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1、教学内容:课本41页的Read and answer及补充的 阅读材料(视时间而定)。 教学目标: 1. 复习一些关于礼仪短语 2. 能够灵活运用所学知识表演礼仪小短剧 3.能够理解并尊重不同国家的礼仪。,教学内容与目标:,Manners around the world,Play a game,Sharp eyes,play with fire,draw on the wall,talk with your mouth full,take all the food from the dish,turn off the light when you leave,be quiet at the

2、library,throw things on the ground,stand in line at the bus stop,let the old people take the seat,laugh at others,2021/3/9,Lets group.分类,polite,impolite,2021/3/9,Lets act.,2021/3/9,Did you know?,What do you usually do when you greet a new friend ?,2021/3/9,Did you know?,What do you usually do when y

3、ou greet a new friend ?,2021/3/9,Did you know?,What about in Japan ? How do Japnese people greet ?,bow from the waist,2021/3/9,Did you know?,How do people in Thailand greet ?,put the palms(手掌) together,2021/3/9,Did you know?,How do French people greet ?,kiss each others cheek (脸颊),2021/3/9,Did you k

4、now?,Manners can be very different in different countries.,Greeting,2021/3/9,Lets read.,Manners around the world,China,India,European countries,America,Egypt,P41,2021/3/9,Lets read.,Manners around the world,Read and fill the form.,2021/3/9,Lets read.,Manners around the world,Read and fill the form.,

5、shake hands,Japan,kiss,Egypt and Iran,stand far apart,use your right hand,Now we know in India, people eat dinner with their right hands.,What about in America? How do Americans eat dinner?,2021/3/9,Lets watch.,Lets watch.,2021/3/9,Lets learn.,2021/3/9,Lets listen.,Miss Wong just came back from Engl

6、and. She is impressed(印象深刻) by the good manners there. Lets listen to her and choose the words to fill in blanks.,A.excuse me B.hello C.please D.thank you E. pardon,(1) English people usually say “_” when they meet for the first time. (2) English people usually say “_” if they cant hear you and want

7、 you to say it again. (3) English people usually say “_” when they want you to move. (4) English people say “_” and “_” all the time.,2021/3/9,Lets read.,Good manners in the UK,English people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake hands when they meet for the first time. When they begin

8、 to talk, they like to talk about the weather first. They do not ask others about age, salary or the price of their house.,2021/3/9,Lets read.,Good manners in the UK,Most English people are patient. They always wait in line when they were at the bus stop or in the supermarket. They think its very im

9、polite to push in before others. In the bus or in the train, they always keep quiet and read books. When they talk, they say “pardon” if they cant hear you and want you to say it again. On busy streets, when they want you to move, they say “excuse me.” They are very polite at home too. They say “ple

10、ase” and “thank you” all the time.,2021/3/9,Read and answer.,Miss Yang will go travelling to England next month. I want to learn something about its manners. Please help me.,1. What should I do when I meet my English friend for the first time ? 2. What do English people like to talk first? Can I ask

11、 them Have you had your meal ? 3. Can I ask English people about the price of their house? 4. What should I do if I want someone to move, on busy streets ? 5. Are there any other public manners I should learn?,2021/3/9,What should I do when I meet my English friend for the first time ?,Say “Hello.”

12、or “Nice to meet you.” and shake hands.,2. What do English people like to talk first? Can I ask them Have you had your meal ? ,No, they dont ask each other ”Have you had your meal? ”. They like to talk about weather first.,Read and answer.,2021/3/9,3. Can I ask English people about the price of thei

13、r house?,4. What should I do if I want someone to move, on busy streets ?,No, they do not ask others about age, salary or the price of their house.,Say “Excuse me.”,Read and answer.,2021/3/9,Lets share.,While in Rome,do as the Romans do.,2021/3/9,Homework,以下作业二选一: 1. 继续了解国外的礼仪,查找相关资料并与同学分享。 2. 把这节课学到的让你印象最深的礼仪写下来,做成一张小卡片。,


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