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1、What do you want to be? 教学设计方案外海中心小学 谭绮霞一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说:What do you want to be? I want to be a/an_.2.新单词: office worker ,fire fighter ,taxi driver, police officer, secretary二、教学重点、难点: 重点:Asking about and responding to the question about what one wants to be.难点:1. The pronunciation of “secretary”. 2

2、.Say the sentence by the students .三、教具准备: Computer ,tape ,some objects ,words cards and pictures .四、教材和教学设计分析: 本节课是Friends with English中的一课,它关注学生的生活经验,运用情景交际法和直观教学法,创造各种真实或接近真实的情境,启发学生学习动机,使学生在充分参与教学活动的过程中融入教学情境。本课为Book4 Unit11中的一个重点句型,学生已学习了句型What do you do?和一些有关职业的表述,如a teacher ,a doctor ,a stude

3、nt等,因此,本课使用电脑、图片、录音等多种教学手段来激发学生兴趣,由词到句,以旧引新,步步深入,在活动中学习,在学习中激趣,在激趣中扩展,充分发挥学生的主体性。 五、教学过程: .Organization(A free talk between the teacher and the students):Good morning, class. How are you?What day is it today? Are you happy today?.Revision:1.What re these? Theyre books. ect.2.How manyare there? There

4、 are two. ect.Presentation:1.T:How many people are there in Tonys family?(教师在电脑上出示Tony一家的照片)S: There are five.T: Who are they?S: Theyre father ,mother ,brother ,sister and Tony. T:Yes. Theyre parents, brother, sister and Tony. 2.T:This is Tonys mother. She works in a school.Can you guess what does s

5、he do?(在电脑上出示教师图片)S: Teacher.T: Yes, shes a teacher. Are you a teacher?S: No.T: Do you want to be a teacher ?S: Yes./No.T: Tonys father works in a hospital. What does he do?(在电脑上出示医生图片)S: Hes a doctor.T: Do you want to be a doctor?S: Yes./No.T: Then what do you want to be?(板书句子)在电脑上出示办公室工作人员图片,学习新单词

6、office worker并提示学生回答 I want to be an office worker.板书句子I want to be a/an_.和新单词office worker,并在office worker 前面用彩色笔强调冠词an.3.利用图片和录音机教授并板书新单词fire fighter和secretary, taxi driver, police officer,结合黑板上的句子进行句型的操练.六、Practice.1.朗读黑板上的单词和句子,加强单词的读音训练以及冠词a/an的准确使用.2.做听力练习.(听单词排顺序;听句子圈单词.)3. Have a chant here.

7、4.出示电脑上的图片练习,让学生以四人小组进行句子操练.七、本课小结,并进行思想教育,鼓励学生现在要努力学习,长大做一名对社会有用的人。 八、Self-Assessment.(Homework)1. I can say these words.2. I can say this sentence.3. I can talk about the jobs.板书设计:Unit11 Im a doctor.What do you want to be?I want to be a fire fighter. police officer secretary office worker taxi driver本课教学中,学生通过听、说、做、唱、玩、和视听等活动完成了任务,体现了“在学中用,在用中学,学以致用”的教学理念,引导学生进行自主的尝试性学习,不失时机地给予学生积极的强化,让学生在活动中体验、参与、实践与创造,获得认知能力和语言能力的发展。充分发挥学生在评价中的主体作用,注重在小组合作学习中培养学生的团结合作精神,关注学生自主评价能力的发展,着重在单词练习和作业中体现。另外,课堂设计要关注学生的年龄特点和生活经验,调动学生的学习积极性,提高课堂教学的效益,促进学生的发展。


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