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1、初一英语教学案例 unit 2 whats your name?学习目标知识目标:words: what is your name afternoon mrsentences: good afternoon. whats your name? im 技能目标:i can ask about peoples name and i can answer.重难点及突破措施重点:问候下午好:询问他人姓名难点:学会用 “good afternoon”问候下午好;会用 “whats your name?”询问他人姓名。突破措施:通过师生活动、小组竞赛来操练句型。课前准备:单词卡 录音机 多媒体导学案设计预

2、习学案一、i can read the words:what is your name afternoon mr二、i can say the sentences: good afternoon. whats your name? im 三、i can greet others and ask about their names.自主乐学合作交流一、warm up1. greeting 老师单独与学生用不同的方式打招呼 greet several students using different way. for example: good morning! / hi, im mr/mshow

3、 are you? / hello, how are you?二、lead in1. 老师用双手模拟太阳的形状,分别放在自己身体的左侧、头顶、身体右侧,代表上午、中午、下午,向学生问好。由good morning引入good afternoon/ good evening 的学习。连续操作几遍,让学生说出相应的问候语。2. 老师告诉学生:进入新学校后,我们会遇到许多新朋友。大家想知道怎样用英语询问新朋友的姓名吗?看过今天的课文你们就知道了。三、text teaching1. ask and answer. teacher asks one student: “whats your name?”

4、 lead students to answer: “im ” then one student asks, another student answers, and after that the second student asks another student 开火车游戏。老师先示范,然后请一名学生问另一名学生,回答完毕后第二名学生问另外一个学生,以此类推。 whats your name? im 2. listen and repeat.3. read after the teacher.4. read by roles.5. role play.6. practise: activ

5、ity 3 act it out比一比,哪组读的最快、最好! a: hello/hi, im whats your name? b: hi, im 四、sum words: what is your name afternoon mr sentences: good afternoon. whats your name? im 五、homework:sing the song “good morning, sam” to your parents.六、blackboard designwords: what is your name afternoon mrsentences: good afternoon. whats your name? im


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