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1、课 题八年级英语教案八上Unit 6 Birdwatching课 型New执 教上课时间11.19学习目标知识目标:Enlarge the vocabulary about wildlife. Know more about Zhalong Nature Reserve.水平目标:Improve reading skills.情感目标:Crouse the awareness of protecting wildlife and wetlands.教学重难点Improve reading skills. 教学方法情景教学法、归纳法教学过程Step1 Pre-reading1. Rome was

2、 not built in a single day.Lets study hard every day.2. Show the works of each team and choose one student to say something about it.3. Praise the student with the help of the word perfect,and show them to visit another perfect place-Zhalong.Step2 While-reading1. Reading skill 1(Para1、2) Read a map

3、of Zhalong to learn the location of it. Read Paras1、2silently,and try to answer two questions. Does the area provide food and cover only for cranes? Do all the birds live in Zhalong all year round? Draw a conclusion.(Pay special attention to some key words,such as all、only)2. Reading skill 2(Para4、5

4、) Why not follow me to zhalong?(tourist、society) Read Paras4、5silently,and try to find what can we do in zhalong Nature Reserve. Draw a conclusion.(When meeting new words,dont be afraid.)3. Reading skill 3(Para3) What kind of danger are they facing?(moreover、as a result) Read Paras3silently,and and

5、try to find the answer. Draw a conclusion.(Transitional words are very important.)Step3 Post-reading Finish a table about Zhalong. Team work(If you were a bird,what will you say to humans?) HomeworkRead the text at least five times.教学反思:Complete the table._1_about ZhalongLocationIn_2_Chinaimportance

6、It_3_a lot of wildlife with foodandcover._4_There is less and less _5_for wildlifeFishermen dont _6_fishing there.ActionTourists help count and _7_the birds.Members of the Birdwatching Society _8_their types and changes in their numbers.To prevent all the bad things from happening in Zhalong ,the government has _9_laws._10_Help people understand the importance of the wetlands.1. _2._3._4._ 5._6._7._8._9._10._


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