. Youd like a continental breakfast and your room number is 1013. 答案:您需要的是欧陆式早餐,您的房间号是1013。22. OK. The order will be sent to your ro

15、om in a few minutes. 答案:好的,您的订餐几分钟后就会送到您的房间去。23. Anything else I can do/get for you? 答案:还需要点别的吗?24. Sir, here is the menu. 答案:先生,这是菜单。25. No problem , I can have this ready for you in 15 minutes。 答案:没问题,15分钟后我们就可以为您准备好。26. How would you like your coffee,with sugar or milk, Maam? 答案:夫人,请问咖啡加糖或牛奶吗?27.

16、 On the doorknob menu,there are continental, American, Chinese, Japanese breakfasts and so on. 答案:客房门把手上挂着的早餐牌上列有欧陆式早餐、美式早餐、中式早餐和日式早餐等。28. How would you like your eggsscrambled, fried or boiled, Sir? 答案:您想要什么样的鸡蛋,炒蛋、荷包蛋还是水煮蛋?29. Im sorry to disturb you, but here is your room service. 答案:不好意思打扰您一下,这是

17、您点的客房送餐。30. Id like to have a view of the street. 答案:我想要坐在临街的位置。31. Do you have a table for eight available now? 答案:现在有八个人坐的桌子吗?32. I think Ill have the beef steak. 答案:我想来份牛排。33. Would you come this way,please? 答案:请跟我来。34. What would you like for your dessert? 答案:您想点什么甜点?35. Id like my steak well do

18、ne. 答案:我想要全熟的牛排。36. Please have a look at the menu. Ill be right back. 答案:您先看菜单,我稍后来为您点菜。37. How was your day, Miss Brown? 答案:您今天过得怎么样,布朗小姐?38. How are you doing, Mr. Smith? 答案:您好,史密斯先生。39. May I recommend a drink for you guys? 答案:我能为您推荐点儿喝的吗?40. Would you like to try our snacks? 答案:您想尝尝我们的小吃吗?41. T

19、hank you , but we are not allowed to drink on duty. 答案:谢谢,可我们当班时是不允许喝酒的42. How many cubes of ice do you like with your coke? 答案:您想在您的可乐中加几块冰?43. How would you like your Whisky, straight up or on the rocks? 答案:您要纯威士忌还是加冰威士忌?44. I want to know what kind of rooms you have for business meetings? 答案:我想知道

20、饭店里有什么样的商务会议室。45. We have several conference rooms for you to choose from. And we offer many kinds of meeting facilities for our guests. 答案:我们有多个会议厅可供您选择,并且我们还提供给客人各种会议所需的设施。46. Ill take you to the function room. 答案:我带您去功能厅47. What time would you like to use the conference room? 答案:您几点开始用会议室?48. Its

21、 over there next to the dining-hall. 答案:在那边,餐厅旁边。49. You can go there by the No.22 bus and get off at the Xidan stop. 答案:您可以坐22路公交汽车,在西单站下车。50. Go down this road and turn left at the crossing. 答案:沿着这条路走,在十字路口处左拐。三、情景对话1. You are a doorman. How do you greet a guest in the morning? 答案:Good morning, Si

22、r. Welcome to our hotel.2. If you meet Mr. Smith again, what do you say to him? 答案:Its nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.3. When you lead a guest to his table, what will you say? 答案:Shall I show you to your table?4. If a guest wants to sign the bill, what will you ask the guest to do? 答案:Show the roo

23、m card and sign the name and room number on the Bill,please.5. If a guest does not understand an item in his bill and that is for the room service,what will you say?答案:Its for the room service.6. If you make a mistake, how do you apologize to the guest? 答案:Im sorry for making such a careless mistake

24、.7. You are offering the room service to Mr. and Mrs. Roberts in room 125, what would you say to them? 答案:Please check if the order is correct. Please sign the bill and ring room service when you have finished. Thank you very much. 8. If you want a guest check his bill, what will you say to him? 答案:

25、Please have a look at it to see if everything is correct.9. How many ways can a guest pay his bill?答案:He can pay it in cash, by credit card or with a travelers check.10. How do you answer a phone call as a banquet reservationist in the morning?答案:Good morning, Banquet reservation. Can I help you?11.

26、 How do you ask a guest for his room number?答案:Whats your room number, please?12. If a guest orders to have breakfast in his room, what is the first thing you should make it clear?答案:Whats your room number and what kind of breakfast would you like to have?13. The guest is finishing his meal, how do

27、you try to sell more to the guest?答案:Would you like anything else?14. After finishing taking the orders, what will you say to the guest?答案:The order will be sent to you in a few minutes.15. What kind of breakfast may be on the doorknob menu?答案:There are continental, American, Chinese, Japanese break

28、fasts and so on.16. When the guests have looked through the menu, what will you say to them?答案:What would you like to have, Sir?17. The guest is leaving your hotel, what will you say to him?答案:Thank you for coming to our hotel.18. How do you greet a guest at the restaurant, if it is in the evening?答

29、案:Good evening. Welcome to our restaurant.19. If you dont know how many seats you should prepare, what will you ask the guest?答案:How many people are there in your party?20. How do you ask a guest if he is satisfied with the table?答案:Will this table be all right?21. How do you try to sell the drinks

30、to the guest?答案:What would you like to drink?22. How can a steak be done?答案:A steak can be done rare,medium or well done.23. If a guest orders steak, what will you ask him?答案:How would you like your steak,sir?24. How do you greet a guest during the day?答案:How are you doing?25. When you bring the Blo

31、od Mary to the guest. What will you say?答案:Here is your Blood Mary. Enjoy it.26. Can you tell us some common drinks served in your hotel?答案:There are cocktail、Brandy、Rum、Coffee、Martini、Gin、Whisky、Beer、Tea and etc.27. After seating the guest and giving him the menu,what will you say to the guest? 答案:

32、Ill be back soon with your order.28. What is your special for today? (Martini)答案: Our special for today is Martini.29. If a guest asks you where the banquet hall is, what will you say?答案:Let me take you to the banquet hall.30. Where can the guest book large conference rooms in some hotels ? 答案: In s

33、ome hotels , large conference rooms are booked at the Banquet Reception Desk.31. Whats the date today?答案:Its .(eg:Mar.24th).32. Where is the dining-hall in your hotel?答案: The dining-hall is on the first floor.33. You are looking for the bar, how do you ask for the way?答案:Excuse me, which is the way

34、to the bar?34. How many foodserving styles commonly found in different countries? And what are they?答案:There are five food-serving styles. They are cart service, platter service, plate service, family-style service, buffet service. 35. If a guest comes into the restaurant with a suitcase. What will

35、you say to him? 答案:Ill take care of your suitcase.36. What will you say when you give the bill to the guest? 答案:Heres your bill, Sir. Please check it.37. If a guest wants to settle his bill, what will you ask him? 答案:How would you like to settle your bill?38. How to make a room-to-room call in your

36、hotel?答案:If you want to make a room-to-room call, please dial “ 9 ”first and then the room number.39. If a guest orders coffee, what will you ask him to go with? 答案:How would you like your coffee,with sugar or milk?40. What kinds of breakfast do we usually serve in the hotel? 答案:We usually serve Con

37、tinental, American, Chinese, Japanese breakfasts and so on.41. If a guest orders eggs for breakfast. What will you ask him? 答案:How would you like your eggsscrambled, fried or boiled, Sir?42. What should you do before you lead the guests to a table? 答案:We should make sure whether the guests have a re

38、servation before they are led to a table.43. If a guest has finished his main course, what will you recommend to him? 答案:What would you like for your dessert?44. How do you recommend snacks to the guest? 答案:Would you like to try our snacks?45. If a guest invites you to drink, what will you say? 答案:T

39、hank you , but we are not allowed to drink on duty.46. If a guest orders whisky, what will you ask him? 答案:How would you like your whisky, straight up or on the rocks?47. When do Westerners prefer to have their meal?答案:At the beginning of their meal.48. If a guest thanks you for your service, what will you say?答案:You are welcome.49. If a guest wants to go shopping, where do you suggest him to go? 答案:You can go to the shopping center.50. If a guest wants to buy a typical Chinese toy, what do you suggest him to buy? And why?答案:Toy panda. Because China is the pandas homeland.14


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