2018秋期七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Seasons and Weather Lesson 12 Summer Holiday教案 (新版)北师大版.doc

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1、Unit 4 Seasons And WeatherLesson 12 Summer Holiday 教材分析本课是北师大版初中英语七年级下册教材第四单元Unit 4 seasons and weather,话题为季节、天气情况、天气预报、旅行。其中Lesson 12 Summer Holiday 是围绕旅行这一话题展开的。第一课时通过阅读,获取David及其家人的假日旅行信息,同时了解一些国内旅游胜地名称。 第二课时通过感知课文中的be going to 句型,归纳总结be going to的语意功能,并完成肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及特殊疑问句的学习。最后,能用所学句型结构简单描述自己的假

2、期安排。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Key vocabulary2. Key structures: 【过程与方法目标】1. To understand conversations about the summer holiday.2. To talk with the partners about the summer holiday.【情感态度价值观目标】通过阅读,获取有关David及其家人有关暑期计划安排的旅行信息 教学重难点【教学重点】1. 获取有关David及其家人有关暑期计划安排的旅行信息;2. 体会be going to 的表意功能。【教学难点】简单讲述David及其家人的

3、暑期计划安排。 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Brainstorm Q: summer holiday is coming. How do you want to spend your holiday?Show them the pictures to review and teach some phrases. Step 2. Warm-upQ: If you go on a tour, where do you want to go?Show them some pictures of the Great Wall, the Pala

4、ce Museum etc. Some pictures to help the students focus on the key words in this lesson and the key points of the lesson.Step 3. Pre-reading1. Introduce the postcard, and give them the questions. And then play the tape for them.2. Go over the questions and listen to the tape to get the answers.Check

5、 the answers.Step 4. Reading1.1st reading:Direct the students to the dates and the photos. 2.2nd reading:Direct the students to the True and False questions.3.3rd reading:Show them the tables and explain how to do them.Play the tape.Have them into groups of 4 or 5.Solve their problems. Step 5. Read

6、and fill in the table.1. Read the text again and complete the table in group.2. Show their ideas with others.3. Read the text and find out any questions to ask for helpStep 6 Find out the following phrases in the text.在夏令营中从七月24号到27号照相照许多照片给照照片因而著名我们旅行中的最后一站在花费许多时间在大海里游泳带某人去.将举行Step7 Talk about Davids summer holiday.Work in pairs.Act it out.Step 8 HomeworkListen and read the text.Read and copy the phrases.Try to write a short passage to talk about Davids summer holiday. 教学反思略。5


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