2018年秋九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 3 Good FoodGood Health同步练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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1、Unit 1 Stay Healthy单词闯关1.豆子_2亚洲的;亚洲人_(亚洲)_3. 包括;包含(v.)_(prep.)_4.calcium_5contain _6balanced_(n.)_短语互译1.由制成_2保持健康_3富含_ 4充满了_5均衡饮食_6.in ones opinion _7Western countries _8at last _9at least _10bean products _句型在线1.早餐麦片粥也是由不同的谷物制成的。Breakfast cereal _ also _ different grains.2沙拉在西方国家非常流行。Salads _ very_

2、 _ Western countries.3钙使你的骨骼和牙齿强健。Calcium _ your bones and teeth_4均衡的饮食将会使你保持健康并给你提供许多能量!A balanced diet will _ _ and give you lots of energy!1Asian adj. 亚洲的n. 亚洲人观察 In China and other East Asian countries, people often eat tofu and other bean products. 在中国和其他东亚国家,人们经常吃豆腐和其他豆制品。He is an Asian. 他是亚洲人

3、。 探究 Asian用作_词时,意为“亚洲的”,常位于_词前作定语;它还可以用作_词,意为“亚洲人”,其复数形式为Asians。拓展 常见洲名、该洲人及其形容词形式:Asia亚洲Asian亚洲人;亚洲(人)的Europe欧洲European欧洲人;欧洲(人)的Africa非洲African非洲人;非洲(人)的America美洲American美洲人;美洲(人)的注意 以n结尾的某个大洲的人或某国人,其复数形式通常直接加s。如:three Europeans三个欧洲人,five Australian 五个澳大利亚人。1(1)Last year we went to Egypt, but this

4、 summer we are going to visit an _(亚洲的) country.(2)There are five_(Asian) in their school.2include v. 包括;包含观察 A wellbalanced diet includes foods from each food group.均衡的饮食包含来自不同食物群中的食物。He sang four pop songs, including an English song.他唱了四首流行歌曲,包括一首英文歌。探究 include 为_词,常在句中作谓语动词;including为_词,其前加逗号与前面内

5、容隔开,常用在主语、宾语等之后,起补充说明的作用。2Many cities in China, _ Beijing, have been deeply affected by dirty air.AincludingBbehindCwithout Dbeyond1Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains. 早餐麦片粥也是由不同的谷物制成的。探究 be made of 意为“_”,指从原料到成品,只发生了形状变化,属于_变化;be made from 意为“由制成”, 指从原料到成品,发生了本质变化,属于化学变化;be made in 后

6、接表示地点的词,表示某物产自某地;be made by 后面接表示人的名词或代词,强调动作的执行者。图解助记 拓展 be made up of 表示“由构成(组成)”, 强调主语由两部分或两部分以上构成或组成。The group is made up of five members. 这组由5个成员构成。1用适当的介词或副词填空(1)The desk is made _ wood.(2)Paper is made_ wood.(3)The machines were made _ the workers.(4)This kind of watch is made _ Shanghai.2Sal

7、ads are very popular in Western countries. 沙拉在西方国家非常流行。探究 popular 为_词,意为“流行的,受欢迎的”;“受某人的欢迎”可以用_表示。The actor is popular with young students. 这名演员受年轻学生的欢迎。Computer games are popular among young people. 电脑游戏受年轻人的欢迎。2(1)Shopping on the Internet has become more and more p_ in our life.(2)TFBOYS has a lot

8、 of fans. It_ thousands of young people.Ais popular withBis satisfied withCis strict withDis angry with3Calcium makes your bones and teeth strong. 钙使你的骨骼和牙齿强健。探究 该句结构为“make sb./sth.形容词”,表示“使某人/某物”,其中形容词作_语。Well do our best to make you happy. 我们会尽最大努力使你开心。拓展 make的常见搭配:The boss made the workers work 1

9、0 hours a day.老板让工人每天工作10小时。The message made me very excited. 这条消息使我很激动。We made him our monitor. 我们选他当班长。注意 make sb. do sth. 用于被动语态时,被省略的动词不定式符号to要还原, 即sb. be made to do sth.。We were made to laugh by his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得大笑3(1)2017宜宾改编The child is crying. Please do something to make him_Astop to cry B

10、stop crying Cto stop crying Dto stop cry(2) 2017岳阳改编Though he often made his little sister _, today he was made_ by her.Acry; to cry Bcried; crying Cto cry; cry Dcrying; cry教师详解详析Lesson 3Good Food, Good Health【课前自主预习】单词闯关1bean2.Asian; Asia3.include; including4钙5.包含6.均衡的; balance短语互译1be made of2stay/

11、keep healthy3.be rich in4be full of5.a balanced diet6在某人看来7.西方国家8最后9.至少10.豆制品/豆类产品句型在线1is; made of2.are; popular in3makes; strong4.keep you healthy【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 形容; 名; 名(1)Asian(2)Asians2 动; 介A句型透视1 由制成; 物理(1)of(2)from(3)by(4)in 2 形容; be popular with/among sb.(1)popular(2)A考查固定短语。句意:TFBOYS有很多粉丝。它广受年轻人的欢迎。be popular with意为“受欢迎”;be satisfied with意为“对满足”;be strict with意为“对要求很严”;be angry with意为“对生气”。由“a lot of fans”可知TFBOYS深受年轻人的欢迎。故选A。3 宾语补足(1)B(2)A考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:虽然他经常弄哭他的小妹妹,但今天他被她弄哭了。make sb. do sth.在主动语态中,用省掉to 的动词不定式作宾补,但在被动语态中“感、让、听、看”等动词后不省略动词不定式符号to,动词不定式作主语补足语。故选A。 6


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