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1、Unit 6 I often walk to school.,By Cecilia,by bus,by car,by train,by taxi,by bike,walk/ on foot,by bus,by car,by train,by taxi,by bike,on foot,Section A 1. Look, listen and act,Andys school is going to buy a new bus. The bus will take students to school and take them home, too. Pat is asking the stud

2、ents to tick a form.,Pat: Good morning, class. Students: Good morning, Pat. Pat: I will give everyone a form. Please ask each other this question and tick the form. What is the question you will ask, who knows? Andy: Me. How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎样去学校? Pat: Very good, Andy. Lets begin now

3、. Zhou Lin: How do you usually go to school, Andy? 安迪,你通常怎样去学校? Andy: I often walk to school. What about you? 我经常走路去学校。你呢? Zhou Lin: I usually go to school by bike. 我通常骑自行车去学校。 Amy: I usually go to school by car. 我通常坐小汽车去学校。 Wang Li: I often go by bus and sometimes by car. 我常常乘公共汽车去,有时候坐小汽车。,Pupil A

4、: How do you usually go to school? Pupil B: I usually go to school by bus. Pupil C: I often go to school by car. Sometimes I walk to school.,2. Listen and say,04,3. Listen, tick and talk,Li Wei ( ) usually ( ) often ( ) sometimes,Andy ( ) by train ( ) by taxi ( ) by bike,Ms Li ( ) walk ( ) by car (

5、) by bus,4. Draw, write and talk,a: Most students usually go to school _. b: Many students go to school _. c: Few students go to school _.,by bus,Section B 5. Listen, read and write,by bike,by car,6. Pair work,7. Talk, write and tell,-i- Ride, ride! Ride my bike. Drive, drive! Drive my car. Line, li

6、ne! Draw a line! Fine, fine! That looks fine. Kite, kite! Its Mikes kite. Mike, mike! Who is Mike?,8. Listen and chant,bus cut by my by bus by car by train by taxi by bike walk/on foot,How do you usually go to school?,I often walk to school.,I often go by bus and sometimes by car.,9. Things I can do,Thank you!,See you!,


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