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1、非谓语动词 语法讲解,I.非谓语动词时态、语态形式对照表:,2.非谓语动词在句中可作的语法成份,1.非谓语动词大都可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等.,1.To see you is glad. =Its glad to see you. 2.I want to see you. 3.I want him to see you. 4.My hope is to see you. 5.He is the man to see you. 6.Im glad to see you. 7.I went to see you. 8.He went so early as to see

2、you,(作主语),(作宾语),(作宾补),(作表语),(作定语),(作原因状语),(作目的状语),(作结果状语),1.Swimming is his favourite sport. 2.He enjoys swimming. 3.I found him swimming in the river. 4.His favourite sport is swimming. 5.He is the man swimming in the river just now. 6. Swimming in Summer ,we can get cool.,(作主语),(作宾语),(作宾补),(作表语),(

3、作定语),(作状语),1.This cup is broken. 2.This is a broken cup. 3.I found the cup broken. 4.Broken by Tom, the cup cant be used. 过去分词一般不作主语、宾语.,(作表语,(作表语),(作宾语补足语),(作状语),3.分词的用法比较 A.在时态上 1.China is a developing country =a country which is developing. 2.Japan is a developed country =a country which has deve

4、loped. 3.I found him gone. =that he had gone.(表完成),ing分词表“进行” ed分词表“完成”,B.在语态上,ing分词表“主动”,ed分词表“被动”(多为及物动词),1.I saw him writing a short novel. =that he was writing a short novel. 2.He was reading a novel written by Charles Dickens. =which was written by Charles Dichens. 在概念上,ing.表“抽象、习惯”,不定式表“具体、偶然、

5、将来”. *Swimming (抽象)is my favourite sport and I like swimming(习惯)every day, but I dont like to swim(具体)today, I would like to swim(将来)tomorrow.,C.分词的完成式一般不用来作定语,只能用作状语.,The platform having been built will be used to perform on. 1.The platform built will be used to perform on. The platform which has b

6、een built will be used to perform on. 2. Having given her opinion about the building, she left the meeting. Having been used for a long time, the computer needs repairing.,作 定 语,作 状 语,D.ed+主句(不强调时间先后);Being ed+主句(强调主句和从句动作同时发生);Having been ed+主句(强调时间先后)如不强调时间先后可用ed,一般式来代替.,1.Used as a means of traff

7、ic in China,the bike is very useful. Written in simple English, the book is easy to read 2. Being used by me now,the bike cant be lent to you. 3. Having been used for many years, the bike needs repairing. Having been told several times, 可以写成=Told several times,he couldnt,understand what I meant.,4.非

8、谓语动词的用法区别不定式和动名词作宾语的区别:,.下列动词常用不定式作宾语: aim ,ask, dare ,appear, arrange ,demand, help, hesitate, pay, plan, wait, fail, seek, prepare, happen, mean, prove, expect, wish, hope, decide, refuse, offer, learn, agree, choose, promise, pretend, manage, care, determine, afford等。 如:He offered to help us . I

9、didnt expect to find you here They refused to accept his invitation The little boy pretended to be asleep when his mother came in,(2)下列动词通常用ing形式作宾语:,admit, report, appreciate, deny, explain, mention, resist, stand, stop, imagine, recall, suggest, mind, finish, enjoy, keep, practise, miss, avoid, de

10、lay, excuse, escape, consider, advise等。 如 :1)Would you mind my smoking here ? 2) The girl was told to practise playing the piano for three hours every day 3)Good news keeps coming. Tina suggested spending the weekend on her farm,(3)下列动词接不定式与接ing形式意义相近:,like,love, hate, dislike, begin, start, prefer,

11、continue, intend,attempt等. e.g:I prefer making (to make) an outline before I do my oral composition We all like playing (to play) table tennis 但也有细微区别: *指具体某次的行为常用不定式,指惯常的行为常用ing形式. 如:I like reading books of this kind(惯常行为) I hate to say so,but really I cant go with you(具体某次行为),I prefer to stay at h

12、ome today(具体某次行为) He prefers walking to cycling(惯常行为) *一般说来不能用于进行时的动词如:realize,know,understand,see,lose等,多用不定式 如:I began to realize I had been wrong. We hate to lose the chance . Now we are beginning to see it more clearly.,(4)下列动词接不定式与接ing形式意义不同:,stop to do 停下(正在做的事)去做另一件事 / stop doing 停下正在做的事 e.g.

13、:Seeing an old man carrying a big bag, I stopped to help him Hearing the bell ,the students stopped playing and ran into the classroom forget to do忘记做某事(此事未做)/ forget doing忘记曾做过某事(此事已做) He forgot to post the letter when he walked past the post office Ill never forget seeing him for the first time,re

14、member to do记得要做某事(此事未做)/ remember doing记得某事已做过(此事已做) e.g.:I remember seeing her once somewhere You must remember to take your umbrella when you leave home go on to do继续做另一件事 go on doing接着做同一件事 e.g. :She stood up and shook hands with me, and then she went on writing something AfterIfinishedmyhomewor

15、k,1wentontoreadthenovel try to do企图想做某事 try doing试着做某事(看看有什么后果发生) e.g. :We tried to persuade him to go with us, but he wouldnt listen Lets try doing the work some other way.,mean to do (意思是) 打算做某事 mean doing意味着做某事 e.g. :Revolution means librating the productive force Sorry ,I didnt mean to hurt you

16、regret to do遗憾地做某事(通常后接say ,tell等动词)/ regret doing后悔做了某事 e.g. :I regret to tell that you didnt pass the exam again He regretted having told her the bad news,(5)动词如: (permit ,allow,admit,forbid,imagine,consider) advise sb to do sthadvise doing sth,advise sb to do sth e.g. :The doctor advised me not t

17、o go to bed too late. Please permit me to introduce myself to you first You surely cant consider him to be a selfish man My parents forbid me to stay out after mid-night I allowed the children to play in my room for another five minutes.,* 注意: *在imagineconsider后通常用“to be”作宾语补足语。to be有时可省略。 e.g.:Youd

18、 better imagine yourself (to be) in his place The situation was considered (to be) pretty good *在consider后,作宾补不定式主要是to be,行为动词to do则多用to have done 形式。 如:We all considered him to have told a lie .,advisepermitallowadmitforbidimagineconsider doing sth. e.g. :The little boy admitted having broken the g

19、lass They shouldnt allow parking in the street ; its too narrow. Can you imagine my being so stupid ? I forbid smoking in my house We do not permit smoking in the office,即时巩固练习用所给动词的to do 或doing 形式填空:,1)Little Tom regretted _(waste) so much time playing computer games . 2)They were expecting _(get)

20、the results of the examination. 3)Will you advise me which of them _(buy) ? 4)On the bus the young man pretended _(not see) the old woman standing beside him.,having wasted,to get,to buy,not to see,5)We all consider John_ (be) an honest boy. 6)Our boss forbids_ (chat) during office hours . 7)The rul

21、es do not permit players _(step) out of bounds. 8)The boy begged to permit him_ (explain). 9)The young man imagined _(live) on a lonely island. 10) It was useless to forbid children _(play) here.,to play,living,to explain,to step,chatting,to be,11) Why have they delayed _(open) the new school ? 12)

22、She enjoys _(practise) _(dance) before the large mirror. 13) By taking the back way, he escaped _(see). 14) Id prefer _(stay) here waiting for his arrival. 15) As the meeting was beginning , we all stopped _(talk).,opening,practicing,being seen,to stay,talking,dancing,16) This kind of car is nice bu

23、t I cant afford _(buy) one. 17) Im sorry I forgot _(tell) you about the meeting . 18) She tried _(comfort) me by saying some funny things 19) Going on waiting here means _(waste) our time . 20) They went on _(work) in the fields in spite of the heavy rain.,working,wasting,comforting,to tell,to buy,2

24、)现在分词和动名词作表语的区别:,(1)现在分词用来说明主语的性质,可用very 来修饰。 如:The news is surprising. (surprising 用来说明The news 的性质.可以说very surprising .) His words were encouraging .(encouraging 用来说明His words 的性质.可以说very encouraging .) *动名词和主语说的是同一件事,不可用very 来修饰。 如:My job is teaching English.(My job=teaching English,不可说very teach

25、ing English .) Teaching is also learning .(Teaching =learning ,不可说very learning.),(2)注意现在分词和动名词作表语与现在进行时的区别。 如:His view is very alarming (现在分词作表语表示主语的性质) What he likes to do is staying at home alone and reading .(动名词作表语表示的是某一件事情) He is watching the football game on TV.(现在进行时表示某动作在进行) *过去分词作表语与被动语态的区

26、别。 如:My bike is broken .(broken 形容词作表语,表示“状态”)。 My bike was broken by Jim(动词过去分词构成被动语态,表示“动作”),(3)还要注意现在分词和过去分词作表语在意义上的区别。,*过去分词作表语表示人的感觉,主语通常是人。现在分词作表语表示事物本身的特点,主语通常是事物。 如:Im interested in English(我的感觉,觉得有趣. The film is interesting(电影本身的特点是使人有趣.) 类似情况还有:surprising surprised, exciting excited, tirin

27、g tired , disappointing disappointed, encouraging encouraged , interesting interested ,amazed amazing , bored boring , pleasing pleased, astonishing astonished.,即时巩固练习,用所给动词的to do或doing形式填空: 1)The journey was quite_(tire) 2)The story is very_We are_ in it(interest) 3、The result of the exam made me _

28、 (disappoint) 4)This was really an _moment(excite) 5)The _boy couldnt believe his ears(astonish),tiring,interested,disappointed,exciting,astonished,interesting,即时巩固练习,6)It was a _ storyWe didnt want to listen again(bore) 7)He seemed quite _at the idea(delight) 8)The problem was quite_(press) 9)The p

29、resent situation is _(encourage) 10)I was _at what she said(puzzle),boring,delighted,pressing,encouraging,puzzled,4)不定式、分词和动名词作定语的区别:,(1)动词不定式作定语通常放在被修饰的名词后面。 如:I have something important to tell you The poor children had little to eat 它和被修饰的名词有时有动宾关系。 如:There is some books for you to read(可看成:to re

30、ad some books) Id like to get something to drink(可看成:to drink something),如果这这个作定语的不定式是一个不及物动词,注意不可忽略不定式短语中的副词或介词。 如:I need a pen to write with(可看成:to write with the pen) She now has nothing to worry about(可看成:to worry about nothing),(2)现在分词和动名词作定语的区别,*现在分词和被修饰的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系。单个分词作定语放在被修饰的名词的前面,分词短语放在被修

31、饰的名词的后面。 如:A fishing boy was seen sitting at the end of the boat. (a fishing boy =a boy who was fishing) The soldier riding a horse was my brother (the soldier riding a horse =the soldier who was riding a horse) *动名词用来说明用途,和被修饰的名词在逻辑上无主谓关系。动名词作定语只能放在被修饰的名词的前面。 如:There was only one fishing boat on th

32、e river (a fishing boat=a boat used for fishing) The old man needs a walking stick when he goes out (a walking stick=a stick used for walking),(3)不定式、现在分词和过去分词作定语有时在时态上有区别:,*不定式作定语表示将来的动作。 如:The bridge to be built next month is the third bridge across the river *现在分词作定语表示正在进行的动作。 如:The bridge being

33、built now is the third bridge across the river *过去分词作定语表示已完成的动作。 如:The bridge built last year is the third bridge across the river,即时巩固练习,用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1)The man_ (question) in the police station now is a spy 2)A man_ (respect) others will be respected 3)she can find no one _(make) friends with 4)Is

34、 there anybody _ (answer) the question ? 5)Half of the guests _(invite) to the conference were foreigners.,being questioned,respecting,to make,to answer,invited,6)She would be the best _(agree) the opinion 7)The matter _(discuss) is very important 8)That is the way _(operate) the machine 9)She was t

35、hen a professor _(love) by all her students 10)With much money _(spend),the boy formed a bad habit,to agree,being discussed,to operate,loved,to spend,5)不定式、现在分词、过去分词作宾补的区别:,*现在分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有主动关系,强调动作在进行。 如:I saw him falling off his bike just at that moment (看到他时他正从自行车上掉下来。) He found himself lying on

36、the ground when he came to himself (他苏醒过来时正躺在地上。) *不定式作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有主动关系,强调动作的过程。 如:I saw him fall off his bike and hurt his left leg,(看到他从自行车上掉下来,并且摔伤了腿。动作有先后,是全过程。) They were made to work day and night (他们被迫日夜干活,天天如此,不是某个时刻正在干活。) *过去分词作宾补和宾语在逻辑上有被动关系。 如:I heard my name called by someone (我的名字被叫,my na

37、me和called是被动关系。) I felt a great weight taken off my mind. (重担被卸下来了,a great weight和taken off是被动关系。),即时巩固练习,用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1)I meant to buy an evening paper, but I didnt see anyone _(sell) them. 2)I know that _(be) a fact. 3)Paul doesnt have to be made _(learn). He always work hard. 4)The patient was w

38、arned _(not eat) after the examine. 5)Just now I saw a man_ (walk) in the street, with a little girl _(seat) on his shoulder,selling,to be,to learn,not to eat,walking,seated,6)The lady loved to have her luggage _(weigh). 7 )Who did the teacher have _(clean) the blackboard just now? 8)Businesses are

39、beginning _ (develop) new methods of reaching customers. 9)The thief was caught_ (steal) goods in the supermarket again 10)-What happened to Mr. White early this morning ? -Oh,he was seen_ (knock) down and the driver_ (drive) away,weighed,clean,to develop,stealing,knocked,drove,6)不定式和现在分词作状语的区别: 不定式

40、作状语表示:原因,结果,目的; 分词作状语表示:原因,结果,时间,伴随情况,(1)不定式和分词表示原因时的区别: *不定式表示原因通常跟在某些表示感情的形容词后,用来说明产生这种感情的原因。 如:I was so excited to hear the news(不定式to hear the news表示激动的原因。) We were surprised to see such great changes in that village (不定式to see such great changes in that village表示惊讶的原因。) *分词表示原因时,它相当于一个原因状语从句。 如

41、:Being a monitor, she takes lead in everything (Being a monitor=As she was a monitor) Knowing some English, he offered to be an interviewer for us. (Knowing some English= As he knew some English),(2)不定式和分词表示结果时的区别: *不定式表示结果,含有没有预料到的情况的意味。 如:I got up only to find it was raining outside (起来时没有料到在下雨。)

42、He was too excited to say a word (太激动了说不出话,是没有预料到的情况。) *分词表示结果包含着一种必然发生的情况。 如:His parents died,leaving him a lot of money(父母去世,钱留给儿子。这是自然的事。) The output of iron decreased by 23last year, reaching 80,000 tons (产量下降,到了80,000吨,这是必然结果。),即时巩固练习,用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1)-Why was the official meeting called? -_(sel

43、ect) new officers 2)_(get) back my story, he refused the invitation 3) The beautiful girl tried to kill herself only _(save) 4)When_(face)with a strong enemy, they had always retreated 5)_(wear)out after a long walk, Henry called and said he couldnt come,To select,To get,to be saved,faced,Worn,6)He

44、was said to have refused a gift from her, _(know) that it meant a bribe. 7) The president expressed his satisfaction with the co-operation,_ (add) that he had enjoyed his stay here 8)The president promised to keep all the board members_ (inform) of how the negotiations were going on 9)_(allow)to dev

45、elop his talent, he could become an excellent artist 10)_(invite)to go to camping, Paul ordered a new sleeping bag,knowing,adding,informed,Having been allowed,Having been invited,4使用非谓语动词的注意事项:,1)动词不定式可以和疑问代词或副词when,what, where, why, who, whom, which, how一起构 成不定式短语,但不说why to do (Why not do?,它表达一种建议,

46、和此部分所说的to do 无关。)“疑问代词或副词+to do”的作用相当于一个名词性从句。 如:My teacher didnt tell me what to do next(=what I should do next) He said he knew how to do it(=how he should do it) This is the first time I have come to this dryI dont know which way to go (=which way I should go),4使用非谓语动词的注意事项:,2)形式主语和形式宾语 *形式主语:当作主

47、语的不定式或动名词短语过长,谓语部分太短,常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语放到后面,以保持句子的平衡。 如:It is easy to work out this problem It is my duty to help the people who are in trouble *形式宾语:当作宾语的不定式或动名词短语过长,宾补部分太短,常用it作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放到宾补后面,亦为保持句子的平衡。 如:I found it easy to answer this question We think it no good giving little children too muc

48、h money,3)不定式符号的省略,(1)两个不定式并列时,后一个常省去to。 I told her to stay and wait for me to come back 但表示对比关系时,要带to。 He hasnt decided to stay at school or to go home. (2)在下列句型中不定式符号to常省去。 *Why not do? * would rather dothan do *Youd better do. *do nothing but do/have nothing to do but do (3)简短回答中的不定式符号to后的动词常省去,有时to亦省去。 -Would you like to have dinner with us ? -Id love to .,(4)有些动词后面作宾语补足语的不定式不带to。这些动词是:see, watch, notice,look at,hear, listen to, feel


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