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1、M2 U3 Amazing peoplePeriod Learning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading【 Learning goals】1. Learning some new words : curious; by; fortune; though; remain;2. Learning some new expressions:同位 冠 的使用; come cross; upon / on entering; resultin;【 Learning focus】1. (Page 42 Lines 5-6) He was bright and

2、curious about the world outside his home town.? curious adj ._好奇心_ n.be curious aboutmeet / satisfy one s curiosityout of curiosity_with curiosity_be curious to docuriously enough奇怪的是 (常放句首)_( 奇怪的是 ), a year later exactly the same thing happened to me again.It is / was curious that 奇怪的是 _( 奇怪的是 ) sh

3、e left without saying goodbye.2. (Page 42 Lines 7-8) By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs ofthe Egyptian kings.? by(1) 到 候 止,后通常接表示 的短 ,多用于_ 。By the end of last month they had planted 10,000 trees.We have learned 500 words by now.I will have finished my homework by next F

4、riday.【 】by + _ ,主句用 _时态by + _ ,主句用 _时态by + _ ,主句用 _时态【 一 】 By the time Jane gets home, her aunt _ for London to attend a meeting.A. will leaveB. leavesC. will have leftD. left You should not have put the milk on the icebox; I expect it _ undrinkable by now.A. becameB. had comeC. has becomeD. become

5、s Did you catch the first bus this morning? No, it _ the stop by the time I _ there.第 1页A. has left; gotB. left; had gottenC. had left; had gotten D. had left; got(2)在 候We all knew by then that the affair _ ( 上 束了 ).By the time you come back, the meal _ ( 将会好了 ).(3)在 期 by day=_ the dayby night=_ the

6、 night? searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings是 在分 短 作 _。A crowd of children ran out of the classroom, _ (laugh) and _ (talk) happily.3. (Page 42 Line9-10) Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold,along with the preserved bodies of dead kings.? fortune n. 在此 表示 “大笔的

7、, 富 ”, 可数名 ,常用短 :make a fortune_beworthafortune_seek one s fortune _receive a fortune_fortune n. 可以表示 _, 注意 的派生 :adj. _adv. _adj . (不幸的 ) _adv. (不幸的是 ) _n. ( 不幸;灾 ) _【常用短 】try one s fortune碰运气tell one s fortune 某人算命have the fortune to do sth.有幸做 【 一 】(1) He thought he could _ if he could find a whit

8、e man who could sing like ablack man.(2) She _ by reading my palms ( 手掌 ).(3) Five middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _, none of them could swim.(4) To everyone s surprise, the release of his new albumasbrought the pop singer a huge_ aswell as worldwide fame.4. (Page 42 Lines 13-14) He had re

9、ceived money from Lord Carnarvon,a British man whowas veryinterested in Egypt.(Page 43 Lines 30-31) George Gould, a f riend of Carnarvon s, went to Egypt after hearingof his strange death.注意 同位 冠 的使用。一般 来,同位 的名 前后冠 一致, 人名、地名或者事物名称后用不定冠 介 身份、地位。如:第 2页(1)This is a wonderful world, _ world (_) where an

10、ything can happen.(2)The maths exercises have attracted the attention of the students, _ attention whichshould have been paid to English.(3) That was a cold winter day, _ winter day when everything was covered with snow.(4) Under the Dome, _ 103-minute documentary released by Chai Jing, has pushed_

11、publicawareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make adifference.A. the, theB. a, aC. the, /D.a, /5. (Page 42 Lines 15-16) There, they came across the tomb of King Tutankhamun.? come cross (偶然)遇 ; 当你在 遇到生 ,不要 是借助字典 。Guess what! I _ / _ ( 遇 ) Bob this morning!【用法拓展】com

12、e about _come out_come up with _come true _【 一 】(1) Have you _ some new ideas? Yeah. I ll tell you later.A. come aboutB. come intoC. come up withD. come out with(2) How did you find him out? I _ his name on the list.A. came downB. came aboutC. came upD. came across(3) He spoke for a long time but hi

13、s meaning didn t really _.A. come outB. come acrossC. come roundD. come up with6. (Page 42 Lines 23-24) Upon their entering the tomb , Carterluckys pet bird, which he hadleft in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake.(Page 43 Lines 30- 1) George Gould, a friend of Carnarvon s, went toafterEgypthearingof hi

14、s strange death.(Page 45 Part E Line 12) After looking into the tomb, we closed it back up again.? upon / on entering_其他表达方法:_ / _ / _ / the instant + 句子immediately / directly +句子Out rushed the students _ / _ / _ the bell rang.第 3页?upon, after, before, since 用作介 ,后接doing 或者 being done,作介 的 。【 一 】(1)

15、 Did you remember to take the key to Tom? Yes, I gave it to him _ I saw him.A. whileB. the momentC. suddenlyD. the first time(2)_, he couldn t help crying.A. The moment to hear the bad newsB. Immediately hearing the bad newsC. As soon as hearing the bad newsD. On hearing the bad news(3) Could you te

16、ll Lily the meeting place? Sure, I will _ I see her.A. immediatelyB. probablyC. certainlyD. merely(4)Before _, you can make full preparations. (参加面 )(5)Since _, I have received different kinds of examinations. (住院 )(6)This type of TV set has enjoyed great popularity since _ (launch) to the market.7.

17、 (Page 43 Lines 31-32) He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day.? only to do sth. 或者 only to be done 用来表示意料之外的 果; 用 doing 表示正常的,自然而然的 果。他急忙赶到火 站, 果却被告知火 已 离开半小 了。He hurried to the railway station, _ that the train had left half an hour before.Nature has provided Shangri-la wi

18、th endless natural treasures, _ (make) the land ahappy home for the local people.8. (Page 43 Lines 36-37) Within seven years, 21 people whohad something to do with theopening of the tomb died.(Page 43 Lines 39-40) Others believe that they were in connection with a mummy s curse, as a punishment for

19、those who enter the resting place of the dead.? have something / nothing to do withbe in con nection withbe connected withThere is a connection between A and B.科学家已 明肺癌与吸烟之 有 系。9. (Page 43 Lines 43-44) If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.?if breathed in = if _ breathed in, 里运用了

20、_ 象。The medicine is very effective _ ( 如果按 服用的 ).Do be careful _ ( 路 )._ ( 当他在巴黎 ), he picked up a lot of French.【 一 】第 4页(1)When first _ to the market, the kind of product didnnt. attract much attentioA. introducedB. introducingC. was introducedD. being introduced(2)The flowers his friend gave him

21、will die unless _ every day.A. wateredB. wateringC. waterD. to water(3)The research is so designed that oncenothing can be done to change it.A. beginsB. begunC. beginningD. having begun? result in _ , 相当于 _/_result from_as a result _as a result of _His carelessness resulted in this terrible accident

22、.This terrible accident resulted from his carelessness.【练一练】(1)His curiosity and hard workhis great discoveries in science.A. as a resultB. resulted fromC. led toD. lay in(2)We are still dealing with problems which _ errors made in the past.A. causeB. result fromC. lie inD. result in10. (Page 43 Lin

23、es 46-47) What is certain, though , is that the curse of the mummyremains a riddle to this day.? though adv._,位于句尾或句中,常与句子用逗号隔开;conj._,引导让步状语从句。他说他会来,可是他没有来。他要回来吃晚饭,尽管我不知道什么时候。? remain(1) link v. _,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态,后面可接名词、代词、形容词、介词短语、分词作表语。Peter became a manager, but Jack remained _ (一个工人 ).Whatever a

24、chievements you ve made, you shouldremain modest( 保持谦虚 ). He had to remain _ ( 住院 )until he was better.The guests came in, but she remained _ (坐 ) at the desk reading. In fact, the work remained _ ( 未做完 ).(2) vi. _ ,此时不能用 _ 时态,也没有 _语态。火灾过后,他的家所剩无几。(3) 指某事 “尚待、有待以后被处置 ”,后面常接不定式的被动形式,表示主语是不定式的承受者。有好多问

25、题尚待解决。Many problems remain.第 5页你是否正确,以后见分晓。It remains to be seen _.(4) remaining adj. 意为 “ _,”常作 _定语 left adj. 意为 “ _,”常作 _定语还剩余一些苹果。There are still _.我用剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物。I bought a gift for her with _.【练一练】(1) Ladies and gentlemen, please _ seated until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. remainB.

26、keepC. goD. get(2) Why do you look sad? There are so many problems _.A. remaining to settleB. remained settlingC. remaining to be settledD.remainedto be settled(3) You ve made great progress in your survey, haven t you? Yes, but some problems among the youngsters still remain _ A. settledB. settling

27、C. to settleD. to be settled11. (Page 45 Part E Lines 2-3) All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off.pay off_相关短语: pay back _pay for_【巩固练习】一、单词填空1. I don t thinkthe numerous (很多的 ) similarities between our two lives are a c_.2. We have made an appointment that we will meet at the

28、 _ (入口 ) of the theatre.3. Scientists see a c_ between pollution in the environment and some illnesses.4. Children are c_ about everything, which helps them learn, study and improve themselves.5. He cheated in the exam, so he was sent homeas a _ ( 惩罚 ).6. To keep down l_ costs, the company decided t

29、o reduce the number of the employees, which the workers were against.7. It also has acres (亩 ) of _ (受保护的 ) land where many rare animals have been seen, such as bald eagles, wild turkeys, and white-tailed deer and so on.8. Qian Xuesen devoted all his life to s_ research and made many achievements in science.9. If _ ( 呼吸 ) in, these viruses can result in illness or even death.10. He was punished for _ ( 打扰 ) others when they were working.第 6页


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