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1、第一章 引论(Introduction)1知识要点数字电路的发展及其在信息技术领域中的地位;数字信号与模拟信号之间的关系及数字信号的基本特点;数字系统输入/输出特性及其逻辑特点,数字逻辑电路(Digital Logic Circuit)的主要内容。重点:1数字信号(Digital Signal)与模拟信号(Analog Signal)之间的关系;2数字信号的基本特点;3数字系统(Digital System)输入/输出特性及其逻辑特点。难点:1数字信号的基本特点;2数字系统的特点。数字信号只在离散时刻(观测时刻)变化;其取值也是离散的,即数字信号只能取有限种不同的值,为方便电路中处理,这些数值

2、可以用二进制(Binary Number)表达(0,1)。数字系统的特点:(1)只需考虑观测时刻的输入/输出关系,无须考虑其连续的变化;(2)只需考虑有限的信号取值,不考虑其中间值;(3)任何时刻一根输入/输出线上的状态只能为0或1,所以输入/输出具有有限状态,输入-输出的关系可以采用有限表格进行表达;(4)对于输出的讨论只是考虑在哪些输入条件下输出会等于0,哪些条件下会等于1,于是输入-输出关系体现为逻辑关系。2Exercises1.1 Define the following acronyms: ASIC, CAD, CD, CO, CPLD, DIP, DVD, FPGA, HDL, I

3、C, IP, LSI, MCM, MSI, NRE, PBX, PCB, PLD, PWB, SMT, SSI, VHDL, VLSI.ASIC: Application Specific Integrated Circuit,专用集成电路CAD: Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计CD: Compact Disc,原意: 紧凑型小唱片,即CD光盘CO: Central Office,中央局,中心站,交换机 (也可作 Carry Out,进位输出)CPLD: Complex Programmable Logic Device,复杂可编程逻辑器件DIP: Dual Inl

4、ine-pin Package,双列直插式封装DVD: Digital Versatile Disc,数字通用光盘FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array,现场可编程门阵列HDL: Hardware Description Language,硬件描述语言IC: Integrated Circuit,集成电路IP: Internet Protocol,因特网协议(也可作Intellectual Property,知识产权)LSI: Large Scale Integration,大规模集成电路MCM: MultiChip Module,多芯片模块MSI: Mediu

5、m Scale Integration,中规模集成电路NRE: Nonrecurring Engineering,非再现工程,一次性工程PBX: Private Branch Exchange,专用用户交换机PCB: Printed Circuit Board,印制电路板PLD: Programmable Logic Device,可编程逻辑器件PWB: Printed-Wiring Board,印刷线路板SMT: Surface Mount Technology,表面贴装技术SSI: Small Scale Integration,小规模集成电路VHDL: Very High-speed-i

6、ntegrated-circuit Hardware Description Language,超高速集成电路硬件描述语言VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration,超大规模集成电路1.2 Research the definitions of the following acronyms:ABEL, CMOS, DDPP, JPEG, MPEG, OK, PERL (Is OK really an acronym?). ABEL: Advanced Boolean Equation Language,高级布尔方程语言(一种硬件描述语言)CMOS: Complemen

7、tary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体DDPP: Digital Design Principles and Practices,数字设计原理和实践(英文教材名)JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group,联合图像专家组MPEG: Moving Picture Experts Group,运动图像专家组OK: OkayPERL: Practical Extraction and Report Language,实用报表提取语言1.3 Draw a digital circuit consisting of a 2-i

8、nput AND gate and three inverters,where an inverter is connected to each of the AND gates inputs and its output for each of the four possible combinations of inputs applied to the two primary inputs of this circuit determine the value produced at the primary output. Is there a simpler circuit that g

9、ives the same input/output behavior?ABF000011101111ABF更简单的同功能的电路是或门。第二章 信息的二进制表达(Binary Expression of Information)1知识要点十进制、二进制、八进制和十六进制数的表示方法以及它们之间的相互转换、二进制数的运算;符号-数值码,二进制补码、二进制反码表示以及它们之间的相互转换;符号数的运算;溢出的概念。BCD码、n中取1码(独热码)、格雷码等编码表达的特点及其与二进制数之间的转换关系。重点:1十进制(Decimal)、二进制(Binary)、八进制(Octal)和十六进制(Hexadec

10、imal)数的表示方法以及它们之间的相互转换;2二进制数的运算;3符号数的表达:符号-数值码(Signed-Magnitude System,原码),二进制补码(Twos Complement,补码)、二进制反码(Ones Complement,反码)表示以及它们之间的相互转换;4符号数(Signed Number)的运算;溢出(Overflow)的概念;5BCD码(Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers)、n中取1码(1-out-of-n code,独热码)、格雷码(Gray Code)的特点及其与二进制数之间的转换关系。难点:1符号数的表达及相互转换;2符号数的加

11、减运算及溢出的判断。(1)十进制、二进制、八进制和十六进制数的表示方法以及它们之间的相互转换数制是指多位数码中每一位的构成方法以及从低位到高位的进位规则。对于一个具有p位整数,n位小数的r进制数N,有 (2-1)式中,为基数,为第位的数值,为数值大小。可以利用公式,将r进制的数转换成十进制数。式中,r为待转换进制的基数;为第位的权重;的取值为;为第位的值。将十进制数转换成其他进制的数的方法要分成整数部分和小数部分两方面进行讨论。整数部分的转换方法是:将该十进制数的整数部分除以r,取其余数,作为转换后r进制数整数部分的最低位;然后将上次除法的商再除以r,再取其余数,作为r进制整数部分的次低位;以


13、成一个十六进制(八进制)数,需要经过两个步骤:第一,先将八进制(十六进制)数转化成二进制数;第二,再将转换后的二进制数转化成十六进制(八进制)数。(2)二进制数的加减运算多位二进制数相加减时,可以列出竖式进行运算。运算要点和十进制数的类似,即小数点对齐,从低位向高位逐位进行运算。进位和借位规则为:逢2进1,借1当2。(3)符号数的表示方法和相互转换原码(符号-数值码):规定原码的最高位用来表示数的符号,其后各位用来表示数的绝对值。对正数,符号位用0表示;对负数,符号位用1表示。对于0,有两种表示(+ 0、 0),所以n位二进制原码的表示范围为 ( 1) + ( 1)。 补码:规定正数的补码表示

14、和其原码表示相同,负数的补码表示是其对应正数的补码表示逐位求反后再加1。这样规定的目的是保证两个相加为0的符号数,其补码表示之和也为0。所以,零的补码表示只有一种,n位二进制补码的表示范围为 + ( 1)。反码:规定正数的反码表示和其原码表示相同,负数的反码表示是其对应正数的反码表示逐位求反。零的反码表示有两种(全0和全1),所以n位二进制反码的表示范围为 (1) + (1)三种表达方式之间的转换方法: 对于正数,不同表达方式结果相同,直接改下标即可; 对于负数,可以先按转换前的表达方式将其改为对应的正数,修改下标后,再按转换后的表达方式将其改为负数。(4)二进制补码运算带符号的二进制运算可以


16、相邻码字)之间只有1位不同。 由n位二进制数直接得到n位Gray码的方法为:对n位二进制码从右到左编号0n-1;若二进制码第i位和第i+1位相同,则Gray码第i位为0,否则为1;二进制码第n+1位当做0处理。2Exercises2.1 Perform the following number system conversions:(1) 10100.1101 = ? (2) 101111.0111 = ?10100.1101 2 = 14.D16 101111.0111 2 = 57.34 82.2 Convert the following octal numbers into binar

17、y and hexadecimal:7436.11 = ? = ?7436.11 8 = 111 100 011 110.001 001 2 = F1E.24 162.3 Convert the following hexadecimal numbers into binary and octal:9E36.7A = ? = ?9E36.7A 16 = 1001 1110 0011 0110.0111 1010 2 = 117066.364 82.4 What are the octal values of the four 8-bit bytes in the 32-bit number w

18、ith octal representation 34125016732?34125016732 8 = 11 100 001 010 101 000 001 110 111 011 010 2 1st Byte = 11100001 2 = 341 82nd Byte = 01010100 2 = 124 83rd Byte = 00011101 2 = 35 84th Byte = 11011010 2 = 332 82.5 Convert the following numbers into decimal:(1) 10100.1101=? (2) 15C.38=?10100.1101

19、2 = 20.8125 10 15C.38 16 = 348.21875 102.6 Perform the following number system conversions:(1) 23851=? (2) 125.17=?23851 10 = 5D2B 16 125.17 10 = 1111101.0010110 2(应保留7位二进制小数)2.7 Add the following pairs of binary numbers, showing all carries: Carry:1100000Sum: 10011112.8 Repeat Drill 2.7 using subtr

20、action instead of addition, and showing borrows instead of carries.Borrow: 110100Diff: 0110112.9 Add the following pairs of octal numbers:Carry: 11110Sum: 610222.10 Add the following pairs of hexadecimal numbers:Carry: 11110Sum: 11B412.11 Write the 8-bit signed-magnitude, twos-complement, and ones-c

21、omplement representations for each of these decimal numbers: +25, -42.Decimal:+25-42Signed-magnitude: 00011001 10101010Twos-complement: 00011001 11010110Ones-complement: 00011001 110101012.12 Indicate whether or not overflow occurs when adding the following 8-bit twos-complement numbers:(1) (2) 1001

22、1110 10001110 Not overflow Overflow2.13 Each of the following arithmetic operations is correct in at least one number system. Determine possible radices of the numbers in each operation.(1) 41/3=13 (2) 23+44+14+32=223(1) r = 8 (2) r = 52.14 The first expedition to Mars found only the ruins of a civi

23、lization. From the artifacts and pictures, the explorers deduced that the creatures who produced this civilization were four-legged beings with a tentacle that branched out at the end with a number of grasping “fingers”. After much study, the explorers were able to translate Martian mathematics. The

24、y found the following equation:with the indicated solutions x = 5 and x = 8. The value x = 5 seemed legitimate enough, but x = 8 required some explanation. Then the explorers reflected on the way in which Earths number system developed, and found evidence that the Martian system had a similar histor

25、y. How many fingers would you say the Martians had ? (From The Bent of Tau Beta Pi, February, 1956)【注】此题解法有多种,以下方法无需求解一元二次方程。假设火星人的手指个数为 r,即使用 r 进制。原r进制的方程为 r进制方程转为十进制表示为: 由题目已知的r进制方程的两个解可得, r进制方程转为十进制表示为: 代入 满足方程2.15 Your pointy-haired boss says every code word has to contain at least one “zero”, b

26、ecause it “saves power”. So how many different 3-bit binary state encodings are possible for the traffic-light controller of Table X2-1?Table X2-1 States in a traffic-light controllerLightsStateN-SGreenN-SYellowN-SRedE-WGreenE-WYellowE-WRedCodeWordN-S goONOffOffOffOffON000N-S waitOffONOffOffOffON001

27、N-S delayOffOffONOffOffON010E-W goOffOffONONOffOff100E-W waitOffOffONOffONOff101E-W delayOffOffONOffOffON110由于秃头老板为了省电,要求码字至少包含一个0,因此,在3位二进制编码中可用的码字为7个(000 110),而交通灯控制状态有6个,即从7个码字中选择6个进行编码,共有 765432 = 5040 种编码方案。2.16 List all of the “bad” boundaries in the mechanical encoding disk of Figure X2-1,whe

28、re an incorrect position may be sensed.Figure X2-1 A mechanical encoding disk using a 3-bit binary code当相邻两个码字中有1个以上的位数发生变化,则其边界就是“坏”边界。所有坏边界是: 001 010边界、 011 100边界、 101 110边界、 111 000边界 。2.17 On-board altitude transponders on commercial and private aircraft use Gray code to encode the altitude read

29、ings that are transmitted to air traffic controllers. Why?首先,海拔高度是连续变化的。其次,格雷码的相邻码字只有一位发生变化,在两个相邻码字的边界处不会发生错误性的突变,也就保证了在海拔高度的连续变化中其数值不会发生错误性的突变。2.18 An incandescent light bulb is stressed every time it is turned on, so in some applications the lifetime of the bulb is limited by the number of on/off

30、cycles rather than the total time it is illuminated. Use your knowledge of codes to suggest a way to double the lifetime of 3-way bulbs in such applications.【注】所谓3-way灯泡,即有“低-中-高”三种亮度档位,内部有两根灯丝,如 50-100-150W 3-way bulb,内部有50W和100W两根灯丝,可分别实现50W、100W、150W三种功率。由于灯泡档位突变会缩短使用寿命,为此,应采用格雷码来对其档位开关进行编码,如下:编码

31、档位00OFF01L (50W)11M (100W)10H (50W+100W)Options2.19 Suppose a 4n-bit number B is represented by an n-digit hexadecimal number H. Prove that the twos complement of B is represented by the 16s complement of H. Make and prove true a similar statement for octal representation.The modul of 4n-bit number

32、B is (24n )10. The modul of n-digit hexadecimal number H is (16n )10 = (24n )10.So, they have a same modul M.B = H B 2s = M -B = M H = H 16sFor octal, suppose a 3n-bit number B is represented by an n-digit octal number O.The modul of 3n-bit number B is (23n )10 . The modul of n-digit octal number O

33、is (8n )10 = (23n )10 .So, they have a same modul M as well.B = O B 2s = M -B = M -O= O 8s2.20 Prove that a twos-complement number can be multiplied by 2 by shifting it one bit position to the left, with a carry of 0 into the least significant bit position and disregarding any carry out of the most

34、significant bit position, assuming no overflow. State the rule for detecting overflow.设B2S = bn-1 bn-2 b1 b0则 B2S2 = B2S + B2S =bn-1 bn-2 b1 b0 +bn-1 bn-2 b1 b0 Sn-1 Sn-2 S1 S0若bi为0,则 若bi为1,则01+0+1 0 10如上,可以假设0为“空位”,当bi为1时,相当于该“1”左移一位,并在原处留下“空位”。因此,B2S2,相当于所有的1左移一位,“空位”0也随之左移一位,且最低位留下了新的“空位”。检测溢出的原则是:如果符号位发生改变,则可以认为发生了溢出。 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)


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