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1、Unit 3 My friends一、 教学内容A. Lets learn A. Lets chant二、教学目标1. 能听说读写下列词汇:strong , friendly, quiet.2. 能听说读写词组:tall and strong , short and thin , a new friend.三、教学重难点1. 正确认识本课单词。2. 运用所学单词和词组介绍自己的朋友。3. 会用his和 her.四、教学准备 教师准备图片、视频。五、教学设计Step 1. Warm-up1. 教师和学生一起做一个“chant”作为热身和对以前单词的复习。 T:Good morning, boys

2、 a girls! Im happy today. Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: Lets do “ Make yourself tall” together. Make yourself tall, tall, tall, tall! Make yourself short, short, short, short! Make your arms long, long, long, long! Make your arms short, short, short, short! Make your eyes big, big, big, big! Make your

3、eyes small, small, small, small!2. 教师与学生对话,询问姓名,并握手说“ Lets be friends” 引出 friends, 并带读。 T: Im Miss Rong, whats your name? S1: My name is T: Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T: Lets be friends. OK? (握手) Step 2. Presentation.1. 观看迪士尼动画视频。T:Im happy to make friends with all of you. Now, let

4、s enjoy a video.2. 教师通过问答形式复习tall, short, thin 并引出 strong.T: Do you have a friend? S2: Yes, I have.T: A boy? A girl? S2:T: Is he /she tall ? S2:T:Is he/ she thin/strong? S2:(学习单词strong 和thin ,并让学生注意 thin 的发音)3. T:Whats your name? S3: My name is .教师指着刚才的同学问其他学生 “Whats his/ her name?” 学生回答“ His /Her n

5、ame is ” 教师总结并引导学生说 “ I have a friend. He/ She is tall and strong. His / Her name is .引出并练习单词和句型。4. 教师先做个示范,介绍自己的朋友。然后请同学仿照自己简要描述。 T: I have a good friend. She is an English teacher. She is tall and thin. Her name is Qin Lulu. Do you know her? Do you like her? Can you introduce your friend?5. 教师把右手食

6、指放在嘴上,做出让学生们安静的动作,说出单词“quiet” 然后再观察两张图片,使学生们理解quiet 的意思,带读。6. 教师出示两张图片,让学生们观察,并说出“ He is friendly, he is not friendly.” 引出 friendly, 带读。7. 教读单词,并一起做A部分 Lets chant! Step 3 . Practice教师准备几张明星图片(盖起来),然后简要描述外貌体征和性格,请同学们猜一猜, Who is he/she?T:He is a Chinese man. He is very tall and strong. He is quiet. He

7、 can play basketball very well. Do you know who is he?Ss: He is Yao Ming. / His name is Yao Ming.T:He is Chinese. He is short and strong. He is friendly. He has many action movies. Do you know who is he?Ss: His name is Cheng Long.T: He is a singer. He is from Taiwan. He is tall and thin, but quiet.

8、Guess!Ss: His name is Jay chou.T: She is a singer, too. And she is also from Taiwan. She is short and thin, she is friendly. She can dance very well. Can you guess her name?Ss:Her name is Jolin.Step 4. Consolidation1 教师给学生2分钟的时间,描述一下自己的好朋友,请其他同学猜一猜名字。T: Now I give you 2 minutes to describe your best friend, then the other students can guess his/ her name.3. 教师带读本节课所学单词和句型。Step 5. Sum-up We all have friends. Friend should learn from each other and help each other.教师在最后总结这句话,使学生们明白朋友的重要性。Step 6. Homework Describe your favorite people in English. 2


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