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1、三年级(下册)英语,Unit 7 On the farm,润州区实验小学 谢娟,1.I know some nouns have an “s” at the end. 我知道如何正确表达一些名词的复数形式。,2. I can talk about things on the farm. 我会谈论农场上的东西,3.I know the sound of the letterm. 我知道字母m的读音了,Unit7 On the farm (第三课时),The animals on the farm,农场上的动物,The fruit on the farm,pear,orange,农场上的水果,Le

2、ts play!,If you see a phrase, Please read loudly. 如果你看到了一个词组,请把它大声地读出来。,If you see a pig, please say oink. 如果你看到了一头猪,请说oink。,Tip: oink 表示猪的呼噜声!,Lets play!,these apples,two ducks,under the tree,those oranges,some cows,a lovely chicken,that big pear,但是可恶的大灰狼抓走了小猪,让我们和Tom一起完成下面的任务,帮助小猪顺利闯过三关,他就能回家了!,Ta

3、sk 1,Task 2,Task 3,拯救小猪大行动!,Lets say!,Task 1,+ s,animal,fruit,+ s,pigs,chickens,cows,ducks,apples,pears,oranges,Tips:一般情况下,可数名词的复数后直接加“s”. 注意:apple、orange、egg、ice cream等词前要用“an,Lets say!,给下图选择合适的句子,Task 1,A.Whats this?Its a cow. B.What are these?They are cows.,A.Its an apple. B.They are apples.,B.Th

4、ey are apples.,B.What are these?They are cows.,A.Its a chicken. B.They are chickens.,A.Its a chicken.,Task 1,Task 2,Task 3,拯救小猪大行动!,Lets talk !,Whats this/that? Its a. What are these/those? Theyre. Whats that under the tree? Its a. What are those under the tree? Theyre.,Task 2,Lets write!,Task 2,Tas

5、k 3,拯救小猪大行动!,Clever(聪明的)_,from the_,Makes _ for his _.,Tom,farm, ice cream, make, mum ,welcome, m ,Tom,farm,ice cream,mum,Task 3,/ m /,come,Come,Miss,Welcome,my,family,grandma,welcome,Miss,my,family,grandma,根据图片选择恰当的单词来编一首新的小诗吧。,Lets say!,Task 3,小猪获救了!,Lets watch and answer!,Wheres the pigs home ? 小

6、猪的家在哪呢?,Wheres the pigs home ? 小猪的家在哪呢?,Pigs on the farm go “ oink, oink.”,On the farm,Lets sing!,The pigs go “oink, oink, oink.”,Pigs on the farm go“oink, oink, oink.”,Pigs on the farm go “ oink, oink.”,on the farm go “_, .” on the farm go “_, .” on the farm go“ , , .” The go , , .”,选择其中的一种小动物,改编歌词

7、唱一唱。,quack,quack,cheep,cheep,moo,moo,woof, woof,Make a new song!,1.I know some nouns have an “s” at the end. 我知道如何正确表达一些名词的复数形式。,2. I can talk about things on the farm. 我会谈论农场上的东西,3.I know the sound of the letterm. 我知道字母m的读音了,Unit7 On the farm (第三课时),读Checkout time对话5遍。 2. 复习整个单元。 3. 把歌曲On the farm唱给你的父母听,并试着替换歌词进行改编哦!,


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