2019年中考英语二轮复习 完形填空基础课外题(12).doc

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1、2019年中考英语:完形填空基础课外题(12)及答案第一篇(2018中考教育类选练)People succeed and people fail. Some say nothing is1while some say they cant. I believe where there is a will, there is a(n)2. If we work hard, we will succeed one day. I am3because Mr “I cant” has been forgotten by me.I will never4the day when I, a primary

2、school student of Grade 3, together with my classmatesburied(埋葬) Mr “I cant”.5that day, our teacher asked us to write down all the things that we couldnt6. We all did as she told us to. In a moment, our papers were7with a lot of “I cants”. Then we were told to fold the papers and hand them in. She p

3、ut8in a box and led us to the farthest corner of the playground. She then asked us todig a hole(挖洞) and bury the box. We couldnt9her until she said “Goodbye, Mr I cant”. Then she asked us to remember the day, to be confident and to decide our own future.The lesson has left a(n)10impression(印象) on me

4、. It makes me understand that one should have the courage to say goodbye to Mr “I cant” and be self-confident if he wishes to achieve his dreams.( )1. A. successful B. impossibleC. necessaryD. important( )2. A. way B. idea C. dream D. circle( )3.A. tired B. poorC. relaxedD. confident( )4. A. miss B.

5、 changeC. forget D. remember( )5. A. On B. WithC. In D. At( )6. A. make B. readC. do D. reply( )7. A. agreed B. cutC. discovered D. covered( )8. A. it B. thatC. them D. theirs( )9. A. meet B. understandC. see D. refuse( )10. A. deep B. different C. wrong D. opposite答案:1B 2A 3D 4C 5A 6C 7D 8C 9B 10A第

6、二篇2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案政治经济文化类The main character of this article is called Dean Bluey . He is a schoolboy from the USA . He became a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in country . Dean Bluey has muchin computer. One day , he an e-mail to a friend on the Internet . Suddenly he a message

7、 saying Help! Pain! Help! The message was from Finland , kilometres away from America. I didnt know I should do , Dean said to a reporter afterwards. It was really difficult to tell if the message was real. So Dean did nothing at first . the message kept coming . By then it was easy to see that some

8、one was in trouble , Dean explained. He that the sender was a student called Tarja , who was alone in a university library. She was ill. What was, there was no phone around her. Her only way of with the world was by e-mail . Dean got in touch the police at once . And they realized that the situation

9、 was quite serious . They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance(救护车) rushed to the library. , she was still alive and was sent to the hospital quickly. “ Im glad shes OK .” Dean said . Its hard to believe , but saved her life . Just as a sentence says : “is impossible . ” , which is from a

10、n advertisement on TV .【小题1】A14-yearsoldB14 years old C14year-oldD14 year old【小题2】AanotherBthe otherCany other Dother【小题3】Ainterest Binterested Cinteresting Dinterests【小题4】Asent Bwas sending Csends Dis sending【小题5】AacceptedBreceived Cheard from Drefused【小题6】Athousand Bthousand of Cthousands Dthousan

11、ds of【小题7】Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen【小题8】ASo BAnd CBut DAs【小题9】Atelephoned Breplied Cfound Dtalked【小题10】Abetter Bworse Charder Deasier【小题11】AtalkingBcommunicatingCstayingDhelping【小题12】Awith Bon Cto Dat【小题13】AHardly BHappily CLuckily DCarefully【小题14】Aa boy Bdoctors Cthe police Dthe e-mail【小题15】AAnything

12、BEverything CSomethingDNothing第三篇 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。(文本来源2013湖南高考卷,并做一定的改编.;其中第32,33,37,39,40,42,45题目原创.)When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase _36_ and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “Im lea

13、ving.”“If you want to _37_, thats all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without _38_ and you can leave the same way.” I _39_ my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your _440_ back. You didnt wear anything when yo

14、u arrived.” This really angered me. I tore my clothes offshoes, socks, underwear and alland _41_, “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”I was so _42_ that I slammed the door and stepped out on the front porch. _43_ I realized that I was outside

15、, with nothing _44_. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking towards our house. I ran to _45_ behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was_46_ the girls had passed by. I ran to the front door and knocked at it loudly.“Whos there?” I heard._47_ Billy! Let m

16、e in!The voice behind the _48_ answered, “Billy doesnt live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming, I begged, “Aw,cm Mom! Im _49_ your son. Let me in!”The door inched open and Moms smiling face appeared. “Did you change your_50_ about running away?”

17、 she asked.“Whats for supper?” I answered.36A. packed B. returned C. cleaned D. repaired37A. dropped by B. go by C. move around D. run away38A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something39A. pressed B. shook C. threw D. pushed40A. bag B. clothes C. sandwiches D. suitcase41A. explained B. suggest

18、ed C. continued D. shouted42A. angry B. sorry C. nervous D. happy43A. Certainly B. Naturally C. Suddenly D. possibly44A. in B. on C. off D. with45A. play B. hide C. rest D. cry46A. sure B. proud C. curious D. sad47A. Its B. Im C. This is D. Thst is48A. house B. tree C. door D. yard49A. also B. still

19、 C. even D. already50A. conclusion B. promise C. way D. decision完型填空(共15小题,满分15分)36. A 37. D 38. A 39.C 40. B41.D 42A 43. C 44. B 45. B46. A 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. D第四篇阅读短文,掌握大意,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 (共10小题,计10分) Whats the best way to lose weight (重量)? You can make it fun by 31 outdoor activities.

20、Youll be amazed at the number of calories (卡路里) youll 32 in a short time. Heres some advice to help you to lose weight. Hike (徒步旅行) to Lose Weight Hiking is an excellent 33 of exercise for burning calories and increasing your heart system. Whats more, if you hike on hills, it 34 to build and strengt

21、hen (增强) leg muscles (肌肉). Kayaking (划独木舟) to Lose Weight If you love the 35 , then you may go kayaking! Generally, a woman can lose half a pound from an afternoon of white-water kayaking. A man can lose even 36 , around 2,200 calories. This sport builds strength in your 37 and upper body muscles. I

22、ts 38 a great way to make you slimmer. Ski to Lose Weight Skiing is one great sport to lose weight because 39 can use all of your major muscle groups-from your chest to shoulders. It can improve your balance by exercising you main muscles 40 you cant fall down. So, its no surprise that you can burn

23、a large 3,000 calories if youre a man and a little less for a woman, after 6 hours of skiing.31. A. staying away from B. doing well in C. taking part in32. A. waste B. store C. burn33. A. way B .grade C. diet34. A. decides B. helps C. plans35. A. soil B. water C. sand36. A. worse B. better C. more37

24、. A. arms B. legs C. heads38. A. too B. never C. also39. A. be B. you C. she40. A. so that B. in order to C. so as to【主旨大意】:短文介绍了徒步旅行、划独木舟和滑雪等几种减肥的方法。并对每种方法做了具体介绍。31. C 考查短语辨析 句意:你能通过参加户外活动使减肥有趣。take part in表示“参加”,和 “户外活动”构成动宾短语,符合句意,故选C。32. C 考查词义辨析 句意:你会对在短时间内燃烧卡路里的数量很惊讶。waste 意为浪费;store意为储存;burn意

25、为燃烧。根据常识可知是“燃烧卡路里”,故选C。33. A 考查词义辨析 句意:徒步旅行是一个极好的燃烧卡路里和增加你的心脏系统的方式。 way意为方式;grade意为年级,成绩;diet意为日常饮食。名词way后跟介词of短语作定语,表示“的方法”,故选A。34. B 考查词义辨析 句意:假如你爬山,他会帮助你构建和加强腿部肌肉。decides意为决定;helps意为帮助;plans意为计划。题干是说明爬山的作用,用help表示“帮助;起作用”,故选B。35. B 考查名词辨析 句意:假如你喜欢水,你可以去划皮划艇。根据句意,皮划艇要在水里划。故选B。36. C 考查比较级意义辨析 句意:男人

26、可能会减去更多,2200左右的卡路里。根据上文a woman can lose half a pound from an afternoon of white-water kayaking.可知男人会减去更多,用more表示“更多”。37. A 考查名词辨析 句意:这项运动可以增强你的胳膊和上身肌肉的力量。因为是划皮艇,所以增强的是胳膊和上身肌肉的力量。38. C 考查副词辨析 句意:它也是一种是你苗条的好方法。表示“也”,且又在句中,故用also。39. B 考查代词辨析 句意:因为你可以使用所有的从你的胸部到肩膀的主要肌肉群。根据下文的your major muscle可知用人称代词有“你”。40. A 考查连词的用法 句意:为了你不能倒下,通过锻炼你的肌肉它可以提高你的平衡。三个答案中只有so that用来引导目的状语从句,B、C后都用动词原形,故选A。7


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