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1、湖北省襄阳市第四十七中学九年级英语Unit 8 I help clean up thecity parks教学案 5 人教新目标版教学1.继续巩固重点短语的用法,训练用定语从句写长句的能力目标2.培养学生学习他人助人为乐的精神,关注身边需要关注的人教学重点运用重点短语,及所给信息编写文章教学难点运用定语从句写长 句及文章的能力课时安排5教具准备录音机教法自主学习学 习 过 程自主空间【课前预习】用所给的词组的适当形式填空clean up,cheer sb.up,give out,put off,take after fix up,putup,callup,set up,come up with

2、1.You weren t in the officethis morning when I _you _.2.Tom looks sad.Let s_.3.Dont _until tomorrow what can be done today.4.P lease _thecandies_to the kids.5.They re going to _a school football team.6.Jack _his father.They are both tall.7.Don t_advertisements anywhere.It s bad for the looksof the c

3、ity.8.The old man _ shoes along the road.9.The waiterhurriedto _the piecesof the brokenplates.10. Finally he _ an apporpriate answer【课堂导学】1.Fill in the blanks with the correct word given2.Write an article using the notes below.Share your articles with others.【练习反馈】一. 根据汉语补全句子1.Though the clothesare

4、new, Shell_(捐助 )tothepoor people2.His bike_(与我的相似 )is lost.3.His car is broken. Hell _(请 人修 )4.The sports meeting will_ (推迟 ) because of the badweather.5.He can t afford the pen, because he _ (用尽 )allhis money.6._( 她和我都 )has ever been to Beijing once.7.You can t_( 推迟交 )your test paper.二单项选择( )1.Theg

5、irlstopped _withme when she saw me inthe street.A.talked B.to talk C.talking D.talk用心爱心专心1()2.We didn t plan it like that, but it_ very well.A.worked on B.worked of C.worked out D.worked up()3.I m afraidIcan t pass tomorrow s math test. -_!I msure you ll make it.A.No problem B.That s right C.Cheer u

6、p D.OK( )4.Wemustdo everythingwe can do_ wastewater fromrunninginto river.A.stopB. stopped C.to stopD.stopping()5. _ John _ Jack is healthy,because they often do someexercise.A.Both,andB.Either,orC.Neither,norD.not only ,but also.()6.They_a largead. boardby theroadsideto introducetheirproducts.A.put

7、 upB.put onC.put offD.put out()7.This dress is nice . Can I_?A.try it on B.try on it C.try it out D.try out三、短文填词。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空remember build losenear set upvisithappenanothertellhugeOnehundredyearsago a tragedy(悲剧 )happened inSanFrancisco.A_ earthquakedamaged(破坏 )much of the city.Thena big firesw

8、ept throughthe city.Many_ burned down .Hundreds ofpe ople were killed.Thousands of people _their homes.They had to leave thec ity.They went to _townThe town welcomed them and gave them houses to stay in.Specialcenters were _ to helpthe people.Trains deliveredwater,food and clothestothe damaged city.

9、These things helpedthe people .A museum about the earthquake is open at theCapitol Museum now. _ can watch a movieabout the earthquake .They will also be _factsabouttheearthquake.It llstayopen fora year.Themuseumcan help people _theearthquake and let them know it could_again.Maybe _ San Ffancisco.but they don t know when.教学反思:用心爱心专心2


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