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1、units, one month, one inspection, one month, one dispatch to ensure emission reduction work smoothly. Also cooperate with provincial and municipal environmental protection Department many times inspection, problems existing in the supervision, tracking, and urge enterprises to implement action plan.

2、 First half of 2015, COD indicators in our County has completed Twelve-Five cuts. NOX targets because the County has no specific projects, the indicator exceeds the value. 1. the air pollutant emissions. Enhance Yixin steel, Baosteel Dresdner and min-light steel three supervisory management, require

3、s companies to establish emissions reduction facilities operation management system and standardize the emissions account records standard abatement equipment operation and fault reporting system. Yi Xin min light steel and iron and steel sintering was removed (pellet) FGD bypass, improved availabil

4、ity and integrated desulphurization efficiency of desulfurization facilities. 1-September, Yixin sintered steel (pellet) desulfurization facilities running stable, desulfurization efficiency desulfurization facilities can reach above 80%; min light company two sintering machines of desulfurization f

5、acilities running stable, integrated desulphurization efficiency can reach 80%. 2. wastewater treatment plant emissions. Strengthening sewage treatment plant daily environmental regulation, and urge enterprises to standardize the operation of sewage treatment facilities to ensure that . Level of eut

6、rophication. In marine sediments once total chromium, copper, lead, and mercury, arsenic and other 6 indicators can reach the marine sediments of limit values of category II quality standard requirements. Third, Jingang monitoring groundwater quality indices have met the standards for groundwater qu

7、ality (GB/T14848-93) category 3 standards, groundwater quality is good, meet the zoning requirements. (E) the ecological County to create a working 1. create eco-cell. Currently, I County provincial ecological County within industry material prepared work basic ready, County has 10 a township throug

8、h provincial above ecological Township acceptance and named, which Fengshan, and Matsuyama, and fly bamboo through national ecological Township acceptance and named, bi in, and Jian Jiang, and in the room, and Huo Kou, and TA, and started through national acceptance; County has 167 a village through

9、 city level above village named, ecological cell created has reached provincial ecological County assessment requirements. 2. environmental remediation projects in rural areas. 2013 rural environmental comprehensive renovation project involved 4 townships (White Tower, beginning, Sealand, Hong Yang)

10、 projects with a total investment of 6.4367 million Yuan, the Central grant of 2.3 million Yuan, provincial matching of 2.7 million Yuan, County finance supporting 1.4367 million Yuan. Time frame for completion end of 2014. As of May 4 Township projects have been completed and put into use, June 8,

11、through acceptance of the expert group. Currently about 3 million yuan of special funds allocated, the remaining funds to finish the budget of the project allocated. 3. livestock breeding pollution control work. Attention of the County Government to develop the further strengthening of 2015 views of

12、 livestock breeding pollution control work (Luo Zheng Heald (2015), 148th) in accordance with the year abatement and water supply, urban demolition, combined with the project principle, 9 towns in our County involvingThis Conference is by municipal Standing Committee research decided held of, main t

13、ask is in-depth learning implement XI General Secretary on two learn a do learning education of important indicates spirit and provincial Secretary XXX important speech spirit, according to central deployment and provincial requirements, on I city two learn a do learning education work for arrangeme

14、nts deployment, education guide General members further firm ideal faith, and keep on party loyalty, and set breeze upright, and courage to play as, for in province first full built well-off social, and Building higher levels of ecological vitality city provide a strong organizational guarantee of h

15、appiness. All party members in the Constitution Party rules, series of speeches, be qualified party members education, Party Central Committee to deepen the inner-party education, advancing the comprehensive yet another important practice in strictly administering the party, is to promote the inner-

16、party education from key minority to the vast number of party members expanded, from the concentration of important measures to extend education to regular education, is leading the task of party building this year. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions two study and education issued

17、 instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education, brilliantly describes the overall objectives, basic requirements and main tasks of education, made clear that the main responsibility of the head of the party organization at all levels and shall carry out, point in the right direc

18、tion for the us to carry out study and education, provide the fundamental follow. On April 6, Liu Yunshan, Comrade Zhao Leji in Central two Forum on educational work, a careful deployment of this work, put forward a clear requirement. On April 13, the Party Secretary, Xie Fuzhan, Director of the pro

19、vincial peoples Congress, the provinces two study educational Conference, made specific arrangements to carry out study and education in the province. We want to seriously study led And further implementation. Party according to the spirit of the Central and provincial requirements, based on actual

20、city, research has developed a two educational programmes and study contents specific programmes, we want to pay special attention to follow-up. Now, I make a few remarks. First, deepening understanding, enhancing grasp two educational responsibility since the partys 18, Comrade XI Jinping as Genera

21、l Secretary of the CPC Central Committee made a series of major deployment around the partys construction, making a series of punch, construction of a new political styles and the aspirations of the Party greatly condensed. Two study and education, reflects the interlocking, step by step, further pr

22、omote the comprehensive strictly administering the partys firm determination and political will, to push forward the four comprehensive strategy is of great significance. We should be supported by political and overall煤矿监测监控综合技术手册煤矿监测监控综合技术手册2008修订版 详细目录:第一篇概论第一章煤矿安全监测监控基础知识第二章煤矿安全监测理论第三章煤矿监控系统中心站第四



25、尘概述第二章粉尘的危害第三章粉尘监测概况第四章呼吸性粉尘监测仪器第五章呼吸性粉尘监测操作技术及数据整理第六章呼吸性粉尘中游离二氧化硅含量的分析第七章煤炭工业粉尘监测、治理及健康监护管理软件第八章煤矿防尘管理第九章煤矿粉尘监测监控相关标准联系电话:13731284703现代煤矿“一通三防”与事故防治新技术及强制性标准实用手册详细目录:详细目录第一篇 现代煤矿“一通三防”安全技术开发总论第一章 煤矿矿井环境气体危害分析与控制理论研究第二章 煤矿安全数字分析与重大事故预测第三章 煤矿“一通三防”安全技术开发第二篇 现代煤矿“一通三防”网络体系构建与安全管理第一章 煤矿“一通三防”网络体系构建第二章

26、煤矿企业安全管理现状分析与安全技术创新第三章 煤矿事故预防与处理第四章 煤矿安全标准与认证管理第三篇 现代煤矿“一通三防”安全检测监控新技术第一章 煤矿用瓦斯传感器原理第二章 气体传感器新技术第三章 KJ4煤矿安全监测系统第四章 煤矿安全检测方法与新型安全检测仪表第四篇 现代煤矿通风系统优化设计与安全性评价第一章 矿井通风系统与采区通风系统第二章 矿井通风网路第三章 矿井通风系统优化设计第四章 矿井通风系统安全评价第五章 矿井通风系统优化设计在生产中应用第五篇 现代煤矿矿井通风安全技术第一章 矿井通风方式第二章 矿井风流参数的测定及计算第三章 矿井通风阻力参数及其计算第四章 矿井风量调节与总风

27、量确定第五章 矿井局部通风技术第六章 矿井通风新技术在生产中的应用第六篇 现代煤矿通风新装备与通风管理第一章 矿井通用通风设备第二章 矿井通风新设备在矿井中的应用第三章 矿井通风仪表及其性能测定第四章 矿井通风安全管理第七篇 现代煤矿瓦斯赋存、流动与涌出规律研究第一章 瓦斯的产生与赋存第二章 煤层瓦斯运移的基本规律第三章 矿井瓦斯涌出及涌出量预测第四章 瓦斯地质分析与生产中瓦斯涌出防治第八篇 现代煤矿瓦斯抽放新技术第一章 煤矿瓦斯抽放概述第二章 瓦斯抽放参数的测定与计算第三章 煤矿瓦斯抽放新技术第四章 上隅角瓦斯积聚防治技术第五章 现代煤矿瓦斯抽放技术在实践中的应用第九篇 现代煤矿煤(岩石)与

28、瓦斯突出安全新技术第一章 煤与瓦斯突出特征及原因分析第二章 煤一瓦斯突出机理及一般规律第三章 煤与瓦斯突出预测与防治技术第四章 煤矿瓦斯爆炸预防技术第五章 “球壳失稳”机理及其防突技术第六章 现代瓦斯防治技术在生产中的应用第十篇 煤自燃机理及其预测预报第一章 煤自燃机理分析第二章 煤自燃环境分析第三章 煤炭自燃预测预报第四章 留煤柱开采自燃的预防第五章 无煤柱开采自燃的预防第十一篇 现代煤矿火灾安全新技术第一章 均压防灭火技术第二章 注浆与注砂防灭火技术第三章 堵漏防灭火技术第四章 凝胶防灭火技术第五章 氮气防灭火技术第六章 防灭火技术的组织与管理第七章 现代防火材料、防灭火技术在煤矿生产中的

29、应用第十二篇 现代煤矿煤尘产生与扩散控制技术第一章 煤尘的产生、性质及危害第二章 煤层注水防尘技术第三章 喷雾降尘技术第四章 通风除尘技术第五章 密闭抽尘及净化技术第六章 现代防尘技术在生产中的应用第十三篇 现代煤矿煤尘防爆技术第一章 煤尘爆炸因素分析第二章 被动式隔爆技术第三章 自动抑爆技术第十四篇 现代煤矿“一通三防”适用法规标准汇编.全四卷精装本 定价1280元基本信息图书作者:编委会册数规格:全四卷1CD 16开精装定价:998元详细介绍新编煤矿瓦斯监测仪器设备安装调试、使用维护、故障处理技术手册新编煤矿瓦斯监测仪器设备安装调试、使用维护、故障处理技术手册详细目录第一篇 煤矿瓦斯监测基

30、本知识第一章 综述第一节 矿井空气及瓦斯性质第二节 瓦斯传统监测方式与原理第三节 瓦斯监测装置传感元件第四节 催化燃烧式传感器第二章 煤矿安全监测理论第一节 监测系统的结构第二节 监测信号的转换第三节 监测信号的传输第四节 监测信号处理概述第五节 监测信号的显示第六节 特殊信号采集技术第七节 监控系统电源第三章 煤矿用典型传感器原理及新技术第一节 概述第二节 KG9701型智能低浓度沼气传感器第三节 KG9001B型智能高低浓度沼气传感器第四节 AWJ90A高低浓瓦斯传感器第五节 KG3003型低浓度沼气传感器第六节 MJ1型甲烷传感器第七节 胶体电解质电化学CO敏感元件第八节 智能型CO传感

31、器第九节 固体电解质CO传感器第十节 KG3013A(KG3013)一氧化碳传感器第十一节 风速传感原理第十二节 AFG1型风速传感器第十三节 CW1型风速传感器第十四节 MF1型超声波旋涡风速传感器第十五节 KG8005系列烟雾传感器第十六节 KG3004系列温度传感器第十七节 KTC90型电气设备开停传感器第十八节 KG8903型矿用氧气传感器第十九节 KG4092型矿用压差传感器第二十节 KG4003型矿用负压传感器第四章 瓦斯监测仪器抗干扰技术第一节 干扰的类型及防护第二节 噪声源与噪声耦合方式第三节 共模干扰与差模干扰第四节 干扰的抑制第五节 常用噪声抑制技术第六节 电源变压器第七节

32、 我国监测系统采用的抗干扰技术第二篇 便携式瓦斯检测仪安装调试、使用维护、故障处理第一章 瓦斯检测仪第一节 AQG1、AQG2型光干涉甲烷测定器第二节 AXZ1B型袖珍数字式沼气测定仪第三节 AW6数字式袖珍甲烷测量仪第四节 102型便携式甲烷检测仪第五节 AWJ1型便携式瓦斯检测仪第六节 JEJ1型矿用CO2、CH4检定器第七节 BMK型煤矿气体可爆性测定仪第二章 瓦斯检测报警仪第一节 AZD1型智能多参数检测报警仪第二节 WP1型井下煤层瓦斯压力(含量)快速测定仪第三节 JCB2型甲烷测定报警器第四节 AZJ85B型便携式沼气指示报警仪第五节 XJ1型数字式袖珍甲烷警报仪第六节 212型、

33、BAY100型、BAY101型甲烷检测报警仪第七节 DMA1型数字式瓦斯报警仪第八节 SWJ2型数字瓦斯检测报警器第九节 AZWJ2型智能化瓦斯检测记录仪第十节 JJ201型便携式甲烷自动检测报警仪第三篇 矿灯瓦斯报警装置安装调试、使用维护、故障处理第一章 分体式矿灯瓦斯报警器第一节 KSW8S(B)型矿灯瓦斯报警器第二节 AGW90A型微型光标瓦斯报警器第二章 瓦斯报警矿灯第一节 KDJ3型和KDJ3B型头灯式沼气报警器第二节 KSW8型沼气报警矿灯第三节 KSW18型沼气报警矿灯第四篇 瓦斯断电遥测仪安装调试、使用维护、故障处理第一章 瓦斯断电仪第一节 AWD3型瓦斯警报断电仪第二节 AK

34、201A型瓦斯断电仪第三节 ADJ2型瓦斯警报断电仪第四节 AGD1ZA型组合瓦斯断电仪第五节 FDZB1型风电瓦斯闭锁装置第六节 ACD2A/48型车载式瓦斯断电仪第二章 瓦斯遥测警报仪第一节 AYJ2型五路瓦斯遥测警报断电仪与AYJ3型单路瓦斯遥测警报断电仪第二节 AWBY2型瓦斯遥测警报仪第三节 ABD21型数字式甲烷检测报警断电遥测装置第五篇 矿井监控系统安装调试、使用维护、故障处理第一章 煤矿安全监测监控系统概述第一节 概述第二节 我国煤矿安全监测系统的特点及展望第二章 煤矿监控系统中心站第一节 主控计算机第二节 中心站的功能扩展第三节 操作系统第四节 计算机网络第五节 机房要求第三

35、章 监控系统应用软件第一节 概述第二节 功能模块第三节 监控系统软件的提高与发展第四章 煤矿综合监控系统安装调试、使用维护、故障处理第一节 KJ90型煤矿综合监控系统第二节 KJ95型煤矿综合监控系统第三节 A1(KJ10)型矿井安全监测系统第四节 TF200监控系统第五节 KJ4型煤矿安全生产监测系统第六节 KJ2型煤矿监测系统第七节 AU1(CMM20)型煤矿集中监测系统第八节 A2型煤矿安全监控系统第九节 MJC100A型煤矿集中检测装置第十节 AWJ80型煤矿环境参数集中监测系统第十一节 DAN6400矿井环境安全监测系统第六篇 瓦斯监测配套专用设备原理与应用第一章 瓦斯监测仪器维修专

36、用设备第一节 WJY10型瓦斯仪表电路检测仪第二节 ABD21T专用调试设备第三节 ABD21K专用调试设备第二章 瓦斯检测仪校正器第一节 AJX1型甲烷检测仪校正器第二节 JFZ1B型标准混合气体附加装置第三节 AWJ1型气样式瓦斯计校准器第四节 WTJ89瓦斯报警器检定仪第五节 GWJ1型光学瓦斯计校准器第六节 AWJ2型气压式瓦斯计校准器第七节 BYJ2型精密液体压力计附录一 常用电气图形及文字符号对照附录二 煤矿瓦斯监测相关标准新编煤矿“一通三防”知识1000问 煤矿工业出版 16精装1册 定价:180元 第一章 矿井通风 第一节 矿井通风基础知识 第二节 矿井通风有关规定 第三节 采

37、区及采煤工作面通风有关规定 第四节 掘进工作面通风有关规定 第五节 矿井风量计算和测定 第六节 通风设施及其质量标准 第二章 矿井瓦斯防治 第一节 矿井瓦斯防治基础知识 第二节 瓦斯等级鉴定及测量有关规定 第三节 防治瓦斯超限作业措施 第四节 防治煤与瓦斯突出措施 第五节 防止杂散电流和爆破火花措施 第六节 构建煤矿瓦斯综合治理工作体系和安全质量标准化考核 第三章 矿尘防治 第一节 矿尘防治基础知识 第二节 矿尘防止措施 第三节 鉴定煤尘爆炸性有关规定 第四节 矿尘防隔爆措施 第五节 尘肺病防治有关规定 第六节 综合防尘安全质量标准化考核 第四章 矿井防灭火 第一节 矿井火灾防治基础知识 第二

38、市 鉴定煤自燃倾向性有关规定 第三节 预防煤自然发火措施 第四节 预防矿井外因火灾措施 第五节 矿井防灭火方法 第六节 防治自然发火安全质量际准化考核banned area, focused on the pig-breeding farms in water source project construction for tuiyang removed. Up to now have been removed 46 (dismantling was 87), removed an area of 27994.72 square meters. (F) the environmental em

39、ergency management 1. improve the environmental emergency management. 2015 I Council organization prepared has luoyuan burst environment event emergency plans, and luoyuan EPA burst environment event emergency plans, and luoyuan life drinking water water reserves burst environment event emergency pl

40、ans, and luoyuan atmosphere heavy pollution emergency plans 4 this emergency plans, and in superior environmental sector record; while, organization coordination area within 9 home Enterprise completed has environment emergency plans prepared, and assessment and record work. 2. strengthening environ

41、mental emergency response training. 2015 I was personnel participated in environmental emergency management training organized by the provincial environmental protection Department, in July and bring together area significant source of risk business has 14 of the emergency management methods study,

42、and urge enterprises to do environmental emergency management of the whole process. 3. a comprehensive environmental security troubleshooting. In 2015, I dispatched a total of 72 passengers on the area of environmental safety Enterprise troubleshooting and found the problem requires corrective actio

43、n in a timely manner, eliminating environmental safety and dust explosion in September, organizations . General requirements take infinite time, say hello, dont listen to report, went straight to the site, direct examination, in-depth troubleshooting problems with environmental law and environmental

44、 risks, and to highlight the environmental issues to investigate and punish, reform in place. As of October 15, has the 95 companies to inspect, and to troubleshoot the source of environmental risk, require enterprises to environmental risks immediate rectification. Breach of the construction projec

45、t environmental impact assessment system and the three simultaneous 24 enterprises that have been granted acceptance issued rectification notices (currently has 4 acceptance). Increase the frequency of drinking water source protection area inspections, ensuring that found in drinking water source in

46、 livestock feeding and woodlands problems stopped immediately and inform the territorial administration, ensure the safety of drinking water. In my County 9 waste-producing enterprise registration, transfer, transfer site supervision and manage the whole process for approval. 2. effectively combating environmental offences. Keep the pressure situation to effectively combat environmental violations and focus our enforcement efforts, take the form of regular or ad hoc basis to strengthen the key industrial enterprises and stone environmental law enforcement inspections


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