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1、1,第57课 An unsual day,不平常的一天,Chris Wei,2,Listen to the tape then aswer this question: What is Mr. Sawyer doing tonight? It is eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot. It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but

2、this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four oclock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.,3,It is six oclock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing the

3、ir homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night. But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting book.,4,New words and expressions,oclock adv. 点钟 shop n. 商店 moment n. 片刻,瞬间,5,oclock kl

4、k,abbr. 点钟(等于of the clock) *前面必须加整点时间 eg: three oclock 三点钟 I shall stay here until twelve oclock.,Details about the vocabulary,6,如何询问时间? 1. What is the time? 2. What time is it? 如何回答时间的询问? 1.its. oclock. 回答整点。 2.Its.past/to .或 Its. 几点几分。 eg: Its twentypast three. Its nine eleven.,7,Pay attention to

5、the difference between past and to. 1到30分钟内,用past表示; 在某个钟点的31分到下一个整点,常用介词to。 3.Its half past. 回答半点。 eg:Its half past ten. 4.a quarter past /a quarter to 回答刻钟。 几点15分 几点45分 表示在什么时间通常都需用介词at。,8,Sum up the expression about time,所有的时间都可以用“小时 + 分钟”直接读: 6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty 2:40 two forty 如果所表述的时

6、间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟 + past + 小时”: 6:10 ten past six 4:20 twenty past four 10:25 twenty-five past ten 如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“(相差的)分钟 + to + (下一)小时”: 10:35 twenty-five to eleven 5:50 ten to six 9:49 eleven to ten,9,如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用 “half + past + 小时”: 11:30 half past eleven 2:30 half past two 如果所表述的分钟和15有关,就

7、有三种表达法: (15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter) 9:15 - nine fifteen ; fifteen past nine ; a quarter past nine 3:45 - three forty-five ; fifteen to four ; a quarter to four,10,整点: 现在是两点整。 Its two. Its two oclock. Its two oclock sharp. Its two oclock on the dot. Its two oclock on the nose. Its exactly two oclock. 另外英语中

8、的 noon 和 midnight 可分别直接表示 白天和夜晚的12点: Its (twelve) noon. 现在是中午十二点。 Its (twelve) midnight. 现在是半夜零点。,11,大约时间: Its almost two. 马上到两点了。 Its not quite two. 还不到两点。 Its just after two. 刚过两点。 *若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上a.m., 如:thirteen past six a.m.(上午六点十三分)。 若想表明是下午,可在时间后加上p.m., 如:four oclock p.m.(下午四点)。,12,看下面这幅图说说每个

9、时钟上的时间,13,shop p,n. 商店(Br.) store str n. 商店(Am.),14,go to the shops -到当地或附近的商店买些常用的东西,比如:食品 go shopping -逛街,逛商店,指去买一些不经常买的东西,如服装,唱片等。,15,corner shop -小型的店,主要是销售食品,酒类,杂志等等。 shopping center -购物中心(指集中了许多商店的某一区域) mall/ shopping mall -大型购物中心(指有许多商店,并且设有电影院,餐厅设施的大型建筑物),16,moment mm()nt,n. 片刻,瞬间 Some usefu

10、l phrases a moment 一会儿 eg: wait a moment at the moment 目前(一般现在进行时) eg: She is doing her homework at the moment.,17,at any moment 在任何时候,随时 eg: This could happen at any moment. for the moment. 晢时,目前 eg: Stop talking about it for the moment.,18,Listen to the tape then aswer this question: What is Mr. S

11、awyer doing tonight? It is eight oclock. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot. It is ten oclock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four oclock. In the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually

12、drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.,19,It is six oclock. In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine oclock. Mr. Sawyer usually

13、 reads his newspaper at night. But hes not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, hes reading an interesting book.,20,1、It is eight oclock. 现在是8点钟。,1)oclock 前面必须用整点时间 -what is the time now? -11 oclock/ 10 oclock 2) 在英语中常用it来指时间,天气,温度或距离,it被称作“虚主语” -what is the weather like today? -It is cold.

14、,21,2、The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot.,1) by car 乘汽车 -by表示某种方式,乘坐(某种交通工具),但 它必须与动词连用。 -表示交通工具的名词前不加冠词。 -by plane/ by air 2) on foot 步行-I go to the shops on foot.,22,3. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home, in the morning, but this morning, She is

15、going to the shops.,stay at home stay at hotel this morning go to the shops 到当地或附近的商店买一些常用的东西,如食品。 go shopping 逛街,逛商店,指去买一些不经常买的东西, 如服装,唱片等。,23,4.At the moment, they are playing in the garden.,at the moment 眼前,此刻(一般用在现在进行时态中) eg:At the moment, hes reading an interesting book. 以元音音素开头的单词,前面的不定冠词要用“an

16、” -interesting adj. 有趣的 -interested adj. 令人有趣的 -The story is interesting. -That is an interesting story. exciting VS excited,24,小结:,1.表达整点时间的用法:在oclock 前加整数。 2.乘坐某种交通工具的表过方式用by.,25,Basic Grammer,Present Tense And The Present Continuous Tense,26,概念比较: 一般现在时表示一般的动作或不断重复发生 的动作; 现在进行时表示说话时正在发生的动 作,动作没有完

17、成。,一般现在时 VS 现在进行时,27,一般现在时表示永久的perniment情况; 现在进行时表示晢时的temporary情况。 Jane works very hard most of the time. 简一般情况下工作很努力。 Jane is working hard today. 简今天工作很努力。 His parents live in Rome. 他父母住在罗马。 He is staying with some friends now. 他现在与朋友们住在一起。,28,现在进行时 只用于表示正在进行的动作或偶尔发生的事件。 eg: We are eating. It is ra

18、ining. *有些动词(如like, want, know等)不是动作 动词,因此不能用进行时态。,29,一般现在时表达某个习惯动作,通常与时间频度 副词连用, 如usually, always, often, sometimes, never 等。 现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作, 一般与now, at the moment, today, this afternoon, this evening, tonight 等连用。 eg:We usually watch television at night. But we are listening to the stereo tonight.,30,Thats all! Thank you!,个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论,


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