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1、湖北省黄石市 2014 高考英语阅读理解训练题(31)及答案In modern society, it is necessary for middle school students to take part in academic activities and enrich their knowledge. There are many academic clubs that students can participate in. Students can choose clubs that focus on an area of interest.Mathcounts ClubMathc

2、ountstriesto increaseexcitement towardsmathematicachievement.Ithopestoprovidestudentswiththefoundationforsuccessinscience,technology,engineeringandmathematicscareers.Schoolsselectindividualsandteams toparticipate in competitions. Local competitions are held in February with winnersprogressingtostate

3、competitionsand thenon tothenationallevel.Mathcountsworkstochallengestudentmath skills,developself-confidenceand giverewardsfortheirachievements.EnvirothonTheEnvirothonprogramfocusesonnaturalresourcesknowledgeand exposesstudents to diverse environmental issues, ecosystems, and topography. The ecolog

4、yfield competitionforfive-membermiddle school teams offerscompetitionsinwildlife,soils, forestry, current environmental issues and aquatics. Students work and learnin middle school clubs and can compete at the local and state level.Future Problem SolversFuture Problem Solvers is anacademic club that

5、usesa six-stepprocessto solveproblems that may happen in the future. Students who are in the talented and giftedprogram,who liketo“thinkoutof thebox, ” orwho enjoythinkingabout futuristicproblemsmay like this club.Teams comprised offourstudents read future scenesandwrite up solutions in a booklet us

6、ing the six-step process. Teams that score highenough can go to the state competition and then to the international competition.Builders ClubBuildersClub isopen to any middleschool studentwho wishes toperformcommunity- 1 -service.Each Builders Club is co-sponsoredby a Kiwanisclub and the middleschoo

7、l.The members learn by doing, and they learn organization, teamwork, and leadership.Builders Clubs can sponsor a Teacher of the Year program, provide a recyclingcollectionpoint,organizecanned food and clothingdrivesto supportlocalshelters,adopt a resident at a local senior citizens home, adopt a hig

8、hway, tutor, etc.Middle school academic clubs offer students a place to explore interests ortalents. The clubs that join in middle school can help guide choices in high schooland beyond.9.Thestudentswhoarenotinterestedincompetitionswouldliketochoose_.A. Mathecounts ClubB. Builders ClubC. Future Prob

9、lem SolversD. Envirothon10. Why do some of the students choose Mathcounts Club?A. To be successful in science careers.B. To enjoy solving future problems.C. To perform community service.D. To study wildlife and soils.11. What is the common feature of the four clubs?A. CompetitionsB. SponsorshipC. Sc

10、ientific researchesD. Teamwork.12. The passage mainly talks about_.A. the state academic competitionsB. middle school clubsC. extra curricular activitiesD. the gifted students912 BADB*结束Monkeys are very similar to us in many ways. We enjoy watching them because theyoftenact likeus. In fact,scientist

11、ssay monkeys and humans share a commonancestor.Monkeys make us smile, too, because they are creatures full of playful tricks.- 2 -This is why many monkey expressions are about tricky people or playful acts. One ofthese expressionsis monkeyshines,meaning tricksor foolishacts.So, when a teachersays to

12、 a group of students: Stop those monkeyshines right now!, you know that thekids are playing, instead of studying.You might hear thatsame teacherwarn a studentnot to monkey around witha valuablepieceof equipment.You monkey around withsomethingwhen you are touchingor playingwithsomethingyou shouldleav

13、ealone.Also,you can monkey around when you feellikedoing something, but have no firm idea of what to do.Monkey business usually means secret, maybe illegal, activities. A news reportmay say there is monkey business involved in building the new airport, with someofficials getting secret payments from

14、 builders.You may make a monkey out of someone when you make that person look foolish. Somepeople make a monkey out of themselves by acting foolish or silly.If one monkey has fun, imagine how much fun a barrel of monkeys can have. If yourfriend says he had more fun than a barrel of monkeys at your p

15、arty, you know thathe had a really good time.Monkey suits are common names for clothes or uniforms soldiers wear. In earlieryears,performingmonkeystight-fitting,colorfuljacketlookedsimilartoamilitary uniform. So, people began to call a military uniform a monkey suit.9. Which of the following can bes

16、t state the main idea of the passage?A. Monkeys are connected with our life.B. Due respect should be paid to monkeys.C. Some English expressions about monkey.D. Monkeys share a common ancestor with us.10. How many expressions about monkey are introduced in the passage?A. 5.B. 6.C. 7.D. 8.11. The exp

17、ression“monkeyshine” has the closest meaning to _.A. mischiefB. lazinessC. making noiseD.diligence12If you drew a funny picture on your friends face while he was sleeping, youwere _.- 3 -A. monkeying aroundB. doing money businessC. enjoying a barrel of monkeysD. making a monkey out of him9-12 CBAD*结

18、束Chris Willis, 47, tipped the scales at 27st(约 172 公斤 )following a lifetime offry-ups, takeawaysand pork pies The painter and decoratorhad totakelongpausesjusttoclimbthestairsor walka few yards ButoverweightChristurnedtodietingwhen realizing he was too fat to play with his ten-year-old daughter, Sop

19、hie , whohad a passion for runningThedetermineddad cut out allthe fatty foodsand began exercising He now weighs16st(约105公斤 )after losing 1 5st every month since July Chris , living inCambridgeshire with his wife Jackie, a coach driver, said ,“ The hardest thing wasseeingmy girlinthe gardenand not be

20、ing able to joinin because Iwassounhealthy But now I m making up for lost time -we do so much togetherand it s greatAfew months ago when I started getting active again, I remember chasing my daughteraround the garden When she suddenly turned around with an amazed look on her faceand said , Daddy,I d

21、idn t know you could run”Delighted Sophie said“ I m so proud ofmy dadIt s brilliantto run aroundwith him”Chris used to tuck into an incredible 5, 000 calories a day before he switched toa healthy lifestyleHe said,“ At l3 , I weighed l8 5st( 约 118 公斤 )and a teacher pointed this outto the whole school

22、 From then on, I was pickedon and bullied(欺负 ) My weightwentup and up But I now have a new found freedom My family and friends have been sosupportiveIn factit s them thatI diditfor The whole journeyhas been amazingand I m still shocked myself that I have managed to lose so much weight”12 What caused

23、 Chris to make up his mind to lose weight?- 4 -A His daughter and wife asked him toB His private doctor required him toC He felt terrible and unhealthy himselfD He was too fat to play with his daughter13 Chris Willis has lostsince JulyA 27st B 16stC 11st D 15st14 Sophie took pride in her father beca

24、use her fatherA 10st weight for her and her motherB was able to have fun with herC took shorter time to climb the stairsD began to eat less in amount15 Chris began to gain weight whenA he turned painter and decoratorB his wife became a coach driverC he was in his teens as a studentD he cut out unhea

25、lthy fatty foods12 15、 DCBC*结束Does exercise strengthen your brain while it builds muscle?Tolearnmore about how exerciseaffects thebrain , scientistsinIreland recentlyaskeda groupofsedentary(久坐的 )malecollegestudentstotakepartina memory testfollowed by strenuous(紧张的 )exerciseFirst, the young men watch

26、ed a rapid fire lineup of photos with the faces andnames ofstrangers After abreak , they tried to recallthe names theyhad iustseenas the photos again moved quickly across a computer screenAfterward , half of thestudentsrodeabicycle, atanincreasinglystrenuouspace , untiltheywereexhausted The otherssa

27、t quietlyfor30 minutes Then bothgroupstookthebrain-teasertest agam- 5 -Notably,the exercised volunteers performed significantly better on the memorytest than they had on their first trywhile the volunteers who had rested did notimprove Meanwhile, blood samples taken throughout the experiment offered

28、 a biologicalexplanation for the increase in memory among the exercisers Immediately after thestrenuous activity, the cyclists had significantly higher levels of a protein knownas BDNF, which is to promote the health of nerve cells The men who had sat quietlyshowed no comparable change in BDNF level

29、sForsome time scientistshave believed that BDNFhelpsexplainwhy mentalfunctioningappears to improve with exercise However,they haventfullyunderstoodwhich parts of the brain are affected or how those effects influence thinking TheIrishstudysuggeststhattheincreasesinBDNF causedbyexercisemay playapartic

30、ular role in lmprovmg memory and recallOthernew studieshave reached similarconclusions,among both people and animals ,young and old In one interesting experiment published last month,Brazilianscientists found that after sedentary elderly rats ran for a mere five minutes orso severaldays a week tbrli

31、veweeks an increaseof bioehemiealprocessesappearedin the memory center of their brains, resuhing in inereased production of BDNFthere The old , exercisedanimalsthen performedalmostas wellas much youngerratsoil memory tests5 The brain-teaser test shows thatAa good rest can improve ones memoryBtoo muc

32、h exercise can slow down ones memoryCexercise can improve ones memoryD cyclists usually have better memory 6 What is the function of the BDNF?ATo increase the number of brain cellsBTo remind people of what is likely to be forgottenCTo draw one s attention to what is seenDTo motivate the brain and re

33、fresh ones memory- 6 -7 The sedentary elderly ratsafter five weeks of runningA got worn out in the endB performed better in remembering thingsC reduced the amount of BDNFD stopped biochemical process in the brain8 The best title for the passage might be A How Exercise Benefits the Brain B Too Much E

34、xercise Harms the Brain C Experiments on the BrainD Exercise Helps One Stay Young5 8、CDBA*结束An old German satellite feel to Earth on Saturday after orbiting in space formore than a decade, but officials do not yet know where it fell.There is currently no confirmation if pieces of debris have reached

35、 Earthssurface, German aerospace officials said in a statement.While the 21-year-oldsatellitebroke apartas itre-enteredEarth s atmosphere,German aerospace officialsestimatedthatup to 30 piecestotaling1.9 tonstons couldreach the surface of the planet.The satellite, which weighs 5,348 pounds, was laun

36、ched into orbit in June 1990to study X-ray radiation from stars and black holes. The satellite was originallydesigned for an 19-month mission, but it continued to work for far longer than itsprojected lifetimes. In 1998, some parts of the satellite failed and it retired in1999. It was initially esti

37、mated that the German satellite could fall to Earth inNovember. Even in the last days, the satellite still circled the planet every 90minutes, making it hard to predict where on Earth it would eventually come down. Butincreased solar activity caused the satellite s orbit to decay(衰退) faster that- 7

38、-originally expected.The old German satellitewas the second one to falluncontrolledfrom space withina 30-day period. On Sept. 24, a 6.5-ton American climate satellite fell into thePacific Ocean. It was the largest satellite to fall uncontrolled from orbit since1979.The German satellite s fall from s

39、pace, and the American satellite before it,cause the world to pay much attentionThere are fearsthattheywould hitto the growing problem of debris (碎片) in space.a populatedarea and cause damage or killpeople.8 The report was most probably written in.ASeptemberB OctoberC NovemberD December9 Compared to

40、 the American climate satellite, the German satellite.Awas largerB was heavierC was smallerD was faster10 Which of the following may influence a satellite s travel in space?ASolar activity.B Earth s atmosphere.CClimate change on Earth.D Radiation from black holes.11 What will probably be discussed in the paragraph that follows?APossibilities of controlling a satellite s fall.BPossibilities of delaying a satellite s fall.CWorries about uncontrolled satellites.DWorries about space rubbish.811、 BCAA*结束- 8 -


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