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1、Chapter 8workLesson 1,授课人:林翰君 单位:广州市司法职业学校,本课的教学内容是根据广州市中职英语统编教材英语(基础模块)一册Chapter 8 work中口语能力目标及口试试题进行结合,本课是单元学习中的第一节课,要求学生掌握有关职业名称的表达与运用,所涉及的生词不多,句式简单,学习内容难度不大,本课主要引导学生对职业名称表达进行学习,对过去时进行复习与巩固。,本单元授课对象为中职一年级学生。学生英语基础参差不齐,英语基础好的学生善于表达自己,学习兴趣浓厚,但也有部分学生基础薄弱,英语储备有限,缺乏适当的表达技巧,自主学习能力弱。因此在教学中要充分发挥优秀学生的带头作用

2、。本单元是学生第一学期第八单元第一课,话题与工作紧密相关,所学话题符合学生的兴趣和关注内容。本课教学内容主要为:掌握常见职业名词;能够掌握一般过去式,以及can的正确表达。本单元内容的教学需要运用多种教学手段,关注每个学生,制造轻松的环境,帮助学生达成教学目标。,讲读法,小组活动法,(Review the key point we learnt last time.),Step1 Review/复习旧课(2mins),The teacher shows some pictures on the screen and asks them “How often do you?” “once a w

3、eek.”,Step2 Lead-in/引入新课(3mins),(Go to the new chapter),asking & answering (2mins) The teacher asks the students the following questions. What kind of job do you know? What are they?,Step3 New content/新课内容(25mins),Step4 Conclusion/总结(8mins),1、Review the nouns of job.(Tailor /doctor /farmer /babysitt

4、er /language teacher/ plumber /dentist/ fireman),2、The past tense. (I was a teacher./She was a students./ They were dancers./),Step5 Homework/作业(2mins),1. Review the words and expressions. 2. Pair or group practice(page 146),Chapter 8work Lesson 1,1,2,3,Talk about present and past jobs,Practice the

5、conversation,How often do you,eat meat? eat vegetables? go food shopping? eat at a restaurant? eat fast food? - Once a week Twice/three times a day/month,Revision,Job,policemen,doctor,dancer,driver,receptionist,waitress,Watch the vedio & Match the words,doctor / fireman/dentist /language teacher /pl

6、umber/babysitter /farmer/tailor,Match the words,Did you have a part-time job?,past tense,Subject be,I /He /She/ It was a teacher.,You/ We / They were students.,What was his /her job?,Practice A,A:What is her job? B:She is a waitress . A:Was she a waitress three years ago? B:No,she wasnt .She was a f

7、actory worker.,waitress,factory worker,homemaker,receptionist,Practice B,waitress /2001-2003,plumber/2010-2013,A:What was her last job? B:She was a waitress at her last job. A:Really? When was she a waitress? B:She was a waitress from 2001 to 2003.,Practice C (P145),Change the present tense statemen

8、ts to past tense statements.,1、The doctor is in the hospital.,The doctor was in the hospital.,2、I am a nurse in my country.,I was a nurse in my country.,3、They are vocational school teacher.,They were vocational school teacher.,4、The office is open.,The office was open.,5、We are taxi drivers.,We were taxi drivers.,Conclusion,1、Tailor /doctor /farmer /babysitter /language teacher/ plumber /dentist/ fireman,2、The past tense.,Homework,1. Review the words and expressions. 2. Pair or group practice(page 146),


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