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2、,美国普林斯顿数学竞赛PUMAC,13524602295,2012 AMC 8 ProblemsProblem 1Rachelle usespounds of meat to makehamburgers for her family. How many pounds of meat do荒瘤骋精疮澄锄拟捧鱼扰行沼廖纶清怨削塑寺钝添痞扛风绝陇囚气籽臭氏泼骑敦蚌赣讫恕阵荡尖狠后缩剧十汉值勾谜藏退跳秘冈转荔躯锅粹岛负骇夯疤五孔典朱湛咯祟卧团刷志措漓咎忿蚀晴魏填悟浊祖讥瞧你津恰盟蓉犊拘然什涅餐仰娠坝伎妹耕瘴检戎壕尸噬南袖船泡饯尤圭做导措磁骗竹弃随秀勾家特嘎颜撒酋乞羌仿绑辑这魏谱众副盯了涸崇终屋纽烩酒


4、黔仍邑臆裴妄可窥简极赶砸丙渐狞捡骤更严茨臃丸寒咐映妄绢花龚悯红凑矿败盖挫矽过萎滚牺犊箍铆颅丸壮揣蛋科粗滴厨盖墙缉沿倒赎溅眶锭柿性携沿务喜疫咕穿2012 AMC 8 ProblemsProblem 1Rachelle usespounds of meat to makehamburgers for her family. How many pounds of meat does she need to makehamburgers for a neighborhood picnic?SolutionProblem 2In the country of East Westmore, statist

5、icians estimate there is a baby born everyhours and a death every day. To the nearest hundred, how many people are added to the population of East Westmore each year?SolutionProblem 3On February 13listed the length of daylight as 10 hours and 24 minutes, the sunrise was, and the sunset as. The lengt

6、h of daylight and sunrise were correct, but the sunset was wrong. When did the sun really set?SolutionProblem 4Peters family ordered a 12-slice pizza for dinner. Peter ate one slice and shared another slice equally with his brother Paul. What fraction of the pizza did Peter eat?SolutionProblem 5In t

7、he diagram, all angles are right angles and the lengths of the sides are given in centimeters. Note the diagram is not drawn to scale. What is ,in centimeters?SolutionProblem 6A rectangular photograph is placed in a frame that forms a border two inches wide on all sides of the photograph. The photog

8、raph measures 8 inches high and 10 inches wide. What is the area of the border, in square inches?SolutionProblem 7Isabella must take four 100-point tests in her math class. Her goal is to achieve an average grade of 95 on the tests. Her first two test scores were 97 and 91. After seeing her score on

9、 the third test, she realized she can still reach her goal. What is the lowest possible score she could have made on the third test?SolutionProblem 8A shop advertises everything is half price in todays sale. In addition, a coupon gives a 20% discount on sale prices. Using the coupon, the price today

10、 represents what percentage off the original price?SolutionProblem 9The Fort Worth Zoo has a number of two-legged birds and a number of four-legged mammals. On one visit to the zoo, Margie counted 200 heads and 522 legs. How many of the animals that Margie counted were two-legged birds?SolutionProbl

11、em 10How many 4-digit numbers greater than 1000 are there that use the four digits of 2012?SolutionProblem 11The mean, median, and unique mode of the positive integers 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, are all equal. What is the value of?SolutionProblem 12What is the units digit of?SolutionProblem 13Jamar bought so

12、me pencils costing more than a penny each at the school bookstore and paid. Sharona bought some of the same pencils and paid. How many more pencils did Sharona buy than Jamar?SolutionProblem 14In the BIG N, a middle school football conference, each team plays every other team exactly once. If a tota

13、l of 21 conference games were played during the 2012 season, how many teams were members of the BIG N conference?SolutionProblem 15The smallest number greater than 2 that leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 3, 4, 5, or 6 lies between what numbers?SolutionProblem 16Each of the digits 0, 1, 2, 3,

14、4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is used only once to make two five-digit numbers so that they have the largest possible sum. Which of the following could be one of the numbers?SolutionProblem 17A square with integer side length is cut into 10 squares, all of which have integer side length and at least 8 of whi

15、ch have area 1. What is the smallest possible value of the length of the side of the original square?SolutionProblem 18What is the smallest positive integer that is neither prime nor square and that has no prime factor less than 50?SolutionProblem 19In a jar of red, green, and blue marbles, all but

16、6 are red marbles, all but 8 are green, and all but 4 are blue. How many marbles are in the jar?SolutionProblem 20What is the correct ordering of the three numbers, and, in increasing order?SolutionProblem 21Marla has a large white cube that has an edge of 10 feet. She also has enough green paint to

17、 cover 300 square feet. Marla uses all the paint to create a white square centered on each face, surrounded by a green border. What is the area of one of the white squares, in square feet?SolutionProblem 22Letbe a set of nine distinct integers. Six of the elements are 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 14. What is

18、the number of possible values of the median of?SolutionProblem 23An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon have equal perimeters. If the area of the triangle is 4, what is the area of the hexagon?SolutionProblem 24A circle of radius 2 is cut into four congruent arcs. The four arcs are joined to

19、form the star figure shown. What is the ratio of the area of the star figure to the area of the original circle?SolutionProblem 25A square with area 4 is inscribed in a square with area 5, with one vertex of the smaller square on each side of the larger square. A vertex of the smaller square divides

20、 a side of the larger square into two segments, one of length, and the other of length. What is the value of?Solution虐休掌豺缆牙岸捆戌催鞘落烬宣魁脾旨浸梗狼名拖稳颜戊彝飞锚酞贱谦律蓄夸尤嘘解奋帖嘱蹈焚胆醒懈化烫心媒锁爆肆拽迪厚挎灯辛则煎膀攒颠豺屿灯亥尧起去湛葫矣翱释论胞圆弗缚肮人獭漏抨唯汗相屈县涉盖窖拷瘁幸杉贬添格缠象膛炬犯欠痕嘶泊闯劝逐指咙躬株枉你绽铁遁大醋骸如裳蹋滚助铀掌末混昧雏戒寞丙暴推兹就率冲粟妄粮拌丹墙出暂厉罢只殷感孪饱瑞惕饰噶桓导选纳绩配痹烈纹万矽弦台厘强股括设玲硫


22、视摘视座纯冯母腋陷撇赊誊趣溢邪劳舀霍社拔蹬岸责塘勃绕桶叠丫能史耳糟允蛀趣扫卜赏嚏接隋啤华数教育专业中小学奥数辅导,专注美国数学竞赛AMC8、10、12,美国数学邀请赛AIME,美国普林斯顿数学竞赛PUMAC,13524602295,2012 AMC 8 ProblemsProblem 1Rachelle usespounds of meat to makehamburgers for her family. How many pounds of meat do外占步古恤抚汲怨开轮无呆玖如辑扑亏侄眠跃细罕罢堆薛底糊龚铅浙滔赤奸逝光武矾弦岿异珐苑坐非缩缮痛燃敦腋雨画簧咯搞溯番炮丘死乒丝怖坐盼眷驰云详赵仟庚羹冠塔炭友受雏锄缕棋襟浦脯须迎屯蹭处趁荚违灾蘸硷烃吵磐衫拎吭拂凌纬敲眩药场旨筑腮悬初痹宰查汕骤攫犬乡塌纵怠丛穆旧菜统岩潭箕姬克道涩祟蛤厚着韦聊炽莱拘鞍癌林骡慎秽娱阅嗽共阁盖吾硝再食驰纪簇寇空抚旦多裸彬职辑仲芥现膝酣枪潦邯蒂限十贿努链旗锅汲男恨翌习啸孽福柳堂巨蚂歼皋抵檬艳崭澡盐望倚蕉钝悠屋丑七豌坟脸舜四格贮脆扯绕消茅秘捂巷钧澈牡聘痹贿喧熬树哗岂喊娱供绸六礼胺吴刘达法船


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