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1、Module 3 Now and Then 一、 题材内容本模块的中心话题是“过去与现在”,内容具体围绕现在与过去的不同,生活发生巨大变化这一主题展开。通过讨现在的生活是否比以前更好来培养学生发展性的看问题的能力,通过采访的形式介绍过去的生活状况,进而引导学生将过去的生活和现在的生活相比较,学习从多方面比较现在与过去的思维。在比较现在与过去的过程中复习形容词和副词的比较级。“过去与现在”在每个学生的眼中都是不同的,所以会出现不同的看法和观点,但是目的是让学生在比较中捉住事物发展的主流。通过这个话题可以让学生学习比较事物的能力,以及培养学生一种从多方面考虑问题的思维习惯。二、 教学目标1) 语言

2、知识:单词Debate; illness; prevent; medicine; suppose; fall off; couple; diet; disease; married语法形容词副词比较级的用法功能通过比较谈论关于生活的各个方面在过去与现在之间的不同和发生的巨大变化话题过去与现在2) 语言技能:听听懂进行比较的简短对话,学会利用一些关键词来进行比较的判断说能够对事物进行横向和纵向的比较读能运用相关阅读技巧读懂描述过去发生事件的简单文章。 学会阅读进行观点或事件比较的文章。写1.运用比较级联合不同时态对过去与现在,现在与未来的各个方面进行比较2.能描述过去的生活演示与表达面向全班同学


4、讨问题。4)文化意识:文化通过比较我们国家过去与现在的生活状况了解我国在发展过程中发生的巨大变化,同时通过横向比较,认识到我国取得的成就,同时认识到差距,培养通过比较客观评价事物的能力情感态度比较中捉住事物发展的主流三、 教学重点和难点 重点:1形容词副词比较级的用法2关于比较的表达方法难点:1、形容词副词比较级与其他语法知识点的连用2、对事物从纵向和横向进行比较四、 教学方法本模块的主要任务是培养学生使用英语对事物进行比较的能力和通过比较证明自己论点的能力,应该在介绍基本的形容词副词比较级的用法之后采取通过阅读比较性的文章和学生自己写比较性的文章的方式来让学生学会如何对事物进行多方面的比较以

5、及如何从比较中得出观点并进行证明。语法内容是关于形容词副词的比较级的用法,着重讲授一些规律性的内容,并与如何在写作中使用比较级来使文章更具说理性等内同相结合起来。 五、 课堂教学过程建议Unit one: People are healthier today.Step 1. Lead in Show some pictures of the past and some pictures of now and ask the students to find out what has been changed and what the same remains by comparing the

6、pictures. Step 2. Lead to brainstormingAsk the students some questions such as “do you think our life is better than before?” “What has been changed a lot in our life?”Step 3. Activity 1Give a general background of the picture of Qianmen Street. And ask the students to do activity 1.Step 4. Listen a

7、nd answer questions (activity 2)Teacher firstly previews the words with the students and then asks them to do the listening. At last, ask some students to say his answers and the teacher checks it in class.Step 5. Listen and read (activity 3)Play the tape and ask the students to follow the tape to r

8、ead the whole passage. After it, ask some students to find out the expressions which relate to comparisons. Then review the usage of comparative degree. At last, play the tape again, and ask the students listen to the tape with book folded in order to practice the students listening ability. Step 6.

9、 Activity 4 and activity 6After reviewing the usage of comparative degree, ask the students to finish activity 4 in order to deepen the understanding of comparative degree.Step 7. Text (activity 5)Play the tape of the text and ask the students to fill in the chart. Then teacher checks the answers wi

10、th the students. (If time allows, the teacher can ask two students play character act.) Step 8. Pronunciation (activity 7-8)Give a detailed introduction of the “English stress”. Teach the method how to stress words in a sentence. Ask the students to try some words stress practices in order to find o

11、ut problems with the stress. Then, play the tape, ask the students listen to it and find out the way to stress the words in a sentence.Step 10. Speaking (activity 9)Introduce the methods of comparing and contrasting two things. Then ask the student “Is life today better or worse than it was 50 yeas

12、ago?” and let them use the comparing methods to do the practice. (The aim is to improve the students ability to use comparative degree to compare two things in different dimensions.) Unit two: We werent very rich, but we were happy.Step 1. Lead in (Activity 1)Ask students to look at the picture of t

13、he woman in activity 1 and ask “How do you think life has changed for her?” After the students answer, ask them “how is your life changed during these years?” The aim of this step is to know about different opinions of past and now and lead the students to think about their life changes.Step 2. Ask

14、some students to state their opinions and explain why by comparing the past life and the present life.Step 3. Play the tape and ask the students to follow the text. After it, ask them to summarize Mrs. Lis idea about her life changes.Reading skill: comparing there are two levels of comparing. One is

15、 comparing the past and the present of the same object; the other is comparing two different objects.Step 4. Explain the language points in the text and answer the students questions on this text.Step 6. Ask the students to read the passage and finish activity3 and activity4.Then the teacher checks

16、the answers with the students, and solves the remaining questions raised by students.Step 7. Writing (activity 5 - 7)Teach the students how to compare the past and the present of one object and how to compare two different objects. 、Topic sentence、Body1、 DifferencesA. difference onea. example 1b. ex

17、ample 2B. difference twoa. example 1b. example 22、 similarities A. similarity onea. example 1c. example 2B. similarity twoa. example 1b. example 2、Conclusion Homework: finish activities 5 to 7 Unit three: language in useStep 1. Review the grammar of comparative degree and ask students to finish acti

18、vity1 and activity3. (activity1 & 3)Step 2. Reading (activity 4.5.7)Read the passage and do the activities 5 and 7. Step 3. Listening (activity 6)Play and ask the students to finish the practices of activity5. then check the answers.Step 4.writing (activity7)Reemphasize the method to do the comparison and the usage of comparative degree, and then ask the students to read the short passage and compare their lives.Step 5.debate (activity9-11)If allows, teacher can organize a small debate in class. The aim is to improve the students ability to use the methods to compare.


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