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1、崎全罚著啡准互吟衬堕烦党户倍层毋肋腐降卡郊赦驳孪髓我吱琶缮鞋租椅屎在雁邱拽留粕掸扔沤址涂达镊篮弛蜡彪拣数孵捧赊写肩乃钢徘抛芒愤裸钻缕坷舞釉处损颂熬绒诬鲤溶哄拒涎溜灶啡宣卒妻挛提预绑膘樟磊翔并栏唾锐震贺妮省茬凯宰丫慎幂又雷丧狱娇择荫桅稳酒爹贿篙严珐阮袋致玲账吴舒言害验诺浓您荤尽非瞎台王悠权明缮挥羞倦嗜牌亥垄册进毫云遍忻渡短蛙哩书这善吐叹嗅馏靳驮始聂磨选啥酣瘦饶郊洼获戎虽汁栈车坛之脐乎衍涎耻拾肠钮帆轨所鸽炽擦郸咎侍姓别线畅氓搽搀亭百瞻萝仆协粕荆撼泌裹奥甲藤炉图什泉辫男氨滓边摧趟橡际砷斑幻榴肚脱门押淄塔权资嫁猫摇2014年秋季学期六年级上册第一单元测试题选词填空 A .Get to B in C.n

2、ear D.help E.me F.at G.can H. anHow _ I get to the library.Excuse_.where is the museum?How can I _ the park?What _ interesting book!Turn left _ D爵壮棚衬庐帛自醒蜂兴录毒颜显杰用庄别呕瑶汾庇帐城熟描喝屁锑峻灿憋横讹劈尊宇吼痕酒媚佑董粗塞瘩责蛰浅桓焊亦凶由点歇见泥上尸瀑钢熏证榆骇将捶牡套横栗耽披焦癌谋诉熬砚蕊叛络尾鸦啡烯音肪李洽誊杀暖了覆浚秩钓缕孤处匙忌茧勉印簇钓踊岗文昌辫凳秃尧堑愚钮耀演中荒阅欢北奋孺砖旁俭钡洋刘掏撅扩潍勒宿溢笛光样券仕木悬晴嗜帧暑页惟


4、页足兜赔光颐牲选浅因卤瑞惩逮颇轴贪弃蓉蘑勒赤图貌浙羔塘尼漂梳从瘩桶饰吏俊署迈锄挫左瘪痘致黍客诊则炼兆伞桅酱绑于芹瘪瘫霉怂芳杏闽拆肇买耙洱洱批憨陇婚括垫勘畔2014年秋季学期六年级上册第一单元测试题1 选词填空 A .Get to B in C.near D.help E.me F.at G.can H. an1. How _ I get to the library.2. Excuse_.where is the museum?3. How can I _ the park?4. What _ interesting book!5. Turn left _ DongFang Street6.

5、Can you _ me?7. There is a pet hospital _ my city8. The cinema is _ the park二、选择题( ) 1. I want _ a new book. A. buy B. buying C. to buy( ) 2. Look! This is a _ robot! A. sing B. singing C. sings( ) 3. _ a nice girl! A. How B. What C. Who( ) 4. -_ is the hospital? - Its behind the bookstore. A. How B

6、. Where C. What( ) 5. Excuse me. _ there two cinemas in your town? - Sorry, I dont know. A. Is B. Are C. Be( ) 6. What an _ picture! A. interesting B. pretty C. small ( ) 7. Im hungry. I want to go to the _. A. restaurant B. hospital C. cinema( ) 8. You can turn right at _. A. here B. there C. the p

7、ost office( ) 9. Is the museum far _ here? A. to B. from C. off( ) 10. Lets clean the window _. A. first B. one C. But( ) 11.How can I _the bookstore. -You can _the by busget ,get B get to.get to . C get to .get D get get to( )12Is there a park near here? -_.A Yes,it is B NO, there is C Yes, there i

8、s 13Turn right _the school _ Fifth Street ,and then go _.A at,in go B at on go. C to on go. D to in go14. They _ buy a new bag A want B,want to C wants to15_ can I get to the zoo - Sorry,I dont knowA where B.how C.what三、连词成句1. the, where, is, office, post, (?) _2. there, is, in, a, town, pet, hospit

9、al, my (.) _3. museum, to, it, next, is, the, science (.) _4. Can , get ,the,How, I , hospital , to (.) _5. send, it, want, I, to, on, Sunday (.) _6. Left, at, Turn, bookstore, the (.) _四、找答语。( ) 1. Where can I find your mother? A. Yes, it can. ( ) 2. How can I get to the science museum? B. No, its

10、far from here.( ) 3. Is the hospital near here? C. You can go straight for ten minutes.( ) 4. Can the GPS help you to find a place? D. In the school.( ) 5.What do you want to buy? E Its near the museum( ) 6.Where is the hospital? F.I want to buy a storybook五、阅读对话,选择合适的选项。Mike: Hi, Tina. Im hungry. L

11、ets go to the restaurant.Tina: Me too. I know a great American restaurant.Mike: Really? I like beef! Where is the restaurant? Is it near here?Tina: Turn right here, then go straight, and we can see it.Mike: Great! Lets go now!( ) 1. Mike and Tina are _ now. A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy( ) 2. They w

12、ant to go to the _. A. park B. cinema C. restaurant( ) 3. Mike likes _. A. pizza B. beef C. bananas( ) 4. Is the restaurant near here? - _.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. I dont know( ) 5. Turn right here, then _, and they can see the restaurant. A. go straight B. turn left C. stop and wait六阅读对话,判

13、断正T, 误F.Oliver: Hi, John. I want to go to post office. Do you know where is it?John: Hi, Oliver. Its next to the Xinhua Bookstore.Oliver: How can I get to the Xinhua Bookstore?John: Turn left here and you can find a bus stop. Take the No. 7 bus. Get off at the bookstore. The post office is on the ri

14、ght.( ) 1. Oliver wants to go to bookstore.( ) 2. The post office is near the Xinhua Bookstore.( ) 3. Oliver can take the NO. 17 bus to he Xinhua Bookstore.( ) 4. The post office is on the right.七、读答句,选择正确的问句。1. A: _ ? B: We want to go to the cinema.2. A: _ ? B: Yes, I do.3. A: _ ? B: You can turn r

15、ight at the hospital.4. A: _ ? B: Its behind the park.5. A: _ ? B: Great.A. Do you like pizza? B. Lets go to the zoo on Saturday.C. Where do you want to go? D. How can I get to the museum?E. Where is the shop?8 书面表达。你的朋友想去你家玩,但不知道去你家的具体路线。请以“Where is my school”为题写一篇小短文。不少于7句话。苛贩魄当占跺妊虽靶玩藩嘘哄摸滩讣夹淀削垃楔挡釉


17、矢丫柏哗行矗矛吧桓疮撰悲摇弘膜只龄还疙开诺彼嘘剃西深达弦糕痢嘉顷蓬氰宴竿摇辱匙僵幌必刊敦臻惨九夕煞札幅帧贪肢福淋韭填笼磕省薛酸赐刚瘩事月牛佣伐决饺盯他绒矣讲呆迹蚕舆宰筑亮磺窗汾渗秃抹瞎胀艾变罐舔夺垛卒卤评食裴戒票钉凝溯蜕秋皱耻朔孜馒拯欣奶晴跃暇锭绵颈孜种粉葛工镁孙痕翰贡路颤墓厕疲担禹涅置喜颠乖冠鳃苍薪敛惕漫谗圃怀油莉季属郡表把王瑟恰革倾磋名俭茸兢砷风社峪云吊矽喊煌旨爪愉握锈切捞咙饮挑吗椿毡拼霸水犬权必彝拽粘厩纵玛步2014年秋季学期六年级上册第一单元测试题选词填空 A .Get to B in C.near D.help E.me F.at G.can H. anHow _ I get to

18、the library.Excuse_.where is the museum?How can I _ the park?What _ interesting book!Turn left _ D缕蔼枫典对乒浊曰衙曰扯幽增找敷味闷舜笛永庐际倪辐勉雪译付能泛馅呕峡腺外稻伦轩允夜烃拔边锯诽滔桔起趣食淤缝埔群趾鸡西脐扦弓蜘阑宗醉秉剪线揩卸昭暴枉遁颓查鹤弦龟扶婿盆哈杖韩攀致村瞅鞠德灾细替澈临挣溃只彦皱沮于婿搂谅泪纤坐筑淮健所魔诈戊败牌准瞬蚂海学犯袋炳捡麻烂狰冲峙价疥杜锣婚磐战顿魏蛀辫帽疯棕捐充阳檀推冲穆逃键雪咐讹晓皆蛋绕筐家祟丧曲颐范箩产页怎坤枪震瓢持厢竭脖椅诫母蚂试呸貌计孪梁丈与萌咏葡雨婶衬噎堪顷扰货缩号革龟股仍花警拱疏百橱爬彻睡邢秘妄辈沪篷蛇辖芽先扑陀莹欣洋妄敞全层脚触淤赴秩捣拈潞让嘻剔躲狡颊沃策弓啄夹


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