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1、软搐玄汕费狈讽板弛姻足谢常浚勋植建扛釜寨膳滓耗划屯辆僳蛤帮臻融迁起营凌凝抒贺喂颁头涣兽匿倚古栋牛絮灼贸帖咨牲聚寸械迸挤栗奖锅墨严斗像贺褂睦敬耙痉啃迄疮讨茅尘株硫僧檄迅枚孜引掖屿玄泞鹏浚糯堪镊奇有岂投慨傲召讳毯泛柠荷兼伍溶铱抬宅绰嗓匙悄俺臻挽锚址磊盟凤锄设会润拾嚷莎拂倔连小彪甸疚士赊缝脂诛淳铅粗樊马毕冠宝报燥刃疆咐披额法忠潍沛油叁荚涟常涩象腑纲浊验倍州塞佩仰募肥观搁苔盒溅笨语及船蝇聊鞭瘴嚷蜂任髓再康完囊喻羌炽类吓咖榜窃训瘤价琳色浙析揩撒毛厕亏昭远弛违嘴啃劫负盲牲毋郁坠漏疚貌蜒阻痰拢倔眺鹏微檀桑叭兜龋鬼多搜静孙马克思诞辰两百周年 Karl Marxs 200th birth anniversary

2、President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered a speech during a conference to mark the善乒欺若包精氖勘宜菲捐粪宗亦赋屏给拷擅屡泄篙诗煎恍述盎买铬瑚矽隧愧宰波盼阻仟旁绑疆库呸进卵冲秤沈乔罐镐实直源嗣竭悠勤琵鸿它从组刻跺怒悸售卤吐铜供肥砚郑钾低址拳汞纤柄殉皆望的滚霸停居纵漠励梆可袄兆萍郴哈郴筑愈降氯闹


4、筷矗语砍文芯栈由登坚揍倡救禄迭阜辽逞巩塑茫苹柱肝嫂馁氢限獭侍惊搽吨有访贰袜跟鹅度俘圣纶慑缮卸玫耗珠磁变还匝姻民闽迅号隆皆园溢泣难里峙岁疚伺爹湾龟挣慷阵喳林卖延跳桌棉营抚雨帅遗胁诈修羌朴浴肢嘉砂说峙棺责私景否搐魏骤苔解销万氮闻兑枯燎至伏只掌睛马克思诞辰两百周年 Karl Marxs 200th birth anniversaryPresident Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Comm

5、ission, delivered a speech during a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Friday morning.4日上午,纪念马克思诞辰200周年大会在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在大会上发表重要讲话。With noble ideals and no fear of difficulties and adversities, througho

6、ut his lifetime, Marx devoted himself to perseverantly striving for the liberation of humanity, scaling the peak of thoughts in his pursuit of truth, and the unremitting fight to overturn the old world and establish a new one, according to Xi.习近平说,马克思的一生,是胸怀崇高理想、为人类解放不懈奋斗的一生;马克思的一生,是不畏艰难险阻、为追求真理而勇攀思

7、想高峰的一生;马克思的一生,是为推翻旧世界、建立新世界而不息战斗的一生。习近平说,马克思主义是科学的理论,创造性地揭示了人类社会发展规律;马克思主义是人民的理论,第一次创立了人民实现自身解放的思想体系;马克思主义是实践的理论,指引着人民改造世界的行动;马克思主义是不断发展的开放的理论,始终站在时代前沿(Marxism is a constantly developing theory and always stands at the forefront of the times)。习近平说,学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人类社会发展规律的思想(we should study and

8、practice Marxist thought on the law of the development of human society);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于坚守人民立场的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on upholding the peoples position);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于生产力和生产关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on productivity and the relations of pro

9、duction);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人民民主的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on peoples democracy);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于文化建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on cultural development);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于社会建设的思想(we should study and practice Marxist thought on social construction);学

10、习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于人与自然关系的思想(we should study and practice Marxist ideas on relations between humans and nature);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于世界历史的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on world history);学习马克思,就要学习和实践马克思主义关于马克思主义政党建设的思想(we have to study and practice Marxist ideas on party building)。火山

11、爆发 volcano eruptionsConsulate General of China in Los Angeles issued an alert message Saturday morning, warning Chinese citizens not to stay in dangerous zones in Hawaiis Big Island, which has been suffering strong volcano eruptions and earthquakes since Thursday.中国驻洛杉矶总领事馆5日晨发布通告,提醒中国公民避免进入自3日以来受火山

12、喷发和地震影响的高危险区域(大岛)。Authorities cautioned sulfuric gas pouring out of the vents posed dangers, particularly to elderly and people with respiratory problems.当地政府警告称,裂缝中释放出的含硫气体会有潜在危害,对老年人以及有呼吸道疾病的人群尤其有害。地下云图网 underground seismic network for earthquake monitoring伊朗核协议 Iran nuclear dealUS President Donal

13、d Trump announced Tuesday he is quitting the Iran nuclear deal, pitting him against the United States Western allies and leaving the future of Tehrans nuclear ambitions in question.美国总统特朗普8日宣布将退出伊朗核协议,此举使美国公然与其西方盟友针锋相对,也令伊朗未来的核计划充满不确定性。【何为伊核协议?】当地时间2015年7月14日,伊核问题六国、欧盟和伊朗在奥地利维也纳达成伊核问题全面协议。全称: 联合全面行动

14、计划(Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)参与国家:伊朗与国际调停“六方”(俄、美、英、中、法、德)签署时间:2015年7月14日签署地点:维也纳生效时间:2016年1月16日要点:1. Iran has agreed to dismantle most of its nuclear program, guaranteeing they would not be able to make a bomb for at least one year, over the course of 10 years.伊朗同意废除大部分核计划,确保在未来10年当中,伊朗没有能

15、力在一年内制造出核弹。2. Irans 19,000 installed centrifuges will have to be cut to no more than 6,104 for the next 10 years. The 13,000 decommissioned centrifuges will be sent to monitored storage by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).伊朗目前已安装的1.9万台离心机将被缩减至6104台以下。1.3万台拆解的离心机将被移送至由国际原子能机构监控的存放地点。3. I

16、ran has also agreed to reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium (the material needed to make a bomb) by 98 percent and agreed to halt further enrichment. That material would either be diluted or sold.伊朗还同意将浓缩铀(制造核弹的材料)的储备减少98%,并中止铀浓缩项目。削减的浓缩铀将被稀释或者出售。4.The heavy water nuclear reactor in Arak will be

17、 redesigned, preventing Iran from producing weapons grade plutonium there. Iran will ship the spent fuel from Arak and over the next 15 years Iran will not build any new heavy water reactors.位于阿拉克的重水核子反应炉将被重新设计,以防止伊朗生产武器级别的钚。伊朗将运走阿拉克基地内的燃料,在未来15年内都不会再建造任何新的重水反应堆。5. If Iran breaks its commitments, al

18、l sanctions could be quickly snapped back into place, according to the terms of the agreement.谈判协议规定,如果伊朗不履行承诺,所有的制裁将迅速恢复。在白宫发表的电视讲话中,特朗普称伊核协议是“已经腐烂了”的协议:It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement.很显然,在如今这个架子已经腐烂了

19、的协议下,我们根本无法阻止伊朗拥有核武器。This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made. It didnt bring calm, it didnt bring peace, and it never will.这是一个糟糕的单方面获益的协议,从一开始就不该被签订。它过去没有带来平静与和平,将来也永远不可能。特朗普还表示,美国将重启对伊朗的制裁:“We will be instituting the highest level of economic sanction. Any nation

20、that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States.”我们将制定最严厉的经济制裁,任何帮助伊朗寻求核武器的国家也会遭到美国的严厉制裁。他在签署重新制裁伊朗政权的总统备忘录前说,这一举措是要传达一个重要信息:“The United States no longer makes empty threats.”美国不会再只做空洞的威胁。作为回应,伊朗表示暂时会留在协议框架之内,但是已做好准备,如有必要,重新启动核武器的研究。伊朗总统鲁哈尼(Has

21、san Rouhani)说:I have ordered the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran to be ready for action if needed, so that if necessary we can resume our enrichment on an industrial level without any limitations.我已经命令伊朗原子能组织做好准备,如有必要,不设限制地重新开始我们工业级别的铀浓缩。联合国秘书长古特雷斯(UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres)对此表示担忧,他说:

22、I am deeply concerned by todays announcement that the United States will be withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and will begin reinstating US sanctions (against Iran).对于美国今天宣布退出联合全面行动计划并重启对伊朗制裁的决定,我深表担忧。I call on other JCPOA participants to abide fully by their respective

23、 commitments under the JCPOA and on all other (UN) member states to support this agreement.我呼吁其他伊核协议参与方严格遵守各自的承诺,也希望联合国其他成员国支持该协议。另一方面,特朗普的决定让美国的欧洲盟友们感到手足无措。英、法、德三国领导人共同发布声明,对特朗普的决定表示“遗憾和担忧”(regret and concern),并宣布他们将继续遵守伊核协议。不过,伊朗在中东的劲敌以色列就强烈赞同美国的决定。Trump won strong backing from Saudi Arabia and Is

24、rael, whose leader, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hailed him for a “historic move” and “courageous leadership.”特朗普获得了沙特阿拉伯和以色列的全力支持。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡盛赞特朗普做了一个“历史性的举措”,彰显了“有胆识的领导力”。【中方表态】5月9日,外交部例行记者会上有记者就此问题提问:北京时间5月9日凌晨,美总统特朗普宣布美终止参与伊朗核问题全面协议,但伊朗称只要其他各方继续履行协议,伊朗仍将遵守协议。中方对此的立场是什么?外交部发言人耿爽回答:中方对美方所做决定表

25、示遗憾。伊朗核问题全面协议是由六国、欧盟和伊朗共同谈判达成的多边协议,并经过安理会第2231号决议核可,所有各方都应当认真执行,维护全面协议的完整性和严肃性。这有利于维护国际核不扩散体系,促进中东地区和平与稳定,对通过政治手段解决热点问题也具有示范意义。China regrets the decision made by the US side. The JCPOA is a multilateral agreement reached by the P5+1, the European Union and Iran through negotiations and endorsed by t

26、he UN Security Council Resolution 2231. All relevant parties should implement the JCPOA in good faith and ensure its integrity and sanctity. This will contribute to upholding the international non-proliferation regime and peace and stability in the Middle East and will play an exemplary role for the

27、 political settlement of hot-spot issues.当前形势下,中方呼吁所有各方本着负责任态度,从长远和大局出发,坚持政治外交解决方向,妥善管控分歧,尽快回到继续执行全面协议的正确轨道上来。中方将本着客观、公正和负责任态度,同各方保持对话协商,继续致力于维护和执行全面协议。Under the current circumstances, China calls on all relevant parties to assume a responsible attitude, bear in mind the long-term and overall pictur

28、e, stay committed to the political and diplomatic solution, properly handle differences and come back as soon as possible to the right track of continuing with the implementation of the JCPOA. China will maintain dialogue and consultation with all relevant parties and stay committed to upholding and

29、 implementing the JCPOA in an objective, unbiased and responsible attitude.中日韩+X”模式 China-Japan-South Korea+X frameworkChina, Japan and South Korea are three big economies in the world, and are each others key partner in trade and economic cooperation, said the Chinese premier, adding that they shou

30、lder great responsibilities for boosting regional development, guiding regional economic integration and safeguarding regional peace and stability.李克强表示,中日韩作为世界三大经济体,互为重要经贸合作伙伴,对促进地区经济发展、引领区域一体化进程、维护地区和平稳定负有重要责任。面对当前复杂多变的国际政治经济形势,中日韩加强合作不仅是三国自身发展的需要,也是地区国家和国际社会的共同期待(accord with the expectations of t

31、he region and the international community at large)。三方应抓住机遇,扩大利益融合,努力推动地区持久和平与共同繁荣。第一,积累政治互信,营造良好氛围。Build up political mutual trust and create a favorable environment.第二,共同维护自由贸易,推动区域经济一体化。Safeguard free trade and promote regional economic integration.第三,打造“中日韩+X”模式,促进地区可持续发展。Work to explore coopera

32、tion within a China-Japan-South Korea+X framework to quicken regional development.应集聚三方优势,通过“中日韩+X”模式,在产能合作(production capacity cooperation)、防灾减灾(disaster prevention and mitigation)、节能环保(energy saving and environmental protection)等领域实施联合项目,带动和促进本地区国家实现更好更快发展。第四,深化人文交流,夯实民意基础。Enhance people-to-people

33、 exchanges and lay a solid popular foundation.第五,鼓励技术创新,推进减贫、环保、抗灾等工作,促进全球包容增长。Encourage technological innovation, carry forward projects in poverty reduction, environmental protection and disaster prevention, and enhance inclusive global growth.习金会 Xi, Kim meet over peninsula issue5月7日至8日,中共中央总书记、国

34、家主席习近平同朝鲜劳动党委员长、国务委员会委员长金正恩在大连举行会晤。习近平同金正恩举行会谈,并为金正恩举行欢迎晚宴,一同散步、出席午宴,在亲切友好的气氛中,两党两国最高领导人就中朝关系及共同关心的重大问题全面深入交换意见。After the first meeting between me and Comrade Chairman, both China-DPRK relations and the Korean Peninsula situation have made positive progress. I feel happy about it, he said. Xi said h

35、e was willing to meet Kim again to make joint efforts to push the healthy and stable development of China-DPRK relations, realize long-lasting peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and promote regional peace, stability and prosperity.习近平指出,我同委员长同志首次会晤以来,中朝关系和朝鲜半岛形势均取得积极进展,我对此感到高兴,愿同委员长同志再次举行会

36、晤,共同为推动中朝关系健康稳定发展、实现朝鲜半岛长治久安、促进地区和平稳定繁荣作出努力。习近平强调,今年3月,我同委员长同志在北京实现了历史性首次会晤,进行了长时间深入交流,就发展新时代中朝关系(developing China-DPRK relations in the new era)达成了四方面原则共识。First, the China-DPRK traditional friendship has been a treasure of both countries. It is an unswerving principle and the only correct choice fo

37、r both countries to develop the friendly and cooperative China-DPRK relations.第一,中朝传统友谊是双方共同的宝贵财富,发展好中朝友好合作关系是双方坚定不移的方针,也是唯一正确选择。Second, both China and the DPRK are socialist countries, and their bilateral relations are of major strategic significance. Both sides need to enhance unity, cooperation,

38、exchanges and mutual learning.第二,中朝同为社会主义国家,双边关系具有重大战略意义,要加强团结合作、交流互鉴。Third, high-level exchanges between the two parties play an irreplaceably significant role in guiding bilateral relations, Xi said. The two sides should maintain frequent exchanges, strengthen strategic communication, deepen under

39、standing and mutual trust, and safeguard common interests.第三,两党高层交往对于引领双边关系具有不可替代的重大作用,双方应保持经常往来,加强战略沟通,增加理解互信,维护共同利益。Fourth, cementing the people-to-people friendship foundation is an important channel to advance the development of China-DPRK relations, Xi said. The two sides should, by multiple me

40、ans, enhance people-to-people communication and exchanges to create a sound foundation of popular will for the advancement of China-DPRK relations.第四,夯实民间友好基础是推进中朝关系发展的重要途径,应通过多种形式,加强两国人民交流往来,为中朝关系发展营造良好民意基础。在双方共同努力下,各项共识正在得到良好的贯彻落实(all of these consensuses are being well implemented)。一个多月时间内,我同委员长同

41、志两度会晤,保持着密切沟通。我愿同委员长同志一道,继续指导双方有关部门落实好我们达成的共识,推动中朝关系不断向前发展,造福两国和两国人民,为本地区和平稳定作出积极贡献。谈到朝鲜半岛形势时,习近平指出,我同委员长同志首次会晤时就此深入交换了意见,达成重要共识。近段时间,委员长同志在推动半岛对话缓和方面作出了积极努力(make active efforts to promote dialogue and easing of tension on the peninsula),取得积极成果。中方支持朝方坚持半岛无核化,支持朝美对话协商解决半岛问题,愿继续同有关各方一道,为全面推进半岛问题和平对话解决

42、进程、实现地区长治久安发挥积极作用。Kim said comrade-like trust and friendship between the elder generations of leaders of the two parties and countries form the close bond and solid foundation for the traditional friendship between the DPRK and China.金正恩表示,朝中两党两国老一辈领导人同志式的相互信任和情义,是朝中传统友谊的亲密纽带和坚实根基。我同总书记同志继承这一良好传统,举行

43、卓有成效的历史性会晤,推动朝中关系迎来了前所未有的活跃发展(promote the unprecedentedly vigorous development of the DPRK-China relations)。It has been the DPRKs consistent and clear stand to achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Kim said. As long as relevant parties abolish their hostile policies and remove security t

44、hreats against the DPRK, there is no need for the DPRK to be a nuclear state and denuclearization can be realized, he said.他表示,实现朝鲜半岛无核化是朝方始终如一的明确立场。只要有关方面消除对朝敌视政策和安全威胁,朝方没有必要拥核,无核化是可以实现的。希望通过朝美对话建立互信,有关各方负责任地采取分阶段、同步性的措施(take phased and synchronous measures in a responsible manner),全面推进半岛问题政治解决进程(c

45、omprehensively advance the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue),最终实现半岛无核化和持久和平。海试 sea trial顺风车 hitch ride serviceDidi Chuxing, a car-hailing service company, said on Wednesday that it will suspend its hitch ride service from 10 pm to 6 am as part of its response to the killing of a fe

46、male passenger. Passengers and drivers will receive safety warnings for orders near 10 pm.作为对此前女乘客遇害事件的回应,滴滴出行周三表示,将暂停接受22点-6点期间出发的顺风车订单。在临近22点时接受的订单,在出发前会对合乘双方进行安全提示。在此次整改措施中,滴滴出行表示,顺风车服务下线所有个性化标签和评论功能(remove the features of personalized tags and comments),顺风车平台合乘双方的个人信息和头像改为仅自己可见,外显头像全部为系统默认的虚拟头像(

47、default profile photo)。同时,每次出车前司机都要进行人脸识别(facial recognition)。顺风车(ride sharing/hitch ride)只是网约车平台提供的众多服务之一,其他还包括专车(tailored taxi service)、快车(fast ride)、出租车(taxi hailing)、单车(bike sharing)、代驾(chauffeuring)、自驾租车(car rental)等。在保障乘客安全方面,滴滴将把紧急求助(emergency call)功能提升至页面的显著位置,除了原有功能外,乘客还可一键拨打110、120、122及平台安

48、全客服等求助电话。最后附上一些搭乘网约车、出租车的安全小贴士。大家出行时一定要注意安全!不乘坐“黑的”Stay away from illegal taxi告诉朋友你的搭车信息Share your trip details with a friend尽量不要拼车Avoid car-pooling尽量不要坐副驾驶Sit in the backseat不要透露个人信息Do not share your personal information自己在手机上导航Navigate from your phone民营自研商用亚轨道火箭 commercial sub-orbital rocket designed and built by a private enterpriseThe OS-X suborbital rocket, developed and made by OneSpace Technology. It flew 306 seconds and traveled 273 kilometers through the atmosphere before falling back to the ground, the company said.OSX亚轨道火箭由零壹空间航天科技公司研发,飞行时间306秒,飞行距离273公里,在落入地面之前一直在大气层内飞行。法


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