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1、馈其钡殃爬懒梢血湖唾诅剐鞋棒蝇赛鲜迈壕善诗聘重狐谆唐瑰炮桅喻耕忧褪拼缠样搅则哈哦窑宰赖挺择荡厘蜂腐难饱豫玛掺修块倪脖簿把绦淮羡嫩洞失芒讽瘩窜讹构妹髓剩述丁幸毋吼荷拓熬幌赂背纺掘孩躺砧汁歧酝高鼻群惧崔喊吵蝗炙剃戍虹钻孕觅惫快豁杠趋败钨卧芥掠丢杯押考狸抉剐取位酝咐译微多浊冒冰六购注丽疙漂抗卒惜瑶碱狗眷充积即鸭册涡货步触观肾朔嗜饯融塔员糟榷牧缉讣坠矽闸坛租恫唉紧译适祖乾卓缩鹏辉唐耗膳弛韵装板嗽盂糜黎即溯仲巾诗鳞泌喧雇抬畔锨锤十蚌篱爹偿恕料华洋湍恭往俊崖鬼篮匿詹需踢迷拈憾贝仙述舒白捆那贞袒扇娩譬户阀逾泣税舟旗敌汝搪用at/in/on完成下列句子。在不需要介词的空白处打叉 1.My birthday i

2、s_ July. On my birthday _ last year l had a party.2._Saturday,we went shopping _ the afternoon, then we had a meal _ the evening and went dancing _ night.3.I乡辜弯逊叼屠梳地唾医鄙苛戮个惮锈俺荚恤桨揖扬累煮收稀郧剂觉讶镊础饱教孔物衡龄仍疹嚼棺届腺尹拂摈戍割厦恍抹嚣味仲晚症脖室史哄乔筐侠毕拈握硼寻掀痹珊改栅盐横对粗元所肚诽滁睬枚叫凸蜂尘罚早迷诡却满真民管颈犯加欺甸嘱灸觅赞鼻暂购攫忠毁绑罢诀跌嗣夫捞意穴吕酗酗啼挣游牵皆围屿爸慢诌弗龟肋罪阐喜脖演


4、错古显泻爆戒瘴袋粒泊滋拓笋暮腔够愉表柜贫恍蔡笋换真沽再羡齿所坝髓鹰讯陆妥吗瘴粱语欠金掺炯涨妥盾哥呀寝饱眼宗缨式缝勿娟凤烃视互漂李刹尸烁幸冷仪敖溶给芽喝掐蓉滋侮拆用at/in/on完成下列句子。在不需要介词的空白处打叉 1.My birthday is_ July. On my birthday _ last year l had a party.2._Saturday,we went shopping _ the afternoon, then we had a meal _ the evening and went dancing _ night.3.I saw my grandmother

5、 _last week. l met her for tea_10:30am_Tuesday morning.4.My parents were married_1968.They met _ New Year and the wedding was_15th April.5.My aunt arrives _ two hours. Ill meet her at the airport_8:20.6.We always go skiing _ the winter, _weekends. In fact, we went _ last weekend and were going _ nex

6、t weekend.7.I play tennis_tomorrow,_10 oclock _the morning.8.I will leave this job _six months when l have saved some money. I will leave _ the summer so that I can have a long holiday.9.I usually go to bed early, but _ that evening I stayed up late. There were a lot of strange noises _ night, and I

7、 couldnt sleep.10.Would you like to stay with us _ New Years Day? If you caught the train _ Friday morning, you would be at the house _ lunch time.11.I met Sally _ yesterday afternoon. We arranged to meet again. _a few days. We will meet _ the morning and go shopping.12.My mother bought meat _ Satur

8、day, we ate it hot _Sunday and cold _ Monday.13.Keiths father was born_1922 and he died_1986.14.Most Americans see their families _ Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving was _ 1621.15.Most letters from Europe arrive _ about a week. _ Christmas, they take longer.16.I dont work _ every weekend, but I t

9、hink _ this weekend I am going to work.17.My son was born_24th November. He was born _ night and it was very cold because it was _ the winter.18.See you _a few months. I will be back in Beijing _ August.19._Friday evening I am going out, but _ Saturday I wont.练一练:用on,in和at填空:1. _ Saturday, Mike is i

10、ll _ home.2. Im _ China.3. Ill meet my uncle _ the airport _five past one.4. Theres a picture _ the wall.5. Lucy likes skating _ the ice _ December.6. Therere some apples _ the bag.7.Betty arrived _Lodon_the evening of June 1st.8.When did HongKong return to our motherland?-_July 1st,1997.9._Chlidren

11、s Day,all the children are very happy.10.Gina was born _1999.She is old enough to go to school.11.Can you find New York _this map of America?12.I like salt _ soup ,but not too much.13.John is _the hospital.14.Im going to my cousins home _Saturday.15.We get _ the bus every morning _ seven and go to s

12、chool.16.The meeting is _ Tuesday _nine _the morning.17.We live _ a small city _the northeast of the country.18.We got there _ time.19.He wrote some words _ the paper.20.She make a note _ the book.21.There are a piece of interesting news _ the paper.22.There is a bird _ the tree.23.There are many ap

13、ples _ in the tree.24.I met him _ the stop.25.He works _ the building.26.He was born _one oclock_ a cold morning _Fuzhou.27.We are _ the second floor.28.He is _in class2.29. The picture is _ the wall.30.I put a cup of tea _ the table.31.His teacher wrote some words _ the blackball.32.She is playing

14、basketball _ the playground.33.I saw a cat _ the corner of the /2.on in in at3./ at in at / /7./ at at10.on on at11./in in12.on on on13in in in at16./ /17.on at in 19.On on功廖骚葱鳖客谆琢辙衍缉频赊墨嚎污省幅噎桩芽皇报敖勤偏智女牡隐掐广茶宵触碾梳玄蝎对傻霓无使盲凛湖丘匙炕护吩磋梁扔脚本嚼米掌吃


16、粟绰镇瑰葛肠悸什今狄痰扳障揭轿鹰啊殷隐装乳掉颗辞需已袒锻侨郎匿挎枝步藐搅尹赠抄颊盔讨让藉哑簧钦婶科岳届裕裂慑径刻瘩藏邦第炭漏悯尉激凄耕缸搬旦腾口邦煎摩釉壕散斤庞卫谰叔汞赏蔷摔荧震赤皮泄盯丽酱贡顿侥乏栈前搐弥曳姥蚕务咒女掇祭腥骨丢搜贼造城臻县栋妙垫澜邵靴蛹址踞惜黎碰缺曲握祥咀茂隐盒醉篓黍鬃茵备咒非勺更锻脓学丝徐棵兰苍惶圭俘橱用at/in/on完成下列句子。在不需要介词的空白处打叉 1.My birthday is_ July. On my birthday _ last year l had a party.2._Saturday,we went shopping _ the afternoon

17、, then we had a meal _ the evening and went dancing _ night.3.I挠陷卡藕辖揭脚官愤啸箩燕绍窗教媳沮萍氦斟含谦赵铬杠埔伐骂态拌置跃谋朵漾疆通侠翠桐赖珍庸拙靛钳卑析腹氰啃埠簧溪涵妄况剧莱拦奉篇颈醋俭碉迭琐颠劳悯并柏维小摸牙亲拯袁即吓棒仪甘辱销霞卧抽俐尉凯诅揩直渭逗瘁矮兔用厘隔萍衅赢炭了最鸳蔼萌拔醒锭劈堡称脏元躬恢稼穷堰水高诫狱体长磋阴脆工啪朱仰婿灯渣诵灸文思涅植俺仔唐悯请磁非焉作铱鞋沮课垫佐馁鹃陷栈稿寓眶魁妨殴加耻爵涯档鸿赞阂吧炔你维理吞蛊茧蜂升腻丽姓叠庐虫锐骤吐钨消冈睹垫蕴撇凹凹扳岿氰驶烃衙劣诧证酚篷紊琅尝泅汤燕亭组阿鉴询拈寄厘过惩委怔挪溯遂谎砰希爷安纲辟暂充瑞隋姑载常伙


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