Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river .doc

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Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river .doc_第1页
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1、Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river 一、教学内容分析童话故事是很多学生童年最美好的回忆,无论是在西方还是在中国,都有非常经典的童话故事流传至今。本模块第一单元的对话展示的是同学之间就阅读内容展开的讨论。玲玲向托尼介绍了爱丽丝漫游奇境遇的主要情节。通过他们之间关于童话故事的对话,自然地导入了过去实行时这个语法项目。对于语言学习来说,听力的输入是口语输出的前提,所以能够让学生听来了解故事的大概,为后面的学习做好铺垫。二、学情分析本模块的主题是童话故事,学生应该会对本模块的话题产生强

2、烈浓厚的兴趣。也许一部分学生以前读过爱丽丝漫游奇境遇这本书,或者看过同名电影,所以学生对于本模块的内容可能拥有一定的背景知识。教师能够利用这部分学生的信息资源,带动全班学生的学习热情和兴趣。 二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标:1. Vocabulary: fall, follow, hole, ground, rabbit, tea party, land2. Structures:One day, Alice was sitting with her sister by the river- They were having a tea party in the garden. Why was

3、 it running?3. 语法:能够准确使用过去实行时。4. 功能:能够描述过去正在实行的动作。5. 话题:本单元围绕爱丽丝美妙而新奇的梦境经历展开,要求学生能够熟知里面的人物,并对故事情节有大致的了解。(二)语言技能目标:听:能够听懂包含过去实行时的童话故事、懂得故事的大致情节,理解主要人物和主要事件。说:能够询问和介绍过去正在发生的事情和动作,能够在教师指导下参与角色扮演。读:能够读懂包含过去实行时的童话故事,了解故事中的主要事件。写:能够用过去实行时对课文改写或续写。(三) 情感态度目标:1.能够与故事中的人物共情,在欣赏故事的同时培养移情水平。2.学习故事主要人物的坚强勇敢、乐于探

4、索、不畏艰难等敢于冒险的品质。 (四)学习策略:1、自学策略:能够寻找童话故事、寓言故事等实行自主训练。2、合作学习策略:能够与小组其他成员合作续写故事。(五)文化意识:通过阅读童话以及中英文名著的简介,了解西方国家的文化。三、教学重点、难点使用过去实行时描述故去的事情和经历。1)能够以讲故事的方式介绍自己的经历。2)能用过去实行时描述简单的童话故事和经典名著。四、教学与学法指导为了实现教学目标,在教学中采用“学讲练”教学模式,使用任务型教学途径和兴趣激发、竞赛的方法,提升课堂效率,实现高效轻负。五、教学过程Step 1 Warming upAsk the students to talk a

5、bout their favorite stories, such as Snow White, the Monkey King, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and so on.T: What famous stories have you read?S: Snow White, the Monkey King, Goldilocks and the Three Bears -.设计意图:本环节激发学生的学习兴趣,吸引同学们的注意力,同时自然地渗透本课的重点。Step 2 presentationShow a piece of short video abo

6、ut Alices wonderful experience, introduce the story briefly and explain some main figures.T: Do you like to read fairy stories? A fairy tale is a story written for, or told to children. The story often includes elements of magic. Have you read Alices Adventures in Wonderland? Now enjoy the following

7、 video and tell me what is it about.S: Its about Alices Adventures in Wonderland.设计意图:通过播放视频激起学生浓厚的求知欲和兴趣,带着好奇进入爱丽丝的奇妙而惊险的经历。在对故事的语境中讲述生词和认识主要人物,有利于学生认知和记忆。Step 3 ListeningListen and number the picturesT: Whats the name of the story? Yes, its Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Its a famous English sto

8、ry. Its about a girl called Alice. She got into wonderland and met some strange people and animals. In the story, who she met first and finally? 设计意图:通过简短的听力让学生了解故事的先后顺序和大致情节。Step 4 LearningRead through the list of characters with the students. Explain hatter”, then play the tape and ask the student

9、s to listen and focus.T: We are going to listen to a short introduction of the story, Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Before listening, lets read through the list of the characters first. Pay attention to “hatter” please. We know the word “hat”. A hatter is someone who makes hats. Play the tape and

10、 ask students to answer the questions. Call back the answers from the whole class.设计意图:本活动是本单元的热身活动,训练同学们听懂大意,培养学生抓住主旨大义和关键词的能力。由于故事人物较多,对于没有任何背景知识的学生来说,听懂全文有一定难度,所以采用分层教学。将全文分成三个层次,降低难度。 Step 5 Show a summaryThe teacher gives the students a summary of the new words and the characters.T: Are you fam

11、iliar with the characters now? Try to guess who they are.设计意图:在穿插故事情节中讲授单词和了解人物,更生动形象,由于人物较多,在最后给出总结,加深印象。Step 6 Good memoryThe teacher plays the recording of the text, and makes the students grasp the key information. During the process of reading, the teacher trains the skills of making key notes

12、according to the passage. Try to remember the key events and plots of the story.设计意图:首先浏览全文,对全文有个大概印象,理解全文内涵并提取细节信息。在听读过程中培养学生记下关键信息的能力,锻炼学生的思维能力和记忆能力。Step 7 Reading and learning1. The teacher makes the students work in pairs and find language points.2. The teacher gives the students a summary.3. Re

13、ad follows the recording.4. Read the conversation in pairs. 设计意图:发展学生探究式学习,学生合作学习并找出本课重点短语,然后互帮互助加以识记、理解。在全文的基础上,练习过去进行时。Step 8 Do some exercises.The teacher makes the students practice the grammar.A: What were you doing between 7 oclock and 9 oclock?B: I was doing my homework last night.?C: I was w

14、atching TV.设计意图:本课的过去进行时为知识难点,需引导学生根据句子理解掌握,紧跟的练习起到了巩固知识的作用,运用练习的形式进行检测,加深印象。Step 9 Pair work The teacher divides the students into groups and makes them practice the dialogues in pairs.A: Were you-?B: Yes, I was. / No. I wasnt.A: What were you doing ?B: I was-.设计意图:承接上面的环节进一步练习过去进行时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的用法,

15、通过小组合作,取长补短,反复练习,让学生在具体的情景中操练对话。Step 10 Finish my blogThe teacher asks the students to help her to finish the blog.T: Now, everyone, I want to write something about my favorite story on my blog. Can you help me to finish it?设计意图:本活动属于输出环节,将本课的知识点和语法以及话题巧妙揉合在一起,是对于文本的延伸,让同学们在读说的过程中再次复现本课重点,加深印象。Step

16、11 Group workAfter Alice fell down the hole, she got a wonderful experience. Please imagine the following facts according to: 1. What will happen?2. What people she will meet.3. What strange things she will see.4. What problems she will face.设计意图:本活动是语言输出阶段的练习,进而培养学生的口头表达能力,谈论爱丽丝会会遇到哪些奇怪而有趣的事情。学生开展四

17、人一组活动,选择一个话题讨论,整理小组的情况和信息写下来作为作业。Step 12 Homework1. Writing the following plots (情节)of the story and share with your friends.2. Make a general analysis of the character or theme on one famous Western fairy story.I was doing homework .They were doing homework.She was doing that time at 9 yesterday the whole morningbetween 5 to 9 yesterday morningModule 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river 板书:


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