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1、Module4,unitt1,I,can,jump,far篇一:Module4 Unit1 I can jump far Module4 Unit1 I can jump far教学设计 教学目的:1、Grasp the words and sentences: can, run fast, jump far, winner Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 2、Can use the knowledge to talk about ability and finish the task. 3、Train the pupils ability

2、 of speaking and listening. 重点:Words and drills can, run fast, jump far, winner Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 难点:Can use the knowledge to talk about the athletics and finish the task. 教具:Tape-recorder, cards, gold medal 教学设计 一、preparation 1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. How a

3、re you? 2. Free talk Do you like football? Lets play football, OK? Listen, chant and clap: Lets play football! Lets play basketball! Lets play ping-pong! Lets dance! Lets sing! 二、 presentation 1. Today I have a good news for you. Do you want to know? 下周我们向阳小学将要举办艺术节,艺术节上有体育和文艺比赛,你们想参加吗?You are cleve

4、r boys and clever girls, lets start my interview, OK? 2. I can play football. I can sing. What can you do? Practise in pairs, then say. 3. I can play basketball. I can dance. Can you run? Yes ,I can. Show us! Can you run fast? He can run fast. Whats meaning of “run fast”? Read , practice, write and

5、spell “run fast”. Who can run fast? I can run fast. Ask two boys to have a race, others come on: Run, run, run fast Whos the winner? XX is the winner. Im the winner.(Give a gold medal) Read, understand and spell “winner”. 4. Practise the drills: Can you run fast? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Whats meani

6、ng of “can” and “cant”? Can you make a sentence with “can”? 5. Can you skip? Can you jump? I can jump far.(Do action) Look! Whats meaning of “jump far”? Read , practice, write and spell “jump far”. Who can jump far? I can jump far. Ask two girls to have a match, others come on: Jump, jump, jump far

7、Whos the winner? XX is the winner. Im the winner.(Give a gold medal) 6. Sam and Amy are at our school now. They are talking on the playground. Open your books, turn to page 14, listen and point!三、Practice 1. Now listen again, you can imitate the text, but first I have three question(老师有几个小问题要考考大家):

8、Show the small blackboard, read the three questions together: Who can run fast? Who can jump far? Can Sam jump far? Now listen, imitate and think hard the questions. 2. Answer the questions: Sam can run fast. Amy can jump far. No, I cant. I cant jump far. Practice the sentence: I cant jump far. 3. R

9、ead the phrases: run fast, jump far 4. Play a game among for groups: 1) Teacher shows cards,children say: Can you ??as quickly as they can. 2) Teacher does actions and asks: Can you ??,children say: Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 四、production 1. Read the phrases: run fast, jump far 2.Listen and circle the

10、 words and phrases: can, run fast, winner, cant, jump far, see, puddle 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Practise by the children. 5. Act out the text between boys and girls. 6. Do some exercises: Listen and tick or cross. Ask and answer between boys and girls: Can you ??Yes, I can./ No, I cant. Fill in the

11、blanks with “can” or “cant”. 1) The dog _ fly. 2) I _ eat a plane. 3) The fish _ swim. 4) Sam _ run fast. 五、homework 板书设计 Module4 Unit 1 Can you run fast? jump far Yes, I can. No, I cant.篇二:Module 4 Unit 1 I can run jump far 教案-公开课-优质课(外研新标准版一年级起点三上精品) Module 4 Unit 1 I can run jump far 教案 一、教学目标 1、

12、学习新单词:run fast jump high jump far ride 2、学习主要句型:Can you run fast/jump high/ride fast? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 3、用“can”谈论能力。 二、教学重点 新单词、主要句型。 三、教学难点 用新单词、主要句型说话。 四、教学方法 自主、合作、参与。 五、教学过程 A:热身复习 1、T: Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Ms Liang. 2、教师出示一张一个男孩打篮球的图片,与学生展开问答: T:What is the bo

13、y doing? Ss: He is playing football. T: Can he play basketball? 教师把“can”写在黑板上,告诉学生“can”的意思,引导学生回答:Yes,he can. No,he cant. 3、学生知道“can”的意思后,教师带领学生复习上节课学习的韵诗“Make a cake”。教师询问学生:“Can you chant?”得到学生的肯定回答后,老师播放伴奏录音,带领全班一起朗诵韵诗。 B:任务呈现与课文导入 1、教师询问学生平时喜欢什么户外活动?鼓励学生开动脑筋,说出自己能够参与的运动项目名称。篇三:I can jump far讲课 I

14、 can jump far. 行知小学 郭丽 授课内容:外研版第三册(三年级起点)Module 4 unit 1 I can jump far. 课 时:第1课时 课 型:新授课 教学内容分析:本节课所处模块题材为Abilities,以体育运动为基本素材,使用“can”来谈论能力。本课是本模块第一课情景对话课,教材通过主人公参加体育运动的情景引入新知和建构新知,以语言信息大量输入来促进语言输出的教学过程。 学情分析:本班共有学生63人,大多数学生为农民子女,其中有少数学生对英语学习有强烈的好奇心和求知欲。大多数学生对英语学习还不够重视。对此,培养所有学生对英语学习的兴趣是最关键最紧迫的任务。因

15、此本人在进行教学设计时,突出趣味性。 教学目标: 1. 知识目标: (1)学会听、读、说单词run, jump, ride, fast, high, far ; (2)能运用句型:Can you ? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.来询问他人进行日常的交际。 2. 技能目标:能通过所学的知识与实际生活联系进行英语交流。 3、情感态度目标: 采用多种活动途径,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生积极地参与和主动学习,让学生爱上英语。 教学重点:学生能运用句型:Can you ?Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 教学难点:联系实际进行交际。 教学设计思路:为了顺利完

16、成教学目标,更好地突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认知规律和四年级学生的特点,我采用交际法、 听说演唱法、游戏法、情景教学法相结合的方法,将教材的内容融入到真实生活中,学生在真实的语言情境中巩固和练习谈论能力的语句:Can you?Yes, I can./ No, I cant.用生活理念来构建英语教学的大课堂,从而提高学生的学习兴趣。 教学方法: 情景教学法、游戏和chant教学法、TPR教学法、交际法、任务型教学法等。 教学设备:课件、磁带、图(卡)片。 使用方式:电脑播放、录音机播放,卡片出示。 使用效果:直观、易懂;标准、激趣。 教学过程: Step 1、Greeting T: Hi ,

17、boys and girls .Good morning!Ss: Good morning! T: Today we are very happy, Lets sing a song ,okay? Ss: OK! T: Can you sing a song?(学生不懂时可以翻译成汉语) Ss:Yes! T: Stand up, boys and girls. Lets sing and do together. (播放前面学过的歌曲) (设计意图: 成功的热身运动如同缓缓拉开的序幕,让孩子们看到里面的景致;又如乐章的序曲,让学生振奋;更像是打开的殿堂大门,吸引学生登堂入室。本人通过设计与学生

18、的交流、唱歌等活动,使他们很快进入角色,进入良好的学习状态。) Step 2、Presentation 1.学习新单词:can T:(做踢足球的动作)Look, what am I doing ? S: You are playing football. T: Yes, I can play football. T: Look, boys and girls. Who is this?(出示姚明的图片。) Ss: Yao Ming. T: Yes, he is Yao Ming. He can play basketball. (把单词can写在黑板上,并反复领读这个单词。)T: Yao Mi

19、ng can play basketball. Can you play basketball? (引导学生说本节课所学目标句型。) Ss: Yes./No. (指导学生用Yes, I can./No, I cant.来回答上面的问句。) 2.学习新单词:run, fast T: I can run fast.(师边说边做跑步的动作)Can you run fast ? Who wants to try? Ss: Me. T: Lets have a match.(师生一起向前跑) T: Good! You can run fast. Youre the winner. T: Look! Th

20、is is Liu Xiang. He can run. He can run fast. (出示刘翔的图片。) (把单词run, fast写在黑板上,并反复领读这两个单词。) T: Liu Xiang can run fast. Can you run fast? Ss: Yes, I can./ No, I cant. (把学生引到目标句型上来,用所学单词进行句型练习并板书) 3. 用同样的方法学习单词:jump, far, (设计意图:英语教学的实质是交际,在此环节中,本人通过做动作创设真实的情境以及出示学生都熟悉的体育明星的图片导入,让学生不知不觉的进入到新知中,准确地体验和理解语言。

21、同时点燃了学生积极思维、积极参与的火花,使课堂达到和谐的教学氛围,使学生的主体性得以更大的发挥。) Step 3、Chant. T: Okay, boys and girls. Lets have a rest. Lets chant. Okay? Ss: OK. 用电脑出示内容,师生共同完成说唱。(没有条件的学校可以只播放录音或由教师边Chant边做动作) Run fast, run fast. Can you run fast? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Jump high, jump high. Can you jump high? Yes, I can. No,

22、I cant. Jump far, jump far. Can you jump far? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Ride fast, ride fast. Can you ride fast? Yes, I can. No, I cant. (几遍过后全班边唱边做动作) (设计意图:利用韵文里的内容与孩子轻松学习、巩固刚刚学过的主要句型,也就是本课要学习的主要句型,使学生在激趣的同时将重要知识输入他们的脑海。) Step 4.Text study. 1.listen ,then answer the question.(出示提前准备好 Module4,unitt1,I,can,jump,far


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