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1、Unit 1A 组一、根据句意拼写单词1 My father s father is my grandfather .2 My mother s parents are my grandparents 3 I m a girl, so I am my f ather daughters 4 My mother s or father s sister is my aunt5 My parents brother is my uncle6 Jack is his father s good son二、汉译英1一张我家的全家福a_photo_of_my_family2一个大家庭a_big_fami

2、ly3在左边on_the_left4在右边on_the_right_5在她旁边next_to_her6在一个女孩子前面in_front_of_a_girl7她的名字her_name8托尼一家Tonys_family三、句型转换1 This is my English teacher.( 改为一般疑问句)Is_ this_ your English teacher?2 The woman is next_to_her_daughter (对画线部分提问)Where is the woman?3 Are these your parents? (作否定回答 )No,_they aren t4 Th

3、at is the girl s brother.(用 Those are 改写句子 )Those are the girlbrothers5 right, parents, my, the, on, dad s, are(.)(连词成句 )My_dad s_parents_are_on_the_right.四、根据汉语提示完成句子1这是我妹妹,她的名字叫琳达。This is my sister. Her name is Linda.2这两位是你的祖父母吗?是的。 Are these your grandparents? Yes, they are.3我妈妈在左边。My mother is o

4、n the left4你前面的男孩是谁?是我的弟弟。第 1页 Who s the boy in front of you? It s my brother.5这是一张我的全家福照片。This is a photo of my family 6蒂娜是我的朋友,她来自英国。Tina is my friend, and she s from England 7你最喜爱的老师是谁?大卫。 Whos your favourite teacher? David.8他们是我妈妈的父母。They re my mother sparentsB 组一、用 this/that is 或 these/those ar

5、e填空1 Who s this? This_is my sister.2 Dad, this_is my friend, David.3 Are_those Jack s son and daughter over there?4 Hi, Ann. These_are my parents.二、补全对话A: Hello, Jenny. (1)_ C _B: I m from America.A: How old are you?B: (2)_ A_A: (3)_ B_B: Yes, it is.A: (4)_ E_B: Yes, they are. And those are my uncle

6、, aunt and my grandparents.A: Where are you?B: Look! This is my sister. (5)_ D_A: Wow! What a big family!三、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词1 Jack is my uncle. He s my mother s(母亲的 ) brother.2 This is a photo(照片 ) of our class.3 I sit in front (前面 ) of my classmates.4 My family is big. I have fourgrandparents(祖父母 ) 5 A

7、re these women(成年女子 ) American?四、句型转换1 This is a photo of my family.( 改为同义句 )This is my_ family s_ photo2 Tony s parents are on_the_right in the photo.( 对画线部分提问)Where are Tony s parents in the photo?第 2页3 This is my good friend.( 改为复数形式)These are my good friends4 These are my father s parents.(改为否定句

8、 )These arentmy father s parents.5 The girl is my_sister (对画线部分提问)Who is the girl?五、完形填空This is a _1_ of Jim s family. This man( 人 )_2_ Mr Green. _3_ is Jim s father. _4_ woman is Mrs Green. _5_ is Jim s mother. Who_6_ this boy and _7_ girl? The_8_ is Jim, Mr Green s son. The _9_ is Kate, Mr Green s

9、 daughter. Kate is _10_ sister. Jim and Kate are brother and sister.(B)1.A. bookB. photoC. mapD. room(A )2.A. isB. amC. areD. be(C )3.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His(D )4.A. AB. AnC. TheseD. This(A )5.A. SheB. HerC. HeD. His(D )6.A. isB. amC. beD. are(C )7.A. aB. theseC. thisD. am(B)8.A. girlB. boyC. boysD.

10、 girls(A )9.A. girlB. boyC. boysD. girls(C )10.A. JimB. JimsC. Jim sD. Jims六、阅读理解Lets look at the photo. The boy s name is Jim. The girl in a white blouse( 衬衣 ) is his sisterJane. The other(另一 ) one in a yellow blouse is his sister Alice. Jim and his sisters are students in No.1 Middle School. The t

11、wo sisters are in Class 3 Grade 1, and Jim is in Class 2 Grade 2.The man and the woman are their parents. Their father is a worker and their mother is a teacher. The old man and the old woman are Jim s grandfather and grandmother. It is a happy family.(C )1.There are _ people in the photo of the family.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight(B)2.Jane is in a _ blouse and Alice is in a _ one.A. yellow; whiteB. white; yellowC. yellow; blueD. black; red(C )3.Jim sis a teacher.第 3页A. fatherB. grandfatherC. motherD. grandmother第 4页


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