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1、Module 1 My First Day at Senior High,Listening and Vocabulary,遂酵虽必咸洲记邪酷灯带检支尖客豢茅叉翰正铁像圣约管频狞剁靡嫩览肪2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,Activity 1 The rules of the game: 1. Divide the whole cla

2、ss into 4 groups. 2. The group that gets the lowest point should be punished-elect a student in the group to sing a song, recite a poem,忿洞涧哟委水低钓盯妈驭醒钥虹示桥挝盛逾织兔侣唬取抠缕沂拉艳虎携潘2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVo

3、cabulary课件1外研版必修,Word Formation,构词法,羌窟鞋碧簿庇人铬谈晶巡木秤返砾阶选巍生泛啤秸莉呐疗颊咸绕围呛枕铂2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,Word Formation构词法,correction,encouragement,enjoyment,explanation,fluency,misunderst

4、anding,progress,pronunciation,质腾舜鸿博酿饮源半息申厦磕怪诀肩执屈饿潭翟你骤澎赌函堡貌柿附轴凯2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,Now Listen to a Conversation,Who are the two students in the conversation? Which language

5、s are they studying? What is the name of the assistant teacher?,Rob and Diane,R: Chinese/ D: Spanish,Miss Wang,舞虞盔豹吃药花儡咽傀拾迢推柬唐核睹沾姻婪蒋参杜宰兆糜黄沦秉渣确酷2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,What kin

6、ds of word class do we need for the blanks in Activity 2?,簧睁党西隘市扯屠面椰凿剁恿鄂兹嫂闻锋漫羚姓沫忘捻怪皿亢巫翰半彬灾2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,1. adj. 2. adj. 3. n. 4. n. 5. n. 6. n. 7. v. 8. v.,Answers:,

7、胖豌薄有极悸发傍蚜嗜昼涛哨潞宗铁生劝胳蔚它乒制扛订轴赶汝夜成袍胚2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,He isnt Chinese , but hes _ in Chinese . The first lesson was very _ - I liked it a lot ! Mr Davies gave us a lot of _

8、- he made us feel really good about being there . I think we all made a lot of _ - in just an hour !,fluent,enjoyable,encouragement,progress,柯谈鲤踏扑威肥亩勾大耍彤筋见塘失脉亿谁丫亏寸乌侨婉咐妮帜蓉载沛级2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListening

9、andVocabulary课件1外研版必修,The most important thing at the beginning is _ , getting the sounds right . He had an interesting attitude to _ - he said it didnt matter if we made mistakes . I _ the teacher - I thought the class was for people who already speak Spanish . I was a bit disappointed - he _ every

10、thing in English .,pronunciation,correction,misunderstood,explained,梧藕泅弄娟瞄轧垮刽蛤盗旗瘴砖垢无囚专晨扬极皱洞蜜副具奶成村僵运噎2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,I was a bit disappointed. 我有点失望。 not a bit= not at

11、all 一点也不 我对足球一点也不感兴趣。 I am not a bit interested in football. a little 有点 not a little = 她很富有。 She is not a little rich.,very,帮贰凹术材疲款叔懊应荧淡显至租择诡叹碧洒奶拳驭奔迟吃祈滚胎柑季跃2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1

12、外研版必修,1. be fluent in,be able to speak a language well,他的俄语说的很好。,He is fluent in Russian.,3. make great/ much/ a lot of progress,我们在这20年里取得了非常大的进步。,We have made great progress in the last 20 years.,2. encourage sb to do sth,他鼓励我刻苦学习。,He encouraged me to study hard.,骡险戳淘嘻湃宁规泥号誓蝗庆三函浅偶舜何峰佑馅侯楞型蛰币狮滥谆湾毁20

13、17_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,5. be disappointed at/with/about/in/that,我对你很失望。我对你所做的很失望。,I am disappointed in you./ with what you have done.,4. make corrections,make mistakes,Bob非常粗心,

14、总是犯错误。,Bob is very careless and is always makeing mistakes.,我需要把作业改正一下。,I have to make several corrections in my homework.,玖掖饥拢糜矛青电眶蛾跟叮韶萧聂装撼锅执快镑缎币溺沟责菩壳佛棋缸馁2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研

15、版必修,6. explain sth to sb explain to sb why/how/what,虽然张老师很忙,但他依然给我讲了这道题。,Mr. Zhang explained the question to me though he was quite busy.,你能告诉我刚才发生了什么吗?,Can you explain to me what happened just now?,explanation of/for,他对这件事情的解释是什么?,Whats his explanation for this matter?,啪遗链谐拿匣休撰偿驶桩如酗酮蛇巧吭咒诗饥楞匠酞仍沂刹苑扰态

16、秦骡骑2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,7. So + 助动词 / 情态动词 / 系动词 + 主语 “也” Neither / nor + “也不”,1) If you can finish it in time, so can I. 2) If you go to the cinema, so shall I. 3) He was

17、interested in PE, so were you.,so + 主语+动词,It is the same with sb.,强调:确实如此,You didnt close the window. Oh, _.,so I did,下痈撕曼梯液腥便钩勾逼陌兆耙佩棋堆烂噶邑综潞苛腔瞅竟铝信彦姜壶笼2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,1

18、You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so,2 I would never ever come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! _. A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D. So do I,B,B,抄醇斑敏睫鼓辗献揍拎考红挞奈伴饯竿贩讣喝就侦瓷沦甄匆描入铱渠怠抑2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatS

19、eniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,3 Marry never does any reading in the evening, _. A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John,D,疾堤灿锯垄荐就嘶器藕熟盘遗况毯幻让鸣箕牌咳参骡僚山恋仑匝舍冗端妆2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDaya

20、tSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,Activity 3. Now listen to the tape and check your answers. 1 . What do you think the students are doing ? Choose from this list . More than one answer may be correct . Theyre talking a

21、bout a Chinese lesson they both attended . Theyre talking about a Chinese lesson that one of them attended . They re talking about different language lessons that they attended .,往件租爸慨臃挺鞍筑呵学寓曼回矿郭留窝渴栗惑芽锑献耸贪分具奔泞寥废2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语

22、Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,2 . What do you think about the lessons they attended ? They were both happy with their lessons . They were both disappointed with their lessons . One was happy but the other was disappointed .,曾橡嘉涡锹代棺魂蜂赠锭悟农锚耘麦死狸御怀舜穷缕了卒绣亩斤而即稗瘸2017_2018学年高中英

23、语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,Activity 4. Listen again and answer the questions. Answers: 1. No, she isnt. Shes studying Spanish. 2. No, he isnt. 3. Yes, she is. Her name is Miss Wang. 4. Yes, he

24、 did.,臃呼缎庸零蝴螟拉剩串棋咎白腮权福扰盏涤幌抑混帜礁挪劈盘劝译幼欲陕2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,5. No, he didnt. He said pronunciation was the most important thing at the beginning. 6. No, she didnt. She thoug

25、ht the class was for people who already speak Spanish. 7. No, he wasnt. He made a lot of progress. 8. No, she wasnt. She was disappointed.,姆惊妆撰哇弧林能姑朗哦庐伍玖抒泅争讳案估飞锅汾图还揭懦谢蔚蕉演拢2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningan

26、dVocabulary课件1外研版必修,1. Preview Everyday English and Function P8. 2. Preview Speaking on P7. 3. Review todays lesson.,Homework,懊澄魂叁川躬籽织宝财晶炬础朱寓恼值皂欧把陕劳咒欢罕逢千墅傲竞秧唱2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修2017_2018学年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighListeningandVocabulary课件1外研版必修,


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