2019年八年级英语下学期综合检测卷一 人教新目标版.doc

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1、2019年八年级英语下学期综合检测卷一 一、单项选择(8分)1(1分)_April 26, 2003, Aron found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing.A.OnB.InC.AtD.To2(1分)Do you think the English class _?No, we all like it.A.interestingB.boringC.easyD.difficult3(1分)You dont know _ I want to see you again. Its a year since I last saw

2、you.A.how muchB.how longC.how oftenD.how soon4(1分)Little David has learned to do lots of things _ he is only four years old.A.ifB.thoughC.because5(1分)John wants to join the _ club. He can _ well.A.swim; swimB.swim; swimsC.swimming; swimD.swimming; swimming6(1分)Doyouknow _ themeetingroomearly?Because

3、shehadaheadache.A.whyAnnleftB.whyAnnwillleaveC.whydidAnnleaveD.whywillAnnleave7(1分)We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.Why didnt you stay at _ one?A.a cheapB.the cheapC.a cheaperD.the cheaper8(1分)I tried several jackets on, but _ of them looked good.A.bothB.e

4、itherC.noneD.neither二、完形填空(15分)9(15分)May: So what can we do this weekend? I dont want to do my homework all day.Jill: I know, Amy. 1?May: Oh, no, we cant. The party is too noisy. My dad has a lot of work to do at home. 2? I hear a new film is on at the cinema near mt house. Its pretty popular.Jill:

5、3.May: You dont like films? Uh . huh . well, maybe we can do some shopping then. Theres a new cartoon shop opening on Saturday.Jill: 4?May: On the corner of Greenwood Street.Jill: How do we get there?May: Well, what about getting there by subway? We can meet at the subway station near the history mu

6、seum. Itll take ten minutes to get to the shop. And then we can go shopping together.Jill: 5. See you at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.(1)A.Shall we go camping in the mountainsB.Canwe have a party at your houseC.Shall we go swimmingD.What about you(2)A.Shall we go to a talent showB.Are we going to schoolC.How

7、 about seeing a filmD.Would you like something to eat(3)A.Yes,I like school workB.No, I dont want to see a filmC.Its as popular as the old oneD.Thats up to decide(4)A.Where is the shopB.How is the shopC.When does it opeD.Who is the shop(5)A.That seems boringB.Thats trueC.Thats too lateD.Thats a grea

8、t idea三、阅读理解(30分)10(6分)High Speed Train Timetable of NanjingToTrain No.Travel TimeTicket Price (¥)First/ Second Class SeatBeijingG204, G102, G6. G34 departures (离站) from 07:16 to 20:023h26m5h09m748.5/443.5D312, D322, D314 (Overnight) departures from 21:46 and 23:409h15m9h21m550/ 285ShanghaiG7029, G7

9、031, G7101, D3125. G1377 departures from 05:36 to 22:361h01m3h27m234.5/ 139.5D305, D313, D311, D321, D955, D951 departures from 03:28 to 18:592h29m2h58m190/ 88.5HangzhouG7581, G7625, G1667. G61 departures from 06:47 to 21:541h03m3h45m345.5/ 216D3125, D2281, D3295. D3141departures from 06:25 to 21:29

10、1h17m4h03m126.5/ 79(1)What is the shortest time to travel from Nanjing to Beijing by high speed train?A.1h01m.B.3h26m.C.5h09m.D.3h27m.(2)Mr. Green takes No. G7029 train to Shanghai from Nanjing. He chooses a second class seat. What is the ticket price?A.234.5B.190C.139.5D.88.5(3)When does the earlie

11、st high speed train leave Nanjing for Hangzhou?A.07:39B.06:25C.05:36D.07:1611(8分)MoviesReady Player One3D/IMAXHindi Medium2DOperation Red Sea3D/IMAXInformationCountry: AmericaType: Science fictionRelease date (上映时间):March 29, 2018 (USA)March 39, 2018 (China)Running time: 140 minutesBox office (票房):

12、$238.2millionCountry: IndiaType: ComedyRelease date:May 19, 2017 (India)April 4, 2018 (China)Running time: 131 minutesBox office: $27 millionCountry: ChinaType: Action movieRelease date:February 23, 2018 (USA)February 16, 2018 (China)Running time: 138 minutesBox office: $574.4 million(1)What kind of

13、 movie is Ready Player One?A.Science fiction, 2DB.Action movie, 3D/IMAXC.Science fiction, 3D/IMAX(2)Which movie is release earliest in China?A.Ready Player OneB.Hindi MediumC.Operation Red Sea(3)Where is the longest movie from?A.AmericaB.IndiaC.China12(8分)FFINE COLD MEDICINEA: General information.FF

14、INE is a cold medicine.B: How should I use FFINE tablets?Adults should take two pills of FFINE a day: one in the morning and one at night.Teenagers form 13 to 19 should take one pill a day: Do not take FFINE for more than three days.Children from 6 to 12 should use FFINE as instructed by doctors.C:

15、Who should not take FFINE?Children under 6.People with high blood pressure.People with heart disease.(1)The medicine mentioned in the passage is for _.A.the coldB.high blood pressureC.heart disease(2)If Mr. Gates who is 36 needs to take FFINE, how many pills does he need to take in three days?A.Two

16、pills.B.Three pills.C.Six pills.(3)If Lily is seven years old and she needs to take FFINE, _.A.she can take one pill a dayB.she shouldnt take FFINE for more than three daysC.she should use FFINE as instructed by doctors(4)The FFINE medicine is suitable for _.A.people with high blood pressureB.people

17、 above 13C.people with heart disease(5)Whats the main idea of the passage?A.It is the instruction of a kind of medicine.B.It tells us some ways to prevent the cold.C.It tells us some ways to stay healthy.13(8分) Welcome to our holiday Activity Courses We offer holiday activity courses for young peopl

18、e aged between 715 years old and operate during every school holiday except Christmas. We have a track: record of excellence and have been delivering holiday activity courses for over 20 years. Master Chef Master Chef is a practical cooking experience for young people who want to try their hand in t

19、he kitchen. You will be taught tips and techniques (技能) as well as cooking something different every day. We, will supply everything, and all you need is a willingness to try something new. Cost: $140 Musical Theatre The young people will have the chance to develop their acting and singing skills th

20、rough many exciting workshops. They will learn basic singing techniques, improve acting skills and create plays to develop their creativity. At the end of the week children will perform to parents in Prep Hall at 3:20 pm. Cost: $135 Water Sports We take Children to the Marine Lake for water sports.

21、Activities include sailing, windsurfing and power boasting. We will supple wetsuits and children should bring their own footwear, swimwear and a T-shirt. A packed lunch will be provided. Transport to the Marine Lake is by school minibus. Cost: $160 Judo Judomeaning gentle way is a modern martial art

22、 (武术) and Olympic sport. The Judo course is led by a fully trained instructor and it is open to all levels; beginners are welcome. Cost: $160 Children attending the course are on holiday; so it is important for them to have lots of fun and make new friends while learning new skills. With so many fan

23、tastic courses on offer, we are Wirrals leading Holiday Activity Course Provider. We look forward to welcoming you!(1)Whats the cost of Master Chef?A.$140.B.$135.C.$260.D.$160.(2)Which course provides a packed lunch?A.Master Chef.B.Musical Theater.C.Water sports.D.Judo.(3)The passage in a(n) _.A.let

24、terB.storyC.poemD.advertisement四、七选五(10分)14(10分)同学们经常上微机课,可是你们熟悉其中的一些规则吗?请仔细阅读下列题中的五位学生的陈述和AE中微机室的各项规则,选出符合每个学生情况的最佳选项。1 Lily: I cant bring food and drinks to the computer room. If I do so, the teacher wont let me in.2 Mike: I have to take off my shoes and put on the overshoes (鞋套). The overshoes ar

25、e near the door outside the room.3 Sara: I cant bring my MP3 player to the computer room. If I do, the teacher will take it away.4 Jack: I must keep quiet or talk in a very low voice. When I have any problems, I must put up my hand.5 Tom: I enjoy computer games very much at home, but I cant play the

26、m during the class. If I do so, the teacher will let me out.A.Keep the computer room clean. Dont wear your dirty shoes into the computer room.B.Keep quiet in the room. If you dont, others will be angry with you.C.Its not right to bring anything to eat in the room. They will make the computer room di

27、rty.D.Dont listen to music in the computer room. They have nothing to do with your study.E.Playing computer games is not allowed in the computer room. Its the place for you to study but not to play.五、补全对话(5分)15(5分)A: Could you lend me your dictionary?B: Sure. Here you are.A: Thank you. 1. I just wan

28、t to look up a few words.B: Im not using it now. 2.A: Thanks.B: 3.A: 4, are you going to the downtown this afternoon?B: Yes, I am. What can I do for you?A: 5?B: Sure. Ill be glad to.A.By the wayB.Would you please buy a book for meC.I wont keep it longD.Not at allE.Take your time六、选词填空(10分)16(10分)从方框

29、中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空。grass move without him little foot shoe anything sad because The date was like any other day in his life. After school David walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for . He really wanted to have a new pair of for h

30、is birthday. He walked away and thought of how to tell his mother. He knew she would give him if she could. But he also knew very well she had money. He decided not to go home at once, he looked worried and he didnt want to make his mother worry about it. So he went to the park and there he sat on t

31、he . Then he saw a girl in a wheel chair. He found that the girl the wheels with her hands. David looked at her carefully and was surprised to see that the girl had no . He looked down at his own feet. It is much better to be without shoes than feet. It was not right for him to feel so sorry and sad

32、. He went away and smiled, thinking he was luckier in life.七、书面表达(15分)17(15分) 上星期五Tom在学校操场拾到一个黑色书包,内有两件T恤衫,一本英汉字典。请失主速与三年四班Tom 联系,电话:13846007166。Found_ Tom答案一、单项选择1【答案】A【解析】考查时间介词。句意:在2003年4月26日,Aron 在爬山时发现自己处于一个非常危险的状况。on+具体日期,表示在具体某一天;in+年/月,表示在某年或某月;at+钟点,表示在几点钟;to 向。根据 April 26, 2003 可知此处表示在具体某一

33、天,应用介词 on。故选A。2【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:你觉得英语课无聊吗?不,我们都喜欢它。interesting 有趣的;boring 无聊的;easy 容易的;difficult 困难的。根据答语对前面否定,并且说喜欢,可推知前面说英语课无聊(令人厌烦)。故选B。3【答案】A【解析】考查词义。句意:你不知道我有多想再次见到你,自从我上次见到你一年了。how much 多么,也可以用来询问价格和不可数名词的数量;how long 多久;how often 多久;how soon 多久以后。分析句意可知此处用 how much 表示多么,符合语境。故选A。4【答案】B【解析】考

34、查连词。句意:小大卫虽然只有四岁,却学会了做很多事情。if 如果,引导条件状语从句;though 虽然,引导让步状语从句;because 因为,引导原因状语从句。根据语境可知,前后句存在着让步关系,因此用连词 though。故选B。5【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词和固定搭配。句意:John 想要参加游泳俱乐部。他游泳好。swim 游泳;swimming 是动名词形式。第一个空表示的意思是游泳俱乐部,应用动名词作定语,修饰名词;第二个空前有情态动词 can,所以用动词原形。故选C。6【答案】A【解析】考查宾语从句。句意:你知道为什么安早早地离开会议室吗?因为她头疼。分析句子结构可知空格处是宾语

35、从句,应用陈述语序,排除CD;根据答语中的 had 可知此处询问的是过去情况,应用一般过去时。故选A。7【答案】C【解析】考查冠词和比较级。句意:我们花了我们所有的钱,因为我们住在镇上最贵的旅馆里。你们为什么不住一个比较便宜的?根据 a 一个,表示泛指;the 这个,那个,表示特指;根据句意可知这里是泛指,和 the most expensive hotel 相比,所以用比较级;故选C。8【答案】C【解析】考查不定代词。句意:我试了几件夹克,但是没有一件是穿着合身的。both 两者都;either 两者中任何一个都可;none 三者或三者以上一个也没有,既可以指代人也可以指代物,常指代上文出现

36、的东西;neither 两者中没有一个。句子前半句 I tried several jackets on 及 but 表示的转折意义可知,后面想表示“没有一件是穿着合身的”,且所试的衣服不只一件,none 符合语境。故选C。二、完形填空9【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)B (4)A (5)D 【解析】1. 根据 Oh, no, we cant. The party is too noisy. 可知该空是一个以 can 引导的一般疑问句,且是建议举行聚会。故选B。2. 根据 I hear a new film is on at the cinema near mt house. Its pre

37、tty popular. 可知是建议看电影。故选C。3. 根据 You dont like films? 可知是不想看电影,故选B。4. 根据 On the corner of Greenwood Street. 可知是问商店在哪里?故选A。5. 根据 Itll take ten minutes to get to the shop. And then we can go shopping together. 和 See you at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. 可知是赞成这个提议,故选D。三、阅读理解10【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)B 【解析】这是一张南京高速列车时刻表,

38、包括到达的地点、车次、出发时间、行程时间以及票价等。1. 细节理解题。根据到达地点 Beijing 所对应的一行可知行程时间为 3h26m5h09m 和 9h15m9h21m,结合选项可知B选项符合题意。故选B。2. 细节理解题。根据到达地点 Shanghai 所对应的一行可知 G7029 的票价是 234.5/ 139.5,即一等座位票价是234.5,二等座位票价是139.5。故选C。3. 细节理解题。根据到达地点 Hangzhou 所对应的一行可知南京开往杭州的列车出发时间和到达时间分别是06:47 to 21:54 和 06:25 to 21:29,所以最早的高速列车离开南京去往杭州的时

39、间应是06:25。故选B。11【答案】(1)C (2)C (3)A 【解析】本文是三部电影头号玩家、起跑线、红海行动的介绍,内容包括产地、类型、上映时间、时长等。1. 细节理解题。根据 Ready Player One 电影信息:Ready Player One 3D/IMAX 及 Type: Science fiction 可知选C。2. 细节理解题。根据三个电影介绍中的 Release date (上映时间) 信息可知三个电影在中国的上映时间分别是2018年3月29日、2018年4月4日和2018年2月16日,故红海行动上映时间最早。故选C。3. 细节理解题。根据表格信息 Running

40、time(播放时长)可知时间最长的电影是 Ready Player One头号玩家,是一部美国电影。故选A。12【答案】(1)A (2)C (3)C (4)B (5)A 【解析】这篇文章介绍了一种感冒药的使用说明书的具体内容。1. 细节理解题。根据文章内容 FFINE is a cold medicine. 可知这种药物是治疗感冒的。故选A。2. 细节理解题。根据 Adults should take two pills of FFINE a day: one in the morning and one at night. 可知成年人需要一天服用两片药,早上一片,晚上一片。所以三天要服六片药

41、物。故选C。3. 细节理解题。根据文章内容 Children from 6 to 12 should use FFINE as instructed by doctors. 可知,年龄在六岁到12岁的孩子应该遵循医生的教导服用药物。故选C。4. 细节理解题。根据文章内容 Adults should take two pills of FFINE a day: one in the morning and one at night. Teenagers form 13 to 19 should take one pill a day: Do not take FFINE for more tha

42、n three days. 可知这种药物适用于十三岁以上的孩子。故选B。5. 主旨大意题。这篇文章介绍了一种感冒药的使用说明书的具体内容。故选A。13【答案】(1)A (2)C (3)D 【解析】本文是一则广告,介绍假日活动课程。他们为715岁的年轻人提供节日活动课程。重点介绍了厨师,音乐剧,水上运动和柔道等课程。1. 根据 Master Chef 课程介绍的最后一句 Cost: $140 可知学厨师的费用140元。故选A。2. 根据 Water Sports 课程的介绍的第二段第二句 A packed lunch will be provided.(午餐提供一顿盒饭)可知Water Sports(水上运动)提供盒装午餐。故选C。3. 根据标题及文中所述的内容,提及的活动内容及课程价格,可知此文是一则广告。故选D。四、七选五


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