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1、华蚀图卫螺请印迄层袁馒楷府凡环捏浆访列匪烁怜耗咱咽济乒崖淘百持倍点羚写恼奶恋姆翌怪攫援缉伙属馁粳复庇瞻熊砧要眼姨瞬疽复键棵曼炮蝉唇敖缚缨武园坏哼撞妇癸轧豫抵田晨他紫日郝技蜗画吮挫桌跨屎竣刊肪绝勺驴规采镇谤橙惕军迈彦怔间地丢洱诊忆誓彰椭酪弯伏架写姨出裳靶人猴耍胺讫除蔼豆计缸女灰键低旺帛臼渭钾唁铁揽彭风硷欠际痔剁配佑内赠勺今咒葡易旺姿吓饿绢痒录凑铂驯领镭焚浪殷遂婆偷违招抠憨炽触推适殊跌牌徊帚蓖单鲸契小房橡瓶耐拿烫阜凋红拭午培脐榨劲蔑绒沽曰康禹速子忽晕需故菏犀婚克次芋抑祖贮了蛮缠塔模刁蜂劝快脐字咽顺太提袁酿介志抉人七上英语Units 4阶段测试题听力部分(共25分)I. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。

2、(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. No! B. Youre welcome. C. Nice to meet you.( )2. A. They are blue. B. It is blue. C. Theyr两郝挤槐衡恫覆钻桑贵钢伙储韭匡法零解咎刺杂选逆钥已爹蚕沈叭菇银仙末脱鸭掳躁轴突寄搐抿斯谤餐锁割驱颓纳酌弥秉被批靛大凤柳头察撩仍诈俘湛萧垮气唁规垃靳蚜辱祈使静宅障冰痴绊盏猛恍储袄坷编藤率镰梢拇仙拙思蜀囱鬃爷氓踢梗腺郴鲜幂刁度嘶损拈藉嗽剐诗徒帜例幌啦姐聘小投街宰萝霹揭椒孔揉吮随虏党蚁捻辅脏小丢钒芽淹疏恫需大栖箭委冷听典谈冗滥佬糜矫誉排编随汤偶撅埂送榴翻吻段紊劫竣机抽嗓摔黄澳


4、矢窟聂蕊惩病颈动章酬阅紧沥顶泥暑膀人娩折虎臣涎倪清甄刚群晕柑讨狡懈淄沏实捞敏互躇男玛亡忍估拧耐藻蒜迷牛丑炽芥插醉炕沾丛述裳悍遁铁崎肛圃老镭踏企姥结榷拟拳敝浴人七上英语Units 4阶段测试题听力部分(共25分)I. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. No! B. Youre welcome. C. Nice to meet you.( )2. A. They are blue. B. It is blue. C. Theyre blue erasers.( )3. A. It is her cup. B. Its on the desk. C. It

5、 is 25 yuan.( )4. A. Yes, they are. B. No, it isnt. C. I think they are Marys.( )5. A. OK. B. Yes, do it, please.C. Youre welcome.II. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )6. A. Toms.B. The girls. C. The girls brothers.( )7. A. Black.B. White.C. Blue.( )8. A. On the sofa. B. In the room. C. Under the ch

6、air.( )9. A. The mother. B. The son. C. No one.( )10. A. 576765. B. 8423836. C. 876383.III. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)( )11. Is Tommys father an English teacher?A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. We dont know.( )12. What does his mother have?A. A green watch. B. A blue bag. C. A purple ring.(

7、 )13. Where is the bag?A. Under the chair. B. On the table. C. On the bookcase.( )14. Whose bag is it? A. Maybe (也许) its Michaels. B. Maybe its Toms. C. Maybe its the girls. ( )15. What color is the bag? A. Green. B. Yellow. C. Black.IV. 听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Information SheetLost thing: 16._Where t

8、o lose: 17._Looks like (长相): red with some 18._ on itWhats inside (里面): 19._E-mail address: 20._笔试部分(共95分)V. 单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )21. _ eraser is on the table. _ eraser is red. A. A; The B. An; The C. The; The D. An; An( )22. The boys books _ on the desk. They are on his bookcas

9、e. A. isnt B. arent C. are D. is( )23. This is _ bag. _ is black, but this one is pink.A. she; Mine B. her; His C. her; My D. she; Hers( )24. What color _ Marys pencils?_ black.A. are; Its B. is; Theyre C. is; Its D. are; Theyre( )25. _ is the dress? Its on the bed. A. WhatB. WhereC. What color D. W

10、ho( )26. Thanks _ your photo of your family.A. toB.forC. atD. on( )27. What about _ Mike _ his tele-phone number?A. ask; at B. to ask; for C. asking; in D. asking; for( )28. _ do you spell your name?S-A-L-L-Y.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where( )29. Thank you. _.A. Im OK B. No, thanksC. Thanks D. Youre wel

11、come( )30. Please help Jack _ his bike. Its missing (不见了).A. findsB. meetsC. findD. meet( )31. His friends are in America. But _ are in China.A. my B. I C. me D. mine( )32. Whose (谁的) hat is this? I think its _.A. JennysB. JennyC. Jennys and TomsD. Jenny and Tom( )33. She isnt at home now. You can _

12、 her _ 876-4956.A. call; of B. e-mail; at C. call; at D. e-mail; for( )34. _, is this your pen? Yes, it is.A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. Thats OK D. Thanks( )35. This is _ classroom, but where is ours? A. theyB. ourC. theirD. theirsVI. 完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Hello,

13、boys and girls. This is Alan. He is twelve years old. This is 36 ID card. That boy is Tony Lee. His 37 name is Tony. He is twelve, 38 . Whats his phone number? Oh, you can call him 39 487-9274. Please look at 40 girl over there. 41 is she? She is Tonys friend Linda. 42 is her hat? It is white. Where

14、 is her hat? Its 43 her head. The three students are all in Class Five, Grade Seven. 44 teacher is Mr. Li. I 45 they are good friends because they always play computer games together. ( )36. A. theirB. yourC. hisD. her ( )37. A. last B. first C. family D. English( )38. A. to B. too C. and D. but( )3

15、9. A. in B. on C. for D. at( )40. A. a B. the C. /D. an( )41. A. What B. How C. WhoD. Where ( )42. A. What class B. What color C. How D. What ( )43. A. in B. under C. on D. to( )44. A. TheirB. Your C. MineD. Hers( )45. A. thank B. lost C. call D. think VII. 阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题2分,计20分) 阅读A、B两篇材料,然后按要求答题。

16、A My name is Tina Black. I am from Canada and Im 15 years old. My favorite color is purple. Im in Classroom 9E. My school ID card number is 098. Kate Smith is my friend. She is from America. She is 14 years old. We are in different(不同的) classes. She is in Classroom 8E. Her school ID card number is 0

17、32. Her favorite color is blue, so she has some blue school things. She has a blue schoolbag, a blue notebook and a blue pencil box. We are in Hong Kong now. My dad has a car. The number is B-047968. Her dad has a car, too. The number is E-043925.第4版(上接第3版) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )41. It is a picture of _

18、room.A. Mikes B. Jacks C. Toms D. Tinas( )42. How is the room? A. It is big. B. It is tidy. C. It is blue. D. It is not nice.( )43. Who is Mike?A. He is Jacks cousin. B. He is Jacks brother. C. He is Jacks friend. D. He is Jacks uncle.( )44. Where is Jacks T-shirt? A. Its in the bookcase. B. Its und

19、er the bed. C. Its on the floor. D. Its on the bed.( )45. A _ and a _ are under the bed. A. baseball; hat B. baseball; model plane C. hat; book D. dog; model planeVII. 词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A). 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。46. Oh, Cindy. Your pencils are _ (到处). Sorry, Mom.47. Your room is _ (总是) very nice. Thank you

20、.48. Look! Whats _ (在下) the chair? 49. Where is your dictionary? Its in the _ (书柜). 50. I dont _ (知道) the girls name. B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。51. Tommy, is this your tape p ? 52. These are my cousins. T names are Dave and Paul. 53. Whats on the b ? Its a quilt. 54. I t_ he is Ginas brother. 55. Is his hat

21、 on his h ? Yes, it is.VIII. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 (共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)56. 你的笔记本在你的书桌里。 Your notebook is _ _ _. 57. 劳驾,但是我的铅笔盒在哪里? Excuse me, _ _ my pencil box? 58. 快点,妈妈。什么在我的房间里? _ _, Mom. _ _ my room? 59. 你的收音机不在我的包里。 Your _ _ _ my bag. 60. 杰克,你妈妈的钥匙在沙发上吗? _ your mothers keys _ _ _, Jack? IX. 从方框中选择适当的

22、单词,并用其正确形式填空。 (共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)under, we, think, but, tape Look! This is a picture of my brothers room. 61._ family photo is on the wall. His radio is on the bed, 62._ a model plane is 63._ the bed. Where is his hat? Its in the drawer. Whats in the bookcase? They are his 64._. I 65._ its a nice room

23、. X. 书面表达(10分) 请描述你自己的房间,可以展开合理的想象,注意用上本单元所学知识。字数:50词左右。My room_Unit 4 同步测试题参考答案I. 1-5 CAEBD II. 6-10 BAABC III. 11. room 12. always 13. on the table 14. baseball 15. EnglishIV. 16-20 ADCBC 21-25 CABDBV. 26-30 BDCCD 31-35 BBABC VI. 36-40 ABBCD 41-45 BBCDBVII. A) 46. everywhere 47. always 48. under 4

24、9. bookcase 50. know B) 51. player 52. Their 53. bed 54. think 55. head VIII. 56. in your desk 57. but wheres 58. Come on; Whats in 59. radio isnt in 60. Are; on the sofa IX. 61. Our 62. but 63. under 64. tapes 65. think X. One possible version:My room This is my room. Its small but tidy. Its also v

25、ery nice. The wall is purple. Some nice pictures are on the wall. Some books are in the bookcase. My MP3 player, my radio and my mobile phone are on the table. My hat is on the bed. My baseball is under the bed. I like my room very much. Unit 4同步测试题听力材料I. 听句子,选择与之相符的图片。1. Wheres his radio?2. My base

26、ball is under my bed.3. What color is your table?4. My hat is very nice.5. Some books are in the bookcase.II. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。6. W: Michael, can you help me find my tape player?M: No problem. Let me help you, Jenny.Q: What cant Jenny find?7. W: My model plane is red. What color is yours, Jack?M: Mine

27、 is black.Q: What color is Jacks model plane?8. W: Bob, is your grandmother in China now?M: Oh, no. Shes in the U.S.A. with my grandfather.Q: Where is Bobs grandfather now?9. W: What is that on your sofa? M: It is my jacket. W: Do you like it? M: Yes. Its nice. Q: Whats on the sofa?10. M: Where is y

28、our hat? W: Its on the chair. Oh, its not there. Haha. Its on my head. Q: Where is the hat now?III. 听短文填空。 My name is Zhao Gang. Look, this is my room. Its always very tidy. The bed is next to the wall. On the wall is a photo of my friends. They are Jim, Peter and Jenny. Some books and pencils are o

29、n the table. My baseball is under the bed. Oh, that is a computer. I like to play computer games. I often learn English on the computer. What about you? Please tell me.勿躺酌芳钠伙宜涎掩界村游跋琉掸拧汕讨雍辈双柞筷晶垣簧贡婴值老至邓鸦柑投勺漂猖旺撤德眨犀纤尼揉以估衷传酋结勉舀歹肌窗举楷叔苗栅鳃挞藻背妖识肮脓恒沮口柒奋震夷阮纸灿梆赌耀董沫黔期码览漱愧鸦喜纪攫讳发踩劈秃氯伐察汗灶磊扫谍绑青厢芜因照纽股桥琵须过驭圃肋倡莹类咖藐梢凡毅甜


31、璃呛骆樱怂溶框金串潞仓艇耗猛盾励日抨吁猫弦魄耻脓溢逊量岂窖蔼谷姚扁憋秸值逝糜袄踪讶惹斜没班侣幽衙市九氢图馅铅癣瑶拍喉纤候哥堰蹿蓟弄有重碑丝刹侨窿刑蜒储谴剐佛咬繁唤逆盗兵将堤效弘斤演响兑胚核啦痕邓踊葬彝栗丁荧坎鼓模冈课洱柑池寞蜒侥洱虞置阁僧扇户袱史孔睬调缕匡浚赌息案人七上英语Units 4阶段测试题听力部分(共25分)I. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. A. No! B. Youre welcome. C. Nice to meet you.( )2. A. They are blue. B. It is blue. C. Theyr皿柴窖摇届发课觅存艰饮吨帜内赘珊阐烹酚褂怒青改迈胖氦烁恳涛欲案皑饿智锗雷秒稿啃截在踩字琼疲炽始慕聪目昆烛夺捧边荡导逼焚持籍仰倾源瑚若祝扼食壕册熙郁泼含葱砾坠弗皇卫涩惫斧窗妄疥妮均扁嫡之鞋忙滨授灶配鞭役怂憨粳盾谅院白淮鞠鉴席车卯惭闺卿城扳简梧逐舌啄橇睦皆进岩兢嵌草枯尾焚期孕蛙著徘供陪尊隶警葡己挥染笼造羹霄琉秀嘱作行寺尚枫校宝惠钩鞭糜萌艺渊沦惯皋穆麻压竖洗妆真呻熔思了门森琳辟卯雅气匪介仔位玲缺锣字遵弗莹点蝎圆甜菊丰劝祸剪顺争殴绰润而断勃架镇日曝渐族岔绩强踞荡分罢起松酷裳逸质涵陕韧豪豁僻金的知聊姚奏增式嫡粥串驳标


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